Things that frustrate us all

This is going to sound funny...

But the paper towel dispensers are now not detecting my right hand half of the time. My left hand (the 'sinister' one, as I have found out is called by others here) is still apparently fully invisible to it.

I'm now starting to question my own existence. Am I real? Is this a Matrix glitch? Am I a ghost? A half-alive spectral entity? Or is the machine just screwing with me because it can? (I'm partly joking with these questions, but a small part of me is starting to wonder...)

I really, really miss dispensers and other things that you can simply use by turning a knob or pulling the next sheet out. Too many things with sensors and devices. At least have a manual feature if the sensors aren't working. (That is my biggest problem with so many things that are automated... no manual backup for when it fails or doesn't work for a short time while waiting for a repair. As a society, we put too much trust in machines.)
Because the Kansas City Chiefs have issues with attire worn by... chiefs. Brilliant. :rolleyes:

Are the Bengals going to ban orange and black stripes next?

I mean, let’s not get into false equivalencies. Dressing like a tiger is not going to be offensive to the tiger community.

Then there’s the whole question as to why they still go by that name to begin with. I don’t follow sports, don’t really care about professional sports at all, but I did some searching and found that some teams have already renamed themselves to remove offending names, such as the Washington Commanders, the Cleveland Guardians, and the Edmonton Elks.
If the KC Chiefs can't handle fans showing up in Native American religalia, especially when said fans are Native American, then maybe they should consider that.

Or maybe, they should stop trying to "respect" Native American culture by eradicating it. Because call me crazy, but that seems downright DIS-respectful.
Or maybe, they should stop trying to "respect" Native American culture by eradicating it. Because call me crazy, but that seems downright DIS-respectful.

Since it is the Indigenous communities themselves who are pushing for the name/logo changes (and have been for years, they’ve just mostly been ignored until recently), they obviously feel the usage itself is the disrespectful choice. And they’re the only people who can really say what they find offensive, not us.

And let’s be honest, stereotypical and/or racist team names/logos are hardly celebrating real Indigenous culture, and their removal is in no way an “eradication” of said culture.
Since it is the Indigenous communities themselves who are pushing for the name/logo changes (and have been for years, they’ve just mostly been ignored until recently), they obviously feel the usage itself is the disrespectful choice. And they’re the only people who can really say what they find offensive, not us.

All I know is that I saw a picture of the results of cultural assimilation of Native Americans through the Indian boarding schools: short hair, western clothes, elimination of accoutrements. I found it rather sickening, honestly. If the Native Americans have been so utterly brainwashed that they're doing it themselves now, then that is their prerogative. But it's certainly nothing to advocate or celebrate.
I mean, let’s not get into false equivalencies. Dressing like a tiger is not going to be offensive to the tiger community.

Then there’s the whole question as to why they still go by that name to begin with. I don’t follow sports, don’t really care about professional sports at all, but I did some searching and found that some teams have already renamed themselves to remove offending names, such as the Washington Commanders, the Cleveland Guardians, and the Edmonton Elks.

I don't know the Elks' original name, but there's a vast difference between Redskins* and Indians* on an offensive level.

*(former names both used for specificity, accuracy and clarity, not for slurring, obviously)
The statement from the tribe in it's entirety for those that haven't seen it:
"We are aware that a young member of our community attended a Kansas City Chiefs game in a headdress and face paint in his way of supporting his favorite team, Please keep in mind that the decisions made by individuals or families in our community are their own and may not reflect the views of the broader tribal community. As a federally recognized tribe, the Santa Ynez Band Chumash Indians does not endorse wearing regalia as part of a costume or participating in any other type of cultural appropriation."​

To me, it seems less like outrage and more like the tepid PR response governments put out to steer clear of controversy. YMMV.
Today's peeve: blowing the smoke out of a partially-lit cigarette with four breaths of air on an unattended outside ashtray, then being told two minutes later inside an eatery ''Spitting is a crime''. You can do such trivial things these days to outrage fellow citizens.
Flying can sometimes be a challenge coping with fellow passengers. Flew Saturday and frustrated by..

1. Passengers who think the flight must be a personal charter, as they board take an age to stow their hand luggage and take their seats as they hold up every one else waiting to take their seats.
2. Arm rest and space invaders, ok I know economy isn't great for space but can't you just rest your arm on your side of the arm rest , do you really need to push your elbow over the arm rest and several inches into my space, like wise with your legs, do you need to sit with them spread wide , once again invading my space?
3. I know its hard to keep kids entertained on flights but surely kicking me continuously in the back isn't the best form of entertainment for them.
4. Seat recliners, why do it? Airlines should remove them for short haul flights, I mean surely you don't need to sit in my seat as well as your own.
5. Farters. Stop it, do a poo before you board I don't need to breathe in your toxic fumes
You can add women who do their nails on airline flights. Not only are the nail polish fumes irritating to other passengers, but it's just plain tacky behavior. Certain activities simply shouldn't be done when you're surrounded by 500 strangers who have nowhere else to go.
What determines when UPS delivers the package themselves and when they drop it off at the post office for them to deliver? Because I have two post office drop-offs so far that have just vanished into the void going on several days now. I'm guessing they're just sitting in a bin unscanned.
Doing something wrong. I’m almost 50 with no wear and tear. 40 is the new 30.

When it comes to health I didn't make it that far.
Somewhere around 23 to 25 years old multiple sclerosis hit.
Now I'm 41 years old and feels like almost half of my life has been wasted.
The good side in this is that the disease didn't appear earlier.
All I know is that I saw a picture of the results of cultural assimilation of Native Americans through the Indian boarding schools: short hair, western clothes, elimination of accoutrements. I found it rather sickening, honestly. If the Native Americans have been so utterly brainwashed that they're doing it themselves now, then that is their prerogative. But it's certainly nothing to advocate or celebrate.

If I remember correctly, you have previously posted that you live in Washington state. If so, that puts you fairly close to the border, so it's possible that you may have heard that in my country, we have somewhat recently had a national reckoning about our old residential school system, that has led to a difficult, multi-year journey of listening and reconciliation, which we are still working through.

So to hear you somehow argue for an equivalency between the removal of offensive team names/logos, and the horrors of the residential schools, is admittedly shocking to me. And to frame the Indigenous community trying to stop the appropriation and desecration of their cultural heritage as some kind of "brainwashing" is a severe misrepresentation of what is actually happening. If you haven't already, I might respectfully suggest that you take the time to listen to Indigenous voices/stories to help to understand their side of this.

I don't know the Elks' original name

I see that @Ríu ríu chíu has already provided you with the original name. In case you are unaware, the term is considered offensive by the Inuit people.

but there's a vast difference between Redskins* and Indians* on an offensive level.

I am working under the assumption that you are not yourself Indigenous? If that assumption is incorrect, please accept my apologies. But if it is correct, then respectfully, it's not really up to you or me to determine what should be considered offensive by the Indigenous people. And the communities themselves do seem to have found it offensive. (The article is recent-ish, but it does note that the groups have been fighting for the name change for "decades".)

To me, it seems less like outrage and more like the tepid PR response governments put out to steer clear of controversy.

I don't think I indicated "outrage"? I even used the same "does not endorse" wording from the statement you quoted. I was just trying to counter the point about the headdress by indicating that the band did not agree. Sorry if it came across other than what I intended.
If I remember correctly, you have previously posted that you live in Washington state. If so, that puts you fairly close to the border, so it's possible that you may have heard that in my country, we have somewhat recently had a national reckoning about our old residential school system, that has led to a difficult, multi-year journey of listening and reconciliation, which we are still working through.

I did hear about it. And I have listened to stories, as much of them as I could stomach (which wasn't much). And we here in the US did it too. And it was just as hateful, just as disgusting, the frosting on the cake of genocide, lies, and theft that we spent centuries baking. And I'm not running any illusions that as was the case with you, many of our Native "students" didn't survive their "education". The remains just haven't been discovered yet.

And to frame the Indigenous community trying to stop the appropriation and desecration of their cultural heritage as some kind of "brainwashing" is a severe misrepresentation of what is actually happening.

Forgive me, but it's hard for me to understand why they would object to a Native American child showing team spirit by wearing a headdress that belonged to his grandfather. On the surface, it seems identical to what those vile boarding schools did: forbidding cultural expression.
This is going to sound funny...

But the paper towel dispensers are now not detecting my right hand half of the time. My left hand (the 'sinister' one, as I have found out is called by others here) is still apparently fully invisible to it.

I'm now starting to question my own existence. Am I real? Is this a Matrix glitch? Am I a ghost? A half-alive spectral entity? Or is the machine just screwing with me because it can? (I'm partly joking with these questions, but a small part of me is starting to wonder...)

I really, really miss dispensers and other things that you can simply use by turning a knob or pulling the next sheet out. Too many things with sensors and devices. At least have a manual feature if the sensors aren't working. (That is my biggest problem with so many things that are automated... no manual backup for when it fails or doesn't work for a short time while waiting for a repair. As a society, we put too much trust in machines.)

One of the Keurig machines at work crapped out the other week because it couldn’t maintain its Wi-Fi connection. I’m not kidding. *sheesh*

How long have we as a species been brewing coffee? Now all of a sudden we have to have an Internet connection to do so?

One of the Keurig machines at work crapped out the other week because it couldn’t maintain its Wi-Fi connection. I’m not kidding. *sheesh*

How long have we as a species been brewing coffee? Now all of a sudden we have to have an Internet connection to do so?


That's insane... it's a coffee machine! Why does a coffee machine need an internet connection?! I don't even drink coffee, and I find that ludicrous.
That's insane... it's a coffee machine! Why does a coffee machine need an internet connection?! I don't even drink coffee, and I find that ludicrous.

Supposedly, it ‘read’ a code on each pod, then ran off to the ‘Net to get the recommended settings (water temp, etc.) to make that ‘perfect’ cup of coffee,or some such rot.

But yes, silly indeed.

How long have we as a species been brewing coffee? Now all of a sudden we have to have an Internet connection to do so?
You say that like it's a surprising thing. Humanity works very hard to complicate things as much as possible. There's the old joke about the US and Soviet space programs. The US spent tons of money and time on research for a pen that would operate in zero gravity. The Soviets? Used a pencil.

There is a reason why I grow slower to accept newer technology. Because the consequences of it are not thought all the way through. *cue Ian Malcom rant*