The unnecessary reboot/remake of the week thread

Everything I've ever wanted to see remade has been, with varying results. I'm done with remakes. Hollywood, unfortunately, isn't. I'll end up going to the theater a lot less in the coming years...
I'd rather see a HARD TARGET remake with a better lead actor and a worse villain.
Or another THE ROCK, only with the two heroic leads not lazily phoning it in.

Your thoughts. But seriously, my God!!!!

You’re not seriously saying Connery and Cage phoned it in for The Rock, are you? I love their performances and chemistry in it. I actually prefer it to Face/Off.

Agreed on the main topic though. F/O is a great concept, had Woo at full power and, most of all, had Travolta and Cage just on the right side of self-parody, where each of them could completely own a scene. I think at one stage Arnie and Sly were envisaged for the leads, which wouldn’t have been half as much fun. We’ll probably end up with Vin Diesel and The Rock this time (er, apart from the fact that they seem to hate each other).
Compared with Ed Harris and David Morse, most definitely. Harris was not hero or villain ultimately, a nice turn of the plot you don't often see. I also think the movie got rid of Michael Biehn and John McGinley too soon. They were wasted in a different way. Many good actors were short-changed in this film.

Could definitely have had more of Biehn. And every time I watch it now, I think “oooh Dr Cox!”

Harris was great and Bay clearly sympathised with him. But honestly, I think Cage and Connery are brilliant. Connery has basically been cast to evoke James Bond and Cage at that stage was a bit of a novelty as an action hero. I think they just play off each other brilliantly.
I never saw the original but I can see this having potential depending upon who they cast. I'm kinda surprised that they haven't already flogged this concept to death with a bunch of direct-to-video sequels.
I'd rather they bring back the SyFy Face Off show, the competition show for sf/fantasy make ups.
Actually, I'm tired of all the rehashed shows and movies. I don't need to see 27 Lion Kings, I want something new and really interesting.
With dinosaurs.
It's in everything in our culture. If something looks cute on Etsy or Pinterest it gets mass production. And it's everywhere.
It's getting old.
I'd rather they bring back the SyFy Face Off show, the competition show for sf/fantasy make ups.
Actually, I'm tired of all the rehashed shows and movies. I don't need to see 27 Lion Kings, I want something new and really interesting.
With dinosaurs.

Yes! Why is it Jurassic series is the only thing with dinosaurs?! We watch for the dinosaurs, not the characters or the 'plot'.
Backdraft 2 belongs in this thread. I watched it yesterday and want my 2 hours back. It's a straight-to-video release, or on-demand depending on the source, and a pretty shameless one at that. I tries to do its best by having William Baldwin and Donald Sutherland back in their roles, but everyone in this sequel felt like they were phoning it in. Plot involves a fire investigator, the son of the firefighter killed in the original movie, the one that turned out to be the arsonist, so that's already a leap of logic right there. The investigation could have been interesting had it been done right, but the movie is dragged down by a dull script that pales very much in comparison to the original story. Twenty-Eight years after the original movie, a sequel to a movie that never needed a sequel.
Backdraft 2 belongs in this thread. I watched it yesterday and want my 2 hours back. It's a straight-to-video release, or on-demand depending on the source, and a pretty shameless one at that. I tries to do its best by having William Baldwin and Donald Sutherland back in their roles, but everyone in this sequel felt like they were phoning it in. Plot involves a fire investigator, the son of the firefighter killed in the original movie, the one that turned out to be the arsonist, so that's already a leap of logic right there. The investigation could have been interesting had it been done right, but the movie is dragged down by a dull script that pales very much in comparison to the original story. Twenty-Eight years after the original movie, a sequel to a movie that never needed a sequel.
The son is not the son of the arsonist from Backdraft. The arsonist's name was Adcox and was played by Scott Glenn. The main character in Backdraft 2 is the son of Kurt Russell's character Bull from Backdraft.
Ahh, Ok, thanks for the clarification. I found it was presented in a confusing manner, with all the references and all. Kept wondering why they kept flashing back to that kid surrounded by fire.
A Face Off remake makes no sense.

It was a good movie. But not because of the premise or the story. They are taking the bad things about it and taking out the good things.

The only dumber movie to remake would be Fifth Element. So it’s probably next.
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Don't know what to make of this............seems a bit soon. Battlestar again..........
My take is a good reboot has already been done. Enough already.