Upcoming ad changes


Official Tahmoh Taster
Rear Admiral
I just wanted to give a bit of a heads up that there'll be some tweaks going on around the Trek BBS in terms of what ads we have and where.

We are currently not delivering the ad view levels we require, and when we combine that with the global economy things are tough.

But I'd like to try and proactively help keep the site alive, so will be looking at new ways to introduce advertising into the sites.

No one really wants more ads, but please note:

  • These ads are most likely to be just Google ads.
  • We don't wish to detract from UGO, our advertising partner.
  • There will be more ads for unregisterd members, some extra for registered members and we will continue to serve no ads to premium members.
  • A lot of them I will try out, see how it works. I welcome constructive feedback on if they work, or if there are better placements for the ads.
Thanks for your support.