USS Impetuous and USS Talon Universe Timelines & Updates


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
USS Impetuous

Prologue - Late 2388
The Fall of Captain Lin Arc
The Hitomi Incident (3578 words)
Ramifications (951 words)
The Briefing (1570 words)

Coming Aboard - January 2389
(Introductory threads for various Impetuous characters)
Moving On (1723 words) Lieutenant Commander T'Kaen, Chief of Security
Asking Favors (968 words) Ensign Kaavi, Operations Officer & Ensign Trevol Mira, Helm Officer

USS Talon
(Most USS Talon content is edited together from various RP posts written by myself and Marian Murdoch for USS Talon. As such, they often differ stylistically from USS Impetuous stories.)

The Beauty of Gray - March 2408-??
The Beauty of Gray covers the relationship between Kayden Rychel and Helik Dakbar. It exists mostly independently of other stories.
The Beauty of Gray (novel - 250,000 words and counting)

March 24, 2408
Joined (3630 words)

June 15, 2408
Deception (1521 Words)
Glad to see the Impetuous series up and running again. I was introduced to your characters through the crossover you did with Joseph Manno's USS Liberty and quickly read "The Hitomi Incident" soon after.
I was disappointed when your work seemed to disappear from the internet, but this just proves good things really do happen to those who wait. :)
Thanks :-)

I had a lot of icky RL stuff going on at the time, so I had to give up all my writing and such. Things are calming down a bit, so I've been reposting some of the original pieces, and a few things that I never managed to get done at the time. I am, however, continuing the Impetuous' story solo.

I hope you enjoy it, and thanks again for reading!
Argh, I hate that I can't edit my original post. Added Cardassia Prime, from the USS Impetuous universe. It takes place after the Impetuous's journey is under way, but was written to stand alone.
Since I can't edit posts here, I've made a page on my site dedicated to story updates for USS Impetuous, which can be found here.
Update: Added Chapter 22 to The Beauty of Gray.

Added: USS Areus: Echoes of the Past.

USS Areus is a vessel assigned to the same mission as USS Impetuous.