Spoilers The Star Beast grade and discussion thread

How do you rate The Star Beast?

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“Made a blatantly false statement.” Really? Did you see the scene where the Doctor wore a barrister’s wig and decide that this was going to be your inspiration for the night? Catch yourself on. Someone was excited about the return of the Tenth actor - whose name also begins with Ten - to the role, in an episode that referenced their adventures together, and you’re pissing all over her chips.

I would PM you this but I don’t have that function yet and don’t know how it works. :shrug:

Thank you smmm for this (sometimes certain fan spaces intimidate me, aka ones that aren’t primarily queer/teens, i’m a teen girl and have had bad experiences in the past with certain fans). I didn’t think the mistype was such a big deal but whatever, just thanks for helping me out <3:hugegrin:
What struck me is that for all the frenetic action and running around, the actual plot was refreshingly simple. Just a classic Doctor Who villain trying to destroy the world, and the heroes having to make hard choices to resolve it. It's a good balance that's hard to pull off.

After the overstuffed insanity of Power of the Doctor, and the half-baked nothingness of Legend of the Sea Devils, this made for a great return to form.
I was so happy to see Donna back, and it was like her and Tennant had never been away. How has it been 10 years since the last anniversary?

Haven't a clue what's going on with the Doctor regenerating back into Tennant, but I'm hooked.

That was very enjoyable. I'd say 75% brilliant 25% clunky, at times RTD was so subtle, at others he hit us over the head with a sledgehammer, but it wouldn't be RTD Who if he didn't do that. One thing it wasn't was boring and thank fuck for that! Enjoyable from start to finish, that said I'm hoping for more from the next two episodes.

One thing I do want to say is that Finney is lovely but I don't think she's a very strong actor. Maybe it's the material or how she was directed and I appreciate she isn't very experienced and people who've seen Heartstopper will no doubt tell me she's brilliant in that, just my opinion.

New Tardis console room? Brill. I'll always take the Capaldi version over any other (appreciate it was Matt's first but I think they used it better with Peter) Frankly an empty room would have been an improvement over Whittaker's
One thing I do want to say is that Finney is lovely but I don't think she's a very strong actor. Maybe it's the material or how she was directed and I appreciate she isn't very experienced and people who've seen Heartstopper will no doubt tell me she's brilliant in that, just my opinion.

Nah I love Finney, and have seen her in Heartstopper but I agree. I think it’s partly her lines and also the fact heartstopper is a very tween target audience show compared to Doctor Who (which is for all ages) so the acting she is used to is slightly different than normally seen on Doctor Who
Re: the new console room, I'm not convinced that The Star Beast wasn't only its first appearance but also its last.

Re: Fourteen's physical appearance, nothing I've seen thus far convinces me that there's something 'off' or 'wrong' about his regeneration, even if he might be confused about it and think that something is amiss.
That was fun, but it's not much to base expectations of the New RTD Era on. For me, at least, it worked as well as it did because of Tennant/Tate nostalgia. Do the same Meep story with a new Doctor and a new companion and it would be average.
Not sure what to think about that - The trailers were largely about NPH as the villain and there was no hint of him whatsoever. Instead we got a CGI fluff toy as the bad guy who I couldn't take serious for a second. RTD gave us the energy of the show back and the bombastic music with OTT action pieces. UNIT troops were taken over AGAIN, a trope that needs binning for a while.

Also a cup of coffee can screw up the most advanced machine in the universe?

RTD was a subtle as a sledgehammer to the face but that's his style. It all just felt a little underwhelming for a big anniversary special and just a filler of a 3 part story. I don't know how to feel about it until we see Part 2 & 3 I guess.
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Popping in quick with my initial thoughts. A mostly enjoyable, fairly atypical Davies adventure with a few twists along the way.

The handling of Donna's situation was predictably wibbly-wobbly, handy-wavey but I don't mind mostly because I thought the development involving her daughter Rose was sweet. I also suspect that there's more going on involving Donna and it's tied in with returning to an old face as part of The Toymaker's machinations. I'm curious to seeing how it all plays out.

Unsurprisingly, I love Ruth Madeley's Shirley Anne Bingham, how she easily handles The Doctor, and how she shouldn't be underestimated, both physically and intellectually. I can't wait to see more of her.

I also really enjoyed Rose and her toy creations, even though I still wish she had another name, regardless of the in-story reasons for that naming. I also look forward to seeing more of her.
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Finally caved in after all these years and subscribed to Disney+ today so I could watch the new episodes.

Now I gotta' dig out my collection of DW comics, the ones Marvel reprinted from Doctor Weekly in the 80s during the height of PBS aired DW mania. The premiere issue's story was titled "The Star Beast". It'll be fun comparing what was the same and what was changed. I'm impressed how close the Meep and the insectoid warriors were to their comic designs. That much I clearly recall. I also recall the original comic featured Tom Baker's Doctor and the "bug soldiers" planted a bomb within him they hoped to remotely explode when the Doctor got close enough to the Meep. But a LOT of details I've forgotten.
New Tardis console room? Brill. I'll always take the Capaldi version over any other (appreciate it was Matt's first but I think they used it better with Peter) Frankly an empty room would have been an improvement over Whittaker's

I like it as a combination of my two favorites, the Smith/Capaldi "Neon" room and the Eccleston/Tennant "Coral" room. The variable color lighting is a very nice touch, slightly odd narratively that it exploded after it regenerated and not before, and the TARDIS seemed to just drop in a new console room for fun (maybe that'll tie in to something else later). I do think it's a bit empty, and like the Neon room, it would strongly benefit from having a bunch of old crap (affectionate) filling it up.

Also, they didn't persist with the weird duplicate of the TARDIS exterior on the inside of the Crystal room, which was good. I didn't care for that one bit.

Beyond that, the special was fun, had some nice tips of the hat to the other showrunners (the foundry being a major location, the Doctor finally figuring out how to use the Sonic Screwdriver to resonate concrete (or wood, or mortar) into dust in less than four hundred years). Though, speaking of prior showrunners, given Moffat's somewhat-exaggerated reputation for somewhat-benign sexism, I don't think he could've gotten away with writing about how a man will erase his best friend's memory and put a stun-bomb in her brain rather than recognizing, as a woman would, that you can simply opt-out of having self-destructive superpowers.

And, speaking of gender issues, the Meep answering that the Meep disdains all pronouns and should only be referred to as the Meep in all contexts is so peculiar that, if it weren't for the ham-fisted Davros rehabilitation last week, I would suggest the Meep was trying to make a sly critique of the use of neo-pronouns (or people who confidently declare that they refuse to ever use pronouns at all).
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