Game The Most Disliked Holodeck Episode

Discussion in 'General Trek Discussion' started by Sakonna, Mar 20, 2020.

  1. Sakonna

    Sakonna Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 15, 2015
    Next up in these themed elimination games: the Most Disliked Holodeck Episode!

    A NOTE ON LIST PARAMETERS: only Federation holodeck and Quark holosuite episodes are included. Alien holodecks & simulations are on a separate altered-reality list we will run later.

    THE RULES. The basic idea is your standard elimination game. Below is a list of holodeck episodes from TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT. Eliminate your FAVORITE or the one you deem the 'BEST.' Please provide an EXPLANATION for why you are eliminating your choice and be sure to copy and paste the list with your choice removed.

    Finally, please leave at least 2 eliminations by other posters before you eliminate another episode.

    No tactical voting! You cannot remove an episode just because you feel it would threaten your preferred episode's chance to win.

    The Least Disliked 2019 winner of this game was VOY: "Worst Case Scenario."

    And finally, much thanks to @Farscape One for vetting the list with me!


    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 1: “The Big Goodbye”
    TNG Season 1: “11001001”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “Booby Trap”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 6: “A Fistful Of Datas”
    TNG Season 6: “Ship In A Bottle”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 4: “Our Man Bashir”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    DS9 Season 7: “It’s Only A Paper Moon”
    DS9 Season 7: “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 3: “Worst Case Scenario”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: “Bride Of Chaotica!”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    VOY Season 7: "Author, Author"
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    Qonundrum and Bad Thoughts like this.
  2. Sakonna

    Sakonna Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 15, 2015
    I will kick it off by saving "The Big Goodbye." I love film noir and this episode just casts a spell on me every time. It's my favorite example of that special magic that season 1 TNG eps have, rough as they are.

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 1: “11001001”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “Booby Trap”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 6: “A Fistful Of Datas”
    TNG Season 6: “Ship In A Bottle”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 4: “Our Man Bashir”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    DS9 Season 7: “It’s Only A Paper Moon”
    DS9 Season 7: “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 3: “Worst Case Scenario”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: “Bride Of Chaotica!”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    VOY Season 7: "Author, Author"
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    Qonundrum and Farscape One like this.
  3. Bad Thoughts

    Bad Thoughts Vice Admiral Admiral

    Jun 19, 2013
    Bad Thoughts
    Eliminating It's Only a Paper Moon. Great examination of the benefits and dangers of escapism when healing, as well as veterans' issues.

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 1: “11001001”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “Booby Trap”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 6: “A Fistful Of Datas”
    TNG Season 6: “Ship In A Bottle”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 4: “Our Man Bashir”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    DS9 Season 7: “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 3: “Worst Case Scenario”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: “Bride Of Chaotica!”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    VOY Season 7: "Author, Author"
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    Sakonna likes this.
  4. at Quark's

    at Quark's Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 15, 2012
    I'll eliminate TNG Season 6: “Ship In A Bottle” .

    Even though it doesn't look so special nowadays, and is a "high concept" episode, back then the idea of nested simulations and the inability to say what is real was revolutionary to me. Even to the extent that when The Matrix came out 10 years later or so , it didn't contain anything that surprised me. It merely looks "standard fare" and "cliched" now because its concepts were copied so many times. (Don't forget that a cliche becomes a cliche precisely because it was good when it was introduced.)

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 1: “11001001”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “Booby Trap”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 6: “A Fistful Of Datas”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 4: “Our Man Bashir”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    DS9 Season 7: “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 3: “Worst Case Scenario”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: “Bride Of Chaotica!”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    VOY Season 7: "Author, Author"
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    Qonundrum and Sakonna like this.
  5. Brennyren

    Brennyren Commodore Commodore

    Mar 20, 2003
    Pittsburgh, PA, USA
    There might be better episodes on this list than "A Fistful of Datas." But I still remember how hard I laughed when Floozy Data scurried down the steps, and I would save it for that alone!

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 1: “11001001”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “Booby Trap”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 4: “Our Man Bashir”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    DS9 Season 7: “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 3: “Worst Case Scenario”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: “Bride Of Chaotica!”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    VOY Season 7: "Author, Author"
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    sekundant, Sakonna and Cyfa like this.
  6. MUST..SAVE... VOY Season 5: “Bride Of Chaotica!”
    CHAOTICA: "And so, my dear, the day you have always dreamed of has arrived.
    The day you become Bride of Chaotica!"


    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 1: “11001001”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “Booby Trap”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 4: “Our Man Bashir”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    DS9 Season 7: “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 3: “Worst Case Scenario”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    VOY Season 7: "Author, Author"
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    Sakonna, antinoos, Cyfa and 3 others like this.
  7. Farscape One

    Farscape One Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 2, 2017
    Farscape One
    And that final shot of the Enterprise riding into the sunset... that is one of the most gorgeous shots of her in TNG. I would have eliminated it just for that.

    My vote goes to "OUR MAN BASHIR". It's STAR TREK and James Bond! Do I need to say anything more? (Huge Bond fan here.)

    In case I do need to say more... this was one of the most original and creative 'holodeck gone wrong' stories STAR TREK ever did. The homage was so spot on that MGM wrote the producers and said, "Don't do it again." Kira as a Russian spy, Sisko as the VERY obvious 'last name is part of the plan' Noah, O'Brien being the bad guy, Dax as the Bond girl, 'Mona Luvsit'... I can go on for quite a while.

    And the icing on the cake... a full hour of Garak and Bashir in a human take on Garak's real life spy life.

    Bonus retroactive continuity... when Bashir shoots him across the neck. We learn next season about his excellent hand/eye coordination. Which, by the way, is probably one of the best physical traits for a surgeon to have.

    One of my favorite episodes of DS9, and always will be. I thank you all for not eliminating it and letting me take this one. I always smile when I think of this episode.

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 1: “11001001”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “Booby Trap”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    DS9 Season 7: “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 3: “Worst Case Scenario”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    VOY Season 7: "Author, Author"
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
  8. at Quark's

    at Quark's Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 15, 2012
    Eliminating VOY Season 3: “Worst Case Scenario” , for obvious reasons ... a very entertaining story, in which the holodeck plays a central role and not just as a plot device. Also with healthy doses of humor.

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 1: “11001001”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “Booby Trap”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    DS9 Season 7: “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    VOY Season 7: "Author, Author"
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    Sakonna, Farscape One and Qonundrum like this.
  9. Qonundrum

    Qonundrum Vice Admiral Admiral

    So many are great stories! But I could never flip flop on the following:

    TNG Season 1: “11001001”

    One of TNG's first masterpieces, the number of plot hiccups are few, the cast is uniformly excellent, the use of real science is mind-blowingly cool (if not limited to 8- or 16-bits but to be fair they aren't going to get too pedantic), and it's harder-edge sci-fi yet without going to the level of dryness that "Home Soil" had, pardon the pun...

    Even the near-dirty dialogue Riker invites is held back just enough from shattering the flow of the episode. And Minuet really feels like a proper character that Riker would get attached to and feel sorry by at the end.

    Wesley is scripted decently and also not at the expense of making all the adults look like doorknobs.

    Worf gets a great line about keeping score (but still taking it too literally, LOL!)

    And while the reuse of STIII's spacedock begs new questions of scale as 1701 and 1701-D seem to have a similar width despite the same exterior door shown, I didn't care too much at the time and still looks lovely now. Add in the (matte painting!!) of the ship inside connected with the umbilical tunnel and you know they put a ton of time and care into this.

    That, and shimmery blue spandex is cool.

    What remains:

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “Booby Trap”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    DS9 Season 7: “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    VOY Season 7: "Author, Author"
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    Sakonna and Vger23 like this.
  10. Vger23

    Vger23 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 19, 2014
    Enterprise bowling alley
    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    DS9 Season 7: “Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    VOY Season 7: "Author, Author"
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."

    Pulling out "Booby Trap"

    One of my favorite TNG S3 episodes, and a very creative use of the holodeck as opposed to the usual "holodeck malfunctions trapping heroes ina dangerous situatio" trope.
    Sakonna and Qonundrum like this.
  11. Cyfa

    Cyfa Commodore Commodore

    Dec 9, 2013
    Over the Cusp...
    I'm saving "Badda Bing, Badda Bang" - As well as the awesome slo-mo hero stride down the promenade, I love this episode because the stakes are personal (saving Vic from crafty Felix's interference), the holosuite didn't malfunction - it worked just as it should, and we got to see our (my) favourite crew having some fun.

    So, that leaves:

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    VOY Season 7: "Author, Author"
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    Sakonna likes this.
  12. at Quark's

    at Quark's Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 15, 2012
    Eliminating Author, Author. Story with hilarious (even if not very subtle) parodies on beloved characters, but still tackling a very serious topic (Where are the boundaries between truth, feelings of others, "artistic license" and personal rights?)

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    Sakonna likes this.
  13. Brennyren

    Brennyren Commodore Commodore

    Mar 20, 2003
    Pittsburgh, PA, USA
    Saving "Hollow Pursuits," a lovely, lavish episode that sends up our favorite TNG characters brilliantly (Troi as the Goddess of Empathy is worth the price of admission all on her own!). And it brought us one of my favorite, and one of the most relatable, secondary characters, in Trek: Reg Barclay.

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: "Pathfinder"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    Sakonna likes this.
  14. Takeru

    Takeru Space Police Commodore

    Sep 6, 2007
    Germany, EU, Earth
    Pathfinder, the use of the holodeck this episode made a lot of sense considering Barclay's past, it was great to see him again and also justified Troi being there which I loved, she's my favorite TNG character.

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: “Projections”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    Sakonna likes this.
  15. Farscape One

    Farscape One Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 2, 2017
    Farscape One
    I'm surprised "PROJECTIONS" hasn't been taken out yet. So I do it now.

    A true gem of season 1 (production order), this is a bottle show done right. Great highlight for Robert Picardo, great guest cast, great story, great directing... I can't think of a single negative thing about this episode.

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 3: “A Matter Of Perspective”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    Sakonna likes this.
  16. JirinPanthosa

    JirinPanthosa Admiral Admiral

    Nov 20, 2012
    Saving Matter Of Perspective. What could be better than sci-fi Rashomon? It tells a good story and one that doesn’t paint Riker in a flattering light. And gets to real problems of eyewitnesses testimony.

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."[/QUOTE]
    Sakonna and Vger23 like this.
  17. Qonundrum

    Qonundrum Vice Admiral Admiral

    Sherlock would be proud:

    TNG Season 2: “Elementary, Dear Data”

    is saved.

    Daniel Davis eloquently elevates what was already a robust character in a robust story, which contains only one plot issue involving a piece of paper. Well, maybe two if you count how he's reading it upside down before turning it to the camera for dramatic effect.

    Everyone's a treat to watch, Spiner and Burton always excel as a double-act.

    I always thought the ye olde Londontown set was cobbled from other historical sets in their warehouse. No, they built all that from scratch and it's jaw-dropping amazing, every time. I hope they were able to use bits of that set in other shows.

    A nice and quick and virtually technobabble-free to explain how the Holodeck can trick people into moving various directions was a nice touch, which more or less holds up upon scrutiny.

    Quite the gem, another gem, for TNG's early run.

    What's left:

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    DS9 Season 7: “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."[/QUOTE]
    Sakonna likes this.
  18. Vger23

    Vger23 Vice Admiral Admiral

    Apr 19, 2014
    Enterprise bowling alley
    "Take Me Out To The Holosuite"

    So fun to see Sisko living out his favorite activity...watching the rest of the crew learn to play, the arrogant Vulcan captain....just a fun episode, and generally at least two steps ahead of much else that's left on the list.

    What's left:

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 5: "Someone To Watch Over Me"
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."[/QUOTE]

    Crap, did VOY have that many holodeck shows??
  19. Sakonna

    Sakonna Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Dec 15, 2015
    Yep! More than TNG even. That Voyager crew loved their holodeck. :bolian:

    I will save "Someone To Watch Over Me", which I find such a beautiful episode, and a fabulous use of Sandrine's after we hadn't seen it for years and years.

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 2: “Manhunt”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
  20. Farscape One

    Farscape One Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 2, 2017
    Farscape One
    If there is one 24th century series that actually SHOULD have used the holodeck a lot, it's VOYAGER. Marooned with no Starfleet repair facility or backup, and no 'new releases' so to speak of holoprograms, it would and should become a primary device for stories on a lot of episodes. Especially on a ship that relatively small.

    I am saving "Manhunt" for basically one reason.

    "You're through ducking me, Hill!"
    "Computer, freeze program!"

    As Picard frantically pushes himself against a wall. That entire scene was just hilarious.

    TAS Season 2: “The Practical Joker”
    TNG Season 2: “The Outrageous Okona”
    TNG Season 5: “Cost Of Living”
    TNG Season 7: “Emergence”
    DS9 Season 6: "Inquisition"
    DS9 Season 6: “His Way”
    VOY Season 1: “Heroes And Demons”
    VOY Season 2: "Twisted"
    VOY Season 2: "Persistence Of Vision"
    VOY Season 2: "Lifesigns"
    VOY Season 3: "The Swarm"
    VOY Season 3: “Alter Ego”
    VOY Season 3: “Real Life”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 1”
    VOY Season 4: “The Killing Game, Part 2”
    VOY Season 5: “Extreme Risk”
    VOY Season 5: “Once Upon A Time”
    VOY Season 6: “Fair Haven”
    VOY Season 6: “Spirit Folk”
    VOY Season 7: “Human Error”
    ENT Season 4: "These Are The Voyages..."
    sekundant and Sakonna like this.