Things that frustrate us all

I don't think I indicated "outrage"? I even used the same "does not endorse" wording from the statement you quoted. I was just trying to counter the point about the headdress by indicating that the band did not agree. Sorry if it came across other than what I intended.
And I'm sorry if my post came across as a snipe at you. It wasn't my intent.
I did hear about it. And I have listened to stories, as much of them as I could stomach (which wasn't much). And we here in the US did it too. And it was just as hateful, just as disgusting, the frosting on the cake of genocide, lies, and theft that we spent centuries baking. And I'm not running any illusions that as was the case with you, many of our Native "students" didn't survive their "education". The remains just haven't been discovered yet.

Obviously, “like” would be inappropriate for this heavy a topic. We obviously don’t agree on everything on this issue, but I did want to acknowledge and appreciate your response here.
Obviously, “like” would be inappropriate for this heavy a topic. We obviously don’t agree on everything on this issue, but I did want to acknowledge and appreciate your response here.
I understand. It was an ugly time in the history of both our countries.
I am working under the assumption that you are not yourself Indigenous? If that assumption is incorrect, please accept my apologies. But if it is correct, then respectfully, it's not really up to you or me to determine what should be considered offensive by the Indigenous people. And the communities themselves do seem to have found it offensive. (The article is recent-ish, but it does note that the groups have been fighting for the name change for "decades".)

You're correct. But the irony of it is that while I clearly found ''redskins'' clearly offensive 20 years before they changed, a surprising amount of American Indians didn't share that viewpoint. It's an obvious slur. I simply can't equate it with ''Indians,'' which, while appropriation of a sort, is not inherently insulting.
"Indians" is just the continuation of an honest mistake, but one that was made over 500 years ago and should have been corrected much sooner.
I have lower back pain, took some pain killers, went to work. Went to the Human resources office to say I have backpain and what kind of work do get? Fysical labour! Damn right I complained at the end of my shift
"Indians" is just the continuation of an honest mistake, but one that was made over 500 years ago and should have been corrected much sooner.

I just wish they'd picked a better name. "Guardians" sounds too much like hockey.

Should have gone with Spiders, IMHO. That's what they used to be called...

Edit: On a completely unrelated matter, the :censored:ing bitch who made one of my coworkers lucky that our store director got to her before I did. :mad:
FedEx guy took a package that had a DO NOT BEND sticker on it and threw it at the front door.
I write "caution! Syrup!" on my fragile parcels with surprising success. Delivery staff fears few things more than a sticky mess :devil::D

argh of the day: the heating at my office failed this morning. It's somewhat fresh at my desk atm: 12°C (temp. outdoors: spring-ish 3°C). We had a service tech in and the heating worked for roughly an hour only to break again.
Then my muesli turned out to be infested by indian meal moths - very pretty little butterflies but their caterpillars taste sour and I'd rather have an vegetarian muesli for breakfast.
Then the business travel software ate two of my trips, so that I have to file them again and have to get them ok-ed by my boss before I can do the travel expense report. Same happened to several other colleagues. It seems a whole 3 days have vanished from the database.

Now I am curious what else Murphy's Law has to offer. After all, it's only noon. Plenty of time for water pipes to break, false fire alarms to blear, the coffee maker to malfunction etc. As long as Murphy keeps off my supper (pörkölt with pasta) I find it more amusing than annoying.
not for long, apparently :D
My bus was 15 mins late, my neighbour has new and very loud speakers for his stereo and a bottle of dishwasher fairly exploded when I opened it. It was filled with too much pressure, apparently, and now my kitchen is somewhat sticky as was my hair and my clothes.
Now I am in bed where nothing can happen (not sure if that's positive or negative...).
Now a nice cup of tea and the complete issue of Doctor Doolittle (audiobook) and maybe a piece of chocolate.
Ha, Murphy found a way nevertheless: I am unable to find a particular smiley online: the one that drifts comfortably in a teacup. It would have fitted so nicely.
Ah well, there are other smilies

(note to mods: this smilie is from a website that explicitly permits both downloads and hotlinking:
Alle Smilies, Emoticons, Animationen kannst Du kostenlos downloaden oder direkt von unserer Seite verlinken, dafür musst du nur einen Rechtsklick auf das jeweilige Bild machen.)
You're correct. But the irony of it is that while I clearly found ''redskins'' clearly offensive 20 years before they changed, a surprising amount of American Indians didn't share that viewpoint. It's an obvious slur. I simply can't equate it with ''Indians,'' which, while appropriation of a sort, is not inherently insulting.

The team could have saved a lot of bother if they'd just changed their a redskin potato. ;)

Speaking of logos: The Chicago Blackhawks should pick up that alternative logo I saw once, of an actual black hawk. And it was drawn by a Native artist, no less. Problem solved on their end!
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I have oak trees on one side of my front yard. Spanish moss grows in them in clumps. I kind of like the way it looks in the trees. I was out watering the plants and a car slowed down and stopped in front of my house. An old guy got out and started pulling moss off the tree.
I said "excuse me!" and he looked at me and said "Can I have these? We're setting up a nativity scene in our yard." I said fine and he went on his merry. I just can't believe people just blatantly drive up and take something out of your yard without even asking first. I was standing right there.
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I have oak trees on one side of my front yard. Spanish moss grows in them in clumps. I kind of like the way it looks in the trees. I was out watering the plants and a car slowed down and stopped in front of my house. An old gut got out and started pulling moss off the tree.
I said "excuse me!" and he looked at me and said "Can I have these? We're setting up a nativity scene in our yard." I said fine and he went on his merry. I just can't believe people just blatantly drive up and take something out of your yard without even asking first. I was standing right there.
It's the 21 century. You were supposed to monetize the moss...