video clips and Licensing Restrictions

Discussion in 'Web Sites/Design' started by Johnny7oak, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. Johnny7oak

    Johnny7oak Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 14, 2015
    Chances are we've all seen them on other peoples facebook, linked them, liked them, and reposted the web address a dozen times over multiplied, expontially, and will again and again... But what restrictions to the original video industry are there?

    When I was in High school, I was told: 10 sec clips of one production or 30 second clip of a audible file... so.. is that still the case? Screen shots would give you 1000 photos of a 100 frame per a second video. Is that acceptable? What about HD or high resolution? And cutting and pasting smaller sections of a larger image?

    Anyone know the Rules?

    I've done some videos myself... once for tech support issues...
    and today I cut clips out of ST: TAS and compiled them together without audio... they aren't long, but as a student then, this would have been acceptable, is that still the case?
  2. Alidar Jarok

    Alidar Jarok Everything in moderation but moderation Moderator

    Apr 14, 2003
    Norfolk, VA
    Are we talking legal restrictions (as opposed to technical restrictions)? If so, no amount is OK. It's about what you're using it for, not how much you use (although whether you use more than necessary is something to consider).
  3. Johnny7oak

    Johnny7oak Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 14, 2015
    Yes, legal restrictions.... Are most of the images on Facebook just "liked" and "shared" and come from a licensed source?
  4. Kor

    Kor Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jul 31, 2001
    My mansion on Qo'noS
    Kids working on school video projects need concrete rules with exact lengths because they can't reason well enough on principles of fair use, what the clip is being used for, etc.

    Take a gander at the best practices suggested by the Center for Media & Social Impact:

    They also have examples:

    Youtube also has guidelines on fair use:

  5. Johnny7oak

    Johnny7oak Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Dec 14, 2015
    Ok. Thanks Kor. I think I am ok as they are small clips and not for equity or capitol gain... the clips taken were about 10 secs when all together... and I am not marketing them, and have also changed the content so that the words being spoken in the TAS are to note appearance of different words. The actual lines in ST: TAS are differing.

    mostly comical...
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2016