The Obsidian Files

Grammar Police Lt, JG. :)
(Actually, I work in a graphics/publications department, so proofreading is sort of kneejerk. I know it annoys some people, but I can't help it.)
Hint: Put an editorial mistake in every update, and you'll always know if Forbin is paying attention. ;)

Also, that pic of Dukat as Kirk in the big chair is almost like Trek blasphemy or something. O.o
Love all the different logos and designs. Can't decide if the red one or the blue one is my favorite ;)
I don't know what the triangle one is but it looks cool.

Perhaps St. Patrick traveled to Cardassia to explain the Trinity? ;)
I don't know what the triangle one is but it looks cool.
- It looks familiar, but I can't place it either. I've just had a flick through the ST Encyclopedia but can only find Cardassian junction labels which are the other way up.
The golden-bronze circle with the Cardassian "web" is lovely. It reminds me of a polished up old coin. Or the Cardassian version of an antikythera device.