TMP Accordion-style Console Keys/Buttons


Red Shirt
I’m helping a friend design a TOS movie-era console that he intends on using as part of an interactive display stand for his 1:350 refit Enterprise. I’m pretty excited for the opportunity, I’ve always loved Lee Cole’s instrumentation and 70's/80's graphic design style. IMO her instruments are very clean with advanced ergonomics, plus when activated, they're very engaging. I specifically like how most are colorless in the off position, and then come alive when activated.

A few days ago, while sketching some ideas, it struck me that I didn’t have any real dimensions for any of the controls I was recreating. I have a lot of images, and will make educated guesses if I have to, but I know several other members have either touched the originals or have already worked these out. With this in mind, does anyone happen to know the measurements of these bridge controls?

I’m currently fixated on:
(A) Accordion-style keys/buttons
(B) Speakers grill (and maybe a scroll wheel)


Example of measurements:

I’ve been reviewing all of the information I have. Within Lee Cole’s console design notes for Phase II she refers to the “raised plastic” above the accordion-style buttons as a “speaker/microphone.” This continues across all of the other consoles she designed. I just thought this was interesting.

Science Station:

Nav Station:

Comm Station:

Then we see Saavik 2.0 (aka Robin Curtis) in TSFS, at 00:20:30, use them as a scroll wheel while scanning Genesis. IMO, it’s an interesting interpretation of this interface. Of course this is the only time we see them used like this… hmm, interesting. I’ll need to ask my buddy how he wants them to function (if at all).
Based on how it looks in the picture I'll take your word for it it's a scroll wheel, but I always thought it was a trackball.
Based on how it looks in the picture I'll take your word for it it's a scroll wheel, but I always thought it was a trackball.

Well, the actual plant-on is shaped like an accordion tub, just cut in half. In the end, it looks like a a half-moon wheel divided into several sections. IMO, it looks like a cast from an applicator.

A quick example:

Example GIF (captured with iPhone):

Possible original shape:
My buddy decided that he'd "absolutely" like to try incorporate a set of accordion-style keys and would prefer they actuate w/ backlights "if you can pull it off". With these decisions, I've started designing a 3D test model with only a few keys. My intention will be to build a small study panel with a few keys to ensure things work as intended.

Study model (in-work):



Once the study model is ready, I'll laser cut the sheets and 3D print some accordion-style keys. Of course, I still need to determine how to light the keys, but that'll really depend on how the resign-printed keys reflect/carry light. My initial thought is to use a light strip with reflective tape on all of the surrounding surfaces, but we'll see.
Seeing Saavik spinning that not-necessarily-actually-spinning piece in a scene filmed in 1984, well before the person on the street would be used to quickly flick-scrolling a computer screen, is giving the same vertigo other people must've felt when they didn't recognize Sulu was using a slide-rule in a TOS episode and wondered if he was somehow texting on the bridge.
Seeing Saavik spinning that not-necessarily-actually-spinning piece in a scene filmed in 1984, well before the person on the street would be used to quickly flick-scrolling a computer screen, is giving the same vertigo other people must've felt when they didn't recognize Sulu was using a slide-rule in a TOS episode and wondered if he was somehow texting on the bridge.

According to Wikipedia, trackball controllers for computer arcade games were commonplace in the late '70s and early '80s. So it probably wouldn't have seemed that unusual to a 1984 audience.

And even before then, wheel-like dials in electronic devices were pretty common, e.g. the tuning and volume knobs in portable transistor radios.
[QUOTE="Christopher, post: 14668201, member: 295"his According to Wikipedia, trackball controllers for computer arcade games were commonplace in the late '70s and early '80s. So it probably wouldn't have seemed that unusual to a 1984 audience.[/QUOTE]
This is the reason I thought it was a trackball. I was familiar with those.
A couple of days ago I spoke with my friend for a while and he isn’t ready to decide much at this point. He does however really like the direction I’m headed towards, but he’s asked me to either “slowdown” (a lot) or to even “pause for a while.”

In his words, he’s a slow “un-obsessive builder” that moves at 1mph (1.6 kph), whereas I’m an “all-in obsessive lunatic that builds faster than the speed of light”. It seems that I inadvertently made him feel pressured to “get building, now…hurry up, build, BUILD!!”.

I feel pretty bad, it seems I got a little too eager, sent too many updates, and wanted answers to questions he’d not even considered. His explanation was to get a few ideas over the coming months, not an “list of demands and a book of construction schematics”. After talking, we’re in a good and understanding place. He gave me more ideas regarding what he’s “thinking about doing”; which is basically adding all the cool refit Enterprise electronic effects:
  • Drydock Lighting Sequence (Stepped activation)
  • Internal Lighting (On/Off in a specified Sequence)
  • External Lighting (On/Off in a specified Sequence)
  • Navigational Lights (On/Off in a specified Sequence)
  • Warp Speed
  • Impulse Drive
  • Shields (Up/Down)
  • Torpedo Launch
  • Phaser Fire
  • And “Whatever else [he] can think of”
I’ll keep designing controls around his “thinking’s,” and he’ll, “build it when he’s damn good and ready.

Regard this thread going forward; I’ll keep posting updates regarding my accordion-style keys, but not the actual model stand. The model stand should either have its own dedicated thread, or more likely, be posted to a starship modeling site (not sure where that would be).

Thank you to all that posted comments and feedback. It’s much appreciated.
[QUOTE="Christopher, post: 14668201, member: 295"his According to Wikipedia, trackball controllers for computer arcade games were commonplace in the late '70s and early '80s. So it probably wouldn't have seemed that unusual to a 1984 audience.
This is the reason I thought it was a trackball. I was familiar with those.
holy fucking fuck people didn't no one of you play Missile Command in 1980?!
holy fucking fuck people didn't no one of you play Missile Command in 1980?!
Of course I did. For most of my childhood (80's and a little of the 90's), that's all me an my nerd buddy did. Every time we went to the mall, movies, or mini golf we played video games... games... games.

When I think of us hanging out, all I hear in my head is ... "And you're living in the shade of a video arcade".
Aka, "Video Fever" by The Beepers
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