Spoilers The Star Beast grade and discussion thread

How do you rate The Star Beast?

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The title sequence was very good.

I’ve typically been an opponent of using the sonic screwdriver as a catch-all “magic wand” but it was really cool to see the Doctor using it to make an interactive UI type thing, and even making force fields / shields was neat.

LOVED the new TARDIS interior.
I know ten is not the same as fourteen… It was just quicker to say having them back rather than clarifying lol

Except you made a blatently false statement instead of actually conveying the point you were trying to convey.

Cross-posting some brief thoughts on the episode from elsewhere.

DigificWriter said:
That was good.

I wouldn't have brought David Tennant back as a completely new incarnation of The Doctor, but with that ship having sailed, hanging a lampshade on the fact that Ten and Fourteen are physically identical despite not being the same incarnation was imperative, and RTD handled it well.

I'm a bit worried that some of the less than desirable elements of the Who fandom are going to try and use the story's explanation for Rose being trans as a way to attack and demean the character, but hopefully those voices won't be amplified and the positive responses will outweigh the negative.
That was great. It felt like a return of the Tennant era of Doctor Who. We get Tennant back as the Doctor. We get Donna back. We get a resolution to the metacrisis. We get a fun monster and the DoctorDonna saving the day again! And that Console Room is amazing. It is so much bigger than previous console rooms. I love it.
Except you made a blatently false statement instead of actually conveying the point you were trying to convey.

Cross-posting some brief thoughts on the episode from elsewhere.

man it’s really not that deep, I just meant i’m glad to have them back? i’m a fan of tennant and tate and am happy to have them back on the show. apologies for mistyping but there’s no need to drag me for it lol
That was great. It felt like a return of the Tennant era of Doctor Who. We get Tennant back as the Doctor. We get Donna back. We get a resolution to the metacrisis. We get a fun monster and the DoctorDonna saving the day again! And that Console Room is amazing. It is so much bigger than previous console rooms. I love it.

Literally, i’m so glad it was a happy metacrisis ending this time! i was on the brink of tears watching it happen again lol
I’m watching this episode later this evening with my niece who is currently out at the theatre watching ‘A Christmas Carol’. I was going to sneak watch the episode and pretend that I haven’t seen it, meaning that I get to watch it twice, but I have been *really* good and restrained myself.

Meep meep! :D
Thought it was pretty good for the most part. Not wholly convinced on the Meep front, but OK! :D

The bigots will have a field day I guess, but it's a story set in the most cosmopolitan city on the face of the planet, so I'm not sure what else they'd expect.....

I mean, if you’re going to act like a pedant, expect pedantry in return.

How is it pedantic to call out the fact that saying that "Ten and Donna are back" is false?

It isn't a minor thing that the Fourteenth Doctor isn't the same incarnation as the Tenth Doctor despite being physically identical and behaving nearly identically.
How is it pedantic to call out the fact that saying that "Ten and Donna are back" is false?

It isn't a minor thing that the Fourteenth Doctor isn't the same incarnation as the Tenth Doctor despite being physically identical and behaving nearly identically.
“Made a blatantly false statement.” Really? Did you see the scene where the Doctor wore a barrister’s wig and decide that this was going to be your inspiration for the night? Catch yourself on. Someone was excited about the return of the Tenth actor - whose name also begins with Ten - to the role, in an episode that referenced their adventures together, and you’re pissing all over her chips.