Things I Will Miss About Disco

a couple of years ago I might have thought the same, nowadays I’m not so sure: the show is not even over yet and it seems already on the way to be forgotten.

I think it’s going to end up like TAS: a footnote in Star Trek lore, especially if none of the new series (like Starfleet academy) are set in the 32nd century.
Ya but the poster said it will be like ENT which is also a forgotten footnote in Trek lore (well it was until history was rewritten to big up Bermantrek)
Got any lotto numbers for us, Nostradamus? :)
I *already* had Linux on an iPod in 2004, the idea of adding a wireless module and some kind of better keyboard replacement wasn’t that far-fetched.

Back then I also forecasted AR Visors, AR contact lenses and AR implants, we’re at the visor stage now and working on the contact lenses. It’s simple evolution.
Discovery tried. It represented an honest attempt at crafting something new before old and familiar became the watchwords. I don't think the series came close to fulfilling its potential - hampered in no small part by the disappearing act of the show's creator, lack of conviction in the premise and the introduction of the now-patented NuTrek Mystery Box formula.

In spite of my increasing grouchiness over the years, Discovery was a series I really wanted to like - and I did, here and there. After S1, there was always an episode or two each season that gave me a glimmer of hope - individual things I liked in isolation. All in all, I do have some respect for the show, which is more than I can say about anything associated with Terry Matalas.

I will miss the ambition the show had early on. I will also miss the cast. I took issue with the writing, but never the actors involved. Jones never disappointed, Yeoh was always a scene stealer and Wiseman was my fav early on. SMG - I would've loved to have seen what she could have done with more. Had the writers' room offered up meatier material to work with, I think they were all more than up to the task.

I am going to watch S5 and sincerely hope they finish on a high note given what has been passing for good / great in recent weeks.
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Oddly I did have a cellphone in 1996 which was 27 years ago.
I had a Phillips Fizz and a Nokia 1610 that took a full size sim card, the ones that were credit card size

My dad gave me one of those old school brick cellphones once when I was in high school (circa 1986). My parents were hosting a party and I decided to go to a movie. The phone went off when I was in the theater lobby. Everybody turned and stared at me. It felt like I was in an E.F. Hutton commercial. :lol:
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I will miss:
- the relatable characters and the openness, support, and hugging. I really love discovery as a workplace
- Stamets/Hugh/Adira/Grey family - this was so sweet and comforting, especially the way they brought Grey back into existence
- the writing is the most natural in trek - I appreciate the swearing and the sass.
- the overarching plot/episodic combination really worked for me in seasons 1-2, even 3-4.
- MICHAEL - I love her. I love everything about her and she is one of my favourite characters in all of Trek. I love her name, I love that they show her flaws, show her developing and growing through 1-4. Us 'orphans' need more representation onscreen, I loved when Rillak told her that her file said she had 'an almost pathological need to save everyone'
- TILLY - I loved how natural the writing was for Tilly and watching her grow.

I will not miss:
- the poorly developed Adira/Grey relationship - (although I loved Grey's new hair) - I have to be honest, I am not that interested in young people's romances. I grew up with too much teen love drama on tv. In this case, they missed an opportunity to really develop it
- the uniforms - others have complained about the same. There's too many uniforms. On that crossover episode with the SNW cast, the DSC cast look like they are from a completely different organisation. The original blue uniforms are hideous and drab and they look like military uniforms from a dictatorial nation. The 32nd Century uniforms were actually an improvement but I do not get the urge to constantly change them. I know they have replicators but if that actually happened at my work I would be annoyed. The SNW uniforms are better and I liked that they have different options, like the weird little TOS minidress, or the away team jackets, but it all looks like it goes together at least.
- the sets - much like the uniforms, drab and boring and dark navy is hard to see against dark grey. 32nd century looked a bit better
- 'black alert' is confusing af - is it because Reed invented 'red alert' on Enterprise? I am confused. And then they still use 'black alert' in the 32nd century. Don't even get me started on the RED lights that go on when it's a 'black' alert...Would love to know the rationale behind this purposeful change.
That Adira/Gray stuff disappoints me more every time I think of it. They just stood around and stared at each other. When either of them were ALONE, then shit got done. But together? What a bore-hole.

And it still pisses me off that Gray never had to deal with losing his symbiont! They just forgot about it! :scream:

Yeah what's with that? it's like never mentioned ever
All of it. But especially the characters.
This. Discovery has the biggest heart of any Trek show, and it's carried by the genuine love the characters have for each other. There's endless debates to have over Berman Trek vs Kurtzman Trek, but one area the newest iterations of the franchise have more than any other is love. So yes, I'll miss the characters, but I'll also miss how much they love one another, and how openly they're allowed to show it.

I know it isn't likely to happen, but I'd really like to Discovery get it's own movie. It's practically made for the format.
I know it isn't likely to happen, but I'd really like to Discovery get it's own movie. It's practically made for the format
With P+ Trek movies coming every 2 years, and the mind-bending realisation that the Kelvin/Disco crossover rumours floating around years ago were actually legit, I'd say a Discovery movie is even-odds. Perhaps the third one, after Section 31 and Legacy.
I'm going to miss some of the crew.

I'm going to miss Culber. I'm going to miss Stamets. Rhys. Bryce. Detmer. Owosekun.

The show is about Micheal, but I get a nice warm feeling when I see them too. They've all been through so much together. I'm going to miss them.