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Things that frustrate us all

Interesting. Our provincial government keeps having to run ads to try to interest young people in trades, because they always seem to be so chronically understaffed here.
Just anecdotal evidence for me, but working with teens and preteens as clients I'm seeing less interest in the education and more in hands on, mechanical or other trade work.

Possibly because they see their parents not succeeding and want to be independent.

Not sure, but it stood out to me when talking with clients.
the cough and earache that won't go away, despite repeated trips to the doctor which I can't really afford.

Here in Second-Grade Land, we have a lot of that!
Many of my families also cannot afford bunches of trips to the doctor, or the medicine that will be prescribed, so they go to the County Health Department.
Maybe an option for you, Auntie?
Get better soon!
Yep, tried everything --decongestants, Afrin nasal spray, cough medicine, Amoxicillin. It started as a virus (maybe strep?) then became conjunctivitis, and then a cough w/ earache.
Epson salt bath with eucalyptus and peppermint? Rising with warm salt water in the mouth to open up passages? Tea with honey to sooth the throat and irritated areas?
Yep, tried everything --decongestants, Afrin nasal spray, cough medicine, Amoxicillin. It started as a virus (maybe strep?) then became conjunctivitis, and then a cough w/ earache.

Ditto. I'm living on dayquil.

When I start to feel a cold or something coming, I do three things to help either stop it from making me sick or at the very least shorten my sick time.

1. Drinking lots of orange juice.
2. Eating foods high in protein. (Steak, fish, etc.)
3. Raise my own temperature... wear long sleeves with the a/c off, sleep fully covered in layers. Sweat lodge myself, basically. (This is always the hardest thing for me to do because I hate the heat.)

Most times, these tricks work to either stop a cold/flu/whatever dead in its tracks or at least cuts my sick time in half. Definitely has never made anything worse.

Feel free to try these tricks. Get well soon, folks.
Know a couple of people with COVID already. Getting my booster this weekend. Don’t want to be out sick from work for more than a day or two.

Also, did you guys read about the cold meds that don’t work?
Know a couple of people with COVID already. Getting my booster this weekend. Don’t want to be out sick from work for more than a day or two.

Also, did you guys read about the cold meds that don’t work?
Just one medicine that was of questionable efficacy already.

Always careful with that stuff.
Yeah, there are at least three roosters in the neighborhood across the street from ours, and we can hear them when we're out walking the dogs when it's still dark out. It shocked me because I didn't think they were supposed to start until the sun came up. And as loud as it is a whole neighborhood away, I'd hate to think how loud they must be for the people like you who are right next door.
Since the COVID outbreak years ago, I haven't had a serious cold, though I used to contract several annually. Neither has anybody else in my home. It could be coincidence, but maybe the acquired behavior of avoiding contact has been a factor. (I wonder how many germs I used to pick up up in handshakes!)

(Not bragging. I do have a persistent sinus problem that refuses to abate. But not catching colds is nice.)