Things that frustrate us all

I'm surprised people wouldn't like getting a warning you're coming up on them.

You'd think. I think it's people who feel cyclists shouldn't use the same paths as them

I did once get a mouthful off an older guy, for whatever reason him and his wife either couldn't hear the bells or chose not too. We had slowly approached them, rung the bell a couple of times then I had no option but to say excuse me and he proceeded to turn around and hurl abuse at me about giving way to walkers etc and about bikes being dangerous. I actually said we are going fast and have been patient and his wife said oh we are talking we never hear bells.

He did get a piece of my mind which I thought I did very well without using any swear words which I could easily have done
I have a new medication for my terrible, chronic, debilitating cough. I just did the final ramp to ongoing dosage last night and this morning. It's non-narcotic but I am wooooooooooooozzzzzzzyyyyyyyy as fuck.

I saw it described online as feeling the physical effects of being high without being high.

When I did the first dosage it went away in two-three days. Hopefully the same here. I already sent notice to co-workers to thoroughly review my work, that I am not confident of my accuracy at the moment.
I did once get a mouthful off an older guy, for whatever reason him and his wife either couldn't hear the bells or chose not too. We had slowly approached them, rung the bell a couple of times then I had no option but to say excuse me and he proceeded to turn around and hurl abuse at me about giving way to walkers etc and about bikes being dangerous. I actually said we are going fast and have been patient and his wife said oh we are talking we never hear bells.
How were you supposed to give way to walkers when you passing from behind?
If everyone is occupying the "correct" side of whatever path or road they are on, then passing from behind shouldn't be an issue.

on topic- that's actually a pest peeve/frustration of mine (people walking on the wrong side, increasing the risk of accidents).
The cyclists down by the canal here are mostly very good but I do notice that I'm always the one that gets to stand in the nettles. The cyclists never seem to do that bit....
My sister in law did stand in the nettles or whatever they were once when we were on a bike ride to let people pass, what she didn't notice as she put her foot down was that the nettles or whatever they were had grown so the ground looked even but she was actually putting her foot in a hole causing her to go over in a heap.

Appreciate it seems a little uncaring but my sides were splitting from how much it made me laugh. She was fine. Although she did proceed to get knocked off her bike later by a car, she was also fine then although the motorist did try and insist she had given her enough room. Erm..but you knocked her off.

She was fine after both incidents though.
The cyclists down by the canal here are mostly very good but I do notice that I'm always the one that gets to stand in the nettles. The cyclists never seem to do that bit....
around here we call that "putting someone in the blueberries" ;) At least it wasn't poison ivy or oak.
The only plants we have here that are a concern are cacti, but luckily I've managed to keep my distance from them.
Anybody else on here deal with horses while on bike rides much? If so, how do you deal with them?
My mom joined me for the last part of my bike ride this morning and noticed that I've apparently made to many hard stops and worn through the outer rubber layer of my back tire. So now I can't ride my e-bike until I get the tire replaced, but when I take my bike in to the shop it's going to need a ton of work, and I can't afford that until I get a job or go on disability. So I think I'm going to be taking shorter rides on my manual bike for a while.
My cell phone died. Boo! Went to the Xfinity store to see if I could trade it in. No luck. However, I was able to find a slightly bigger and better Samsung phone with the same features as my old cell phone and it was only $199 total or $8.99 a month for 24 months. Brought it back to the apartment and the power cord that came with it is incompatible with my current charger, so I can't finish setting it up until I go back to Xfinity tomorrow and buy the charger, which means I have to keep the phone off until then.
Is something going around these days? My dad went to the ER last week, and it was overflowing: patients in hallways gurneys. We're not even deep into flu season yet.

School started here the day after Labor Day and already one of my co-workers has had to take time off from work because her children are coming home sick from school and daycare.
Rental cars are really expensive in the U.S., too. It's been on a steady increase for a long time, but it seems to have jumped even more than usual in the last couple of years.