VOY: String Theory 1: Cohesion by Jeffrey Lang Review Thread (Spoiler)

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    Votes: 3 18.8%
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Round 4 of the Classic Review Threads.

Voyager: String Theory, Book One: Cohesion
by Jeffrey Lang



Lifting the Hem of the Universe

Spirits unbroken by the failed promise of the U.S.S. Dauntless, Captain Kathryn Janeway's indefatigable crew continues their odyssey of discovery through an enigmatic region of the Delta Quadrant, encountering a system inhabited by a species that, according to known physical laws, shouldn't exist.

These unusual beings, the Monorhans, hover near the edge of extinction; technology from the Starship Voyager™ promises life. Janeway, compelled by the aliens' plight, dispatches Seven of Nine and Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres to the Monorhan homeworld. But an unexpected shock wave crashes the shuttle carrying Torres and Seven, catapulting Voyager into a place beyond the fabric of space-time.

As B'Elanna and Seven wage an interpersonal war, Voyager struggles to prevail on an extradimensional battleground against an indefinable enemy. But fate has determined that one is inexorably linked to the other: the insurmountable chasm separating Voyager from her lost crew members must be bridged...or all will perish.


My (short) review from 2005:

Jeffrey Lang did the impossible : He made the most uninteresting crew roster in the whole Star Trek franchise actually work for me. Especially the chemistry between B’Elanna and Seven is excellent, you really get the feeling of a good old "Odd Couple" story. But the other characterizations are very good, too, Jeffrey Lang tapped potentials I thought they didn’t have.

The story develops on a slow and steady pace after the beginning catastrophe and is able to be stand alone and the starting point for the following book(s) at the same time. The alien culture has potential, but is the only weaker point so far, a bit more background material beside Kaytok’s story about his grandsire would have been great.

Overall a great start for a hopefully great trilogy.
Re: VOY: String Theory 1: Cohesion by Jeffrey Lang Review Thread (Spoi

I just checked and I gave this one five stars and favorited it on Shelfari, and I remember really enjoying it when it was released, so I voted outstanding.
Re: VOY: String Theory 1: Cohesion by Jeffrey Lang Review Thread (Spoi

I last read this years ago,but I remember adoring the B'Elanna and Seven interactions.:techman:
Re: VOY: String Theory 1: Cohesion by Jeffrey Lang Review Thread (Spoi

I don't remember it all that well but I do remember not really liking it much. I didn't love or hate it so average.
Re: VOY: String Theory 1: Cohesion by Jeffrey Lang Review Thread (Spoi

It's been a long time since I read it, so I don't remember much, but I do know I enjoyed it a lot more than the second and third.
Re: VOY: String Theory 1: Cohesion by Jeffrey Lang Review Thread (Spoi

It's been a long time since I read it, so I don't remember much, but I do know I enjoyed it a lot more than the second and third.

Yeah, I remember this as the best and most straightforward String Theory novel, and I remember the B'Elanna/Seven interactions as one of its highpoints.
Re: VOY: String Theory 1: Cohesion by Jeffrey Lang Review Thread (Spoi

Unlike the previous Voyager novels, and even the relaunch novels, which I really like, String Theory got really bogged down by a lot of "descriptive narrative" that I found really didn't move the story forward, and I was really glad that the three books were coming out over a 6 or 9 month period, since it allowed me to get through the stories. This trilogy really didn't stand up to the bar that Dark Matters had set.

Defcon, you realize that you misspelled "Below Average" in the poll? "Below Avarage"?
Didn't expect a review thread for this one! Well, definitely resurrecting a very old thread here!

I enjoyed Coshesion. An enjoyable start to the String Theory trilogy. At the heart of the story is the antagonistic relationship between Seven of Nine and B'Elanna Torres, which gets some fascinating evolution thanks to the events of this novel. Cohesion definitely grabbed my interest and has me curious to see how the story continues in the next book.

Full review on TrekLit.com: https://www.treklit.com/2024/02/StringTheory1.html