The Ultimate HOSHI SATO appreciation thread.


Is it just me, or all you ever see on this board is Trip, Trip, Trip and T'Pol, T'Pol, T'Pol with some occasional Archer?

Well I think it's time we pay homage to NX-01's resident prodigy, girl genius, wonder woman and a bona fide cutie - the one Ensign Hoshi Sato.


Heck, in the MU, this feisty little piece of eye candy from Kyoto, Japan even runs The Empire!

You know what surprises me about this thread?

It wasn't started by od0_ital.

I also was very disappointed at the short shrift Hoshi got. Linda's an excellent actress and was very consistent in her portrayal of Hoshi.

There were so many lost opportunities... Hoshi's dealings with T'Pol in Vox Sola and Sleeping Dogs suggested there would be a mentoring relationship. But no. :rolleyes:
Scenes with Malcolm in various episodes (including one deleted scene from the DVDs), suggested the potential for at the very least a nice friendship. No again. :rolleyes:

Some Hoshi avs from my collection:





and finally, my nod to "Mudd's Women." ;)

From information in Observer effect there was a potential Hell of a backstory for Hoshi.

A Gambler, Black belt, good with one of the older style Phaser pistols.

All things that a female gambler would need. Especially is she sat in on a game where there was a sore loser who would look for an easy taget and pick a female. Hoshi would need to be able to defend herself.

Actuallly, she sounded like she could have been a sort of buccaneer.

I like the image of a slightly dangerous, Gambling Hoshi. Rather than the timid Hoshi we got in the series.
From information in Observer effect there was a potential Hell of a backstory for Hoshi.

A Gambler, Black belt, good with one of the older style Phaser pistols.

All things that a female gambler would need. Especially is she sat in on a game where there was a sore loser who would look for an easy taget and pick a female. Hoshi would need to be able to defend herself.

Actuallly, she sounded like she could have been a sort of buccaneer.

I like the image of a slightly dangerous, Gambling Hoshi. Rather than the timid Hoshi we got in the series.
I had a HUGE issue with the "I had a black belt" revelation. Nothing in her behavior over nearly 4 seasons ever suggested she knew how to take care of herself.
I do agree if that backstory had been there from day one, that would have been so very cool. And what a great match she'd have been for Malcolm (yup, I'm a Reed/Sato 'shipper!)
And what a great match she'd have been for Malcolm (yup, I'm a Reed/Sato 'shipper!)
So totally cute... Now only if he weren't gay :lol:

Here are a couple of pretties from the only real Hoshi-centered ep - "Vanishing Point" (not counting that horrible "The Exile" garbage)


Maach5 The actor was Gay not the character Reed.

BTW sent you a couple PM's but received no answer. Finals week?
I like the image of a slightly dangerous, Gambling Hoshi. Rather than the timid Hoshi we got in the series.

Now that's an interesting take on the character.
I'm planning an alternate version of Enterprise for the fan fic thread, and I think I'll use this idea.

I like dangerous gambling Hoshi. She's exciting!
Badger, I hope you write a confident Hoshi. A Gambler needs to appear confident not timid.

Hoshi has so much potential and in the hands of a competent writer as yourself she could shine.

Once thought of a three parter of Hoshi and Red going on a mission for Star Fleet, Section 31 and the vulcans to gather some intellligence the mission would involve hoshi's ability as a gambler and Reeds ability as a body guard (always thought reed was a bit more dangerous than shown since he had been a covert agent for section 31.)
And what a great match she'd have been for Malcolm (yup, I'm a Reed/Sato 'shipper!)
No, I really disagree. I think Malcolm and Hoshi are too similar to have found any romance together. Plus the fact that he had several opportunities to respond to her, (like when he misunderstands her interest in his favourite food, when he sees her topless, etc.). He doesn't respond because he doesn't fancy her. He also speaks to her in a tone of voice that suggests he finds her a little annoying. If there's anyone he fancies, it's T'Pol; he makes that clear in 'Shuttlepod One'.

There's an obvious problem with only having two main female characters! They definitely should have written others in. We want to see romance but only believable romance. I can imagine Hoshi having a secret passion for the Captain that she can never really act on.

Hoshi's cute but very neurotic. I think she makes an interesting, though predictable character; there have been times when I've been tired of her whining and negative attitude.
^ Reeds failure to take an overt interest in her would have more to do with the difference in their ranks than a lack of interest.