TOS Kirk & Spock Deepfake


Actresses are having their faces superimposed into porn.

Never underestimate our ability to adapt new technology to sex and profit.

Isn't that one of the two main reasons anything is developed in the first place? :D

Now if they made technology that made us look like porn stars instead of cartoon characters, who wouldn't sign up and volume licensing would reduce the net cost as well! :D
Do you think it would be disrespectful to Grace's memory to edit her into season 3 episodes? ;-p

IMHO, no. Rand - to me - was an instant hit. Yes, they had other yeomen but her vanishing from the ship without recognition did take a while. She's always been a part of the crew. Heck, she offered an idea on costuming that was accepted and it became iconic, which overrules any possible negative aspects and no negative aspects existed at the time.

FYI: I'm a partial supporter of TOS-R, where new effects complemented and deepened the episodes as opposed to being hollow and gratuitousness like Star Wars IV-VI, or the fad that encompassed Red Dwarf. "Partial" meaning "most episodes, not all, maybe if they spent a little more on rendering some aspects since the ideas implemented were top-notch and added much to the proceedings legitimately"...
IMHO, no. Rand - to me - was an instant hit. Yes, they had other yeomen but her vanishing from the ship without recognition did take a while. She's always been a part of the crew. Heck, she offered an idea on costuming that was accepted and it became iconic, which overrules any possible negative aspects and no negative aspects existed at the time.

FYI: I'm a partial supporter of TOS-R, where new effects complemented and deepened the episodes as opposed to being hollow and gratuitousness like Star Wars IV-VI, or the fad that encompassed Red Dwarf. "Partial" meaning "most episodes, not all, maybe if they spent a little more on rendering some aspects since the ideas implemented were top-notch and added much to the proceedings legitimately"...
I think I have mixed views. The ships need to be less crisp with more 'noise' to look as 'real' as the original. I quite enjoy the updated effects in TMP but those were not HD I guess.
What an actor looks like or sounds like is nothing, the performance comes from the mind. When that mind is gone, that should be it. I find it a bit bewildering that anyone would be interested in an actor's likeness being used as essentially a puppet for someone else's idea of what a performance should be like.
I think it would be a misuse of images to paste Whitney into episodes where she really wasn't.

Deep fakes to become a political problem:
I am uneasy with the term 'misuse', which I would reserve for commercial use with no permission or recompense for the actors or their estate. If it's for personal use, it's no different to drawing a likeness to keep at home for personal enjoyment. One might argue that it's disrespectful to the nameless blonde yeomen extras you're replacing I suppose :-). There are a few crew assembly episodes, like Kirk's wake in the Tholian Web, Space Seed, the Way to Eden, or Let That Be Your Last Battlefield where Rand in the background could work.

I might be tempted to slap Whitney's face on Yeoman Ross or Yeoman Atkins but that's probably as far as you could go.

If I wanted to be really ambitious, I'd look to edit parts of Rand's suspicious exchange in the turbolift with evil Kirk into an exchange with Lester Kirk in Turnabout Intruder to add a bit of spice.

Actually, the pinnacle would be colourising some of Whitney's scenes from Some Like it Hot and adding her to the landing party in A Piece of the Action when they beam down in costume. If there's a way to edit in her line from the Man Trap, "Why don't you go chase an asteroid," it would not look out of place!
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At least with Chris Evans' face, my understanding is that they were using his real face and superimposing it on a double's body rather than trying to essentially recreate it.

Yes, that far different than the bizarre, rubbery/cartoony Tarkin and Leia trying to be a total artificial replacement for actors.
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This is amazing (and also a little bit frightening).

I think something like this would be a great way to have an iconic character have a cameo. COmparable to the Leia-scene in Rogue One (but hopefully not as uncanny): Imagine on Discovery them calling the Enterprise, and having a short exchange with ShatnerFake. That would be amazing!

Definitely should be relegated to short appereances tough, and the issues of the rights of one's body image need to be worked out. I'd definitely prefer doing something like that with living people who can consent (Shatner agreeing to a one-off use in a cameo). Digging up dead actors seems... unethical.
I must the only person who was fine with the Tarkin CGI in Rogue One, and thought that the Leia CGI was near-perfect. :shrug:
I must the only person who was fine with the Tarkin CGI in Rogue One, and thought that the Leia CGI was near-perfect. :shrug:
They look better on the small screen but I think it's Leia speaking that throws me. If they'd cut away from her I might have given her a hearty thumbs up.
Anson Mount as Christopher Pike. I don't even watch the show and I knew that.

Do we know when Kirk first set foot on the Enteprise? COuld be first Officer ShatnerKirk for all that matters.

Also, pretty condescending to suggest Discovery would get cancelled before canonically Pike leaves the Enterprise.:lol:
Do we know when Kirk first set foot on the Enteprise? COuld be first Officer ShatnerKirk for all that matters.

Yes, Kirk met Pike when he (Kirk) assumed Command of the Enterprise. So no First Officer Kirk
Plus Kirk was still a lowbie when Disco takes place.

“Condescending”? Give me a break.
Jesus Christ. This was about using that deepfake technology for a small cameo of a young Shatner-Kirk in a current-day production. Which I think would be a neat idea, if all the ethics stuff about using this technology would be cleared.

I couldn't care less if that specific video call went to the early Discoprise, the Farragut or the USS Hello Kitty or wherever Kirk is canonically supposed to be at the time - which the writers of DIS could change anyway at any given moment, since they are rewriting a whole lot of canon anyway.

That shit is really not what all this is about, and solely focusing on that part is not just completely missing the point, but being a bit unnecessarily condescending about it as well.
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Sulu was sometimes the officer of the deck. Kirk, Spock, Scotty, and McCoy were often otherwise engaged from what I recall so it's not beyond the realms of possibility for Lt Kirk of the Hood, or Farragut to appear in a communique in Discovery. It would be freaky though.

Plus ,if they've recast Spock already, they may not balk at recasting Kirk as needed.