The "I'm Not Paying" Confessional Thread

Streaming isn't nearly reliable or consistent enough for me yet to ditch the DVD. Probably less than a sixth of my existing DVD collection is readily available on streaming services and even that can't be relied upon - the Stargate series and Firefly have disappeared from Netflix without explanation.

Stuff I definitely want to have to hand to watch whenever, still gets a DVD purchase.
Remastered version of TOS is on Amazon Prime.

I don't buy DVDs anymore, gave them all away except for Combat! and Secret Agent Man which aren't available for streaming. If I can stream it, I'll watch it, if not, I don't want anymore hardware to keep track of. I don't even have a DVD player for my TV anymore, that hit the dumpster a long time ago. Of course, if the internet is down, I'm sorta shit out of luck. LOL

I keep the stuff I have long term interest in, like the various Star Trek series, on disc.
Exactly right about the internet.

Some of us proceed on the assumption that someday we may live in a post-apocalyptic world with no internet, no streaming, no cloud, etc., so physical media will be the only way to stay entertained.

Meh. If such a place ever exists, there'll be much worse things to worry about.

Like zombies.

And canned beets.
Most of what I like watching I have to have on DVD, because they consist of documentaries, old railroad movies or train things, TV shows or movies that simply are too obscure for online services (such as The Man from U.N.C.L.E. for one example). The same goes for music I have on vinyl or CD. A lot of it is simply not out there online to be listened to.

Beyond that, I want to be able to control what I watch, when I want to watch it. I don't want an algorithm or trends to dictate it for me.
Anyone else ever wonder what's going to happen once humans start throwing away their entertainment media en masse?

That stuff takes a long time to decompose.
The upside is that I've been able to find movies or shows on DVD in thrift stores for a really good price now!

My daughter loves a few TV series but never wants me to get her those series on DVD, because she can call them up on Netflix. I explain to her that Netflix will not have infinite space to store everything (they don't do that now!) and some of those series will no longer exist on there. The only way to watch them could be via DVD or Blu Ray.

Hopefully she'll understand it at some point.
The upside is that I've been able to find movies or shows on DVD in thrift stores for a really good price now!

My daughter loves a few TV series but never wants me to get her those series on DVD, because she can call them up on Netflix. I explain to her that Netflix will not have infinite space to store everything (they don't do that now!) and some of those series will no longer exist on there. The only way to watch them could be via DVD or Blu Ray.

Hopefully she'll understand it at some point.

Kids just have so much at their fingertips they don't rewatch things the same way we did when we were kids.
Kids just have so much at their fingertips they don't rewatch things the same way we did when we were kids.
That's the thing: she's addicted to American Horror Story, and she watches those, especially the first season, a lot.

Maybe I'll get her the first season on disc and put it away, just in case one day there are withdrawal symptoms if Netflix pulls it.
I buy everything from iTunes nowadays. I'm fully confident DSC will turn up there as well.

The best part is, unlike CBS-AA, you get to KEEP everything - and it's not streaming. :)

No, it's not streaming, but it's not Blu-Ray quality either. Sure, it's Blu-Ray size, but you're not getting the full bandwidth, compression, 7.1 and/or Atmos audio.
The technology to support 4K quality streaming exists (more or less) now. But the infrastructure here in the US is so bad that the amount of packet loss makes it impossible, and that's after you get passed the bandwidth limit price gauging.

And unfortunately for you folks in other places where that have much better infrastructure, the content providers seem fine on keeping things to the US "standard" (for lack of a better term).
I'm subscribing to Netflix in order to watch DSC in the UK in the next couple of weeks. I wanted Netflix anyway for all the other content, this is just my excuse.

Would I subscribe just for Trek? I'd likely wait and see what others thought before deciding.

There's loads of good stuff on there thats exclusive to Netlix in the UK Sense8 and The Expanse are two favourites in terms of sci fi, and The OA was a decent watch as well.

So yeah... good excuse! And loads still to discover.

Streaming isn't nearly reliable or consistent enough for me yet to ditch the DVD. Probably less than a sixth of my existing DVD collection is readily available on streaming services and even that can't be relied upon - the Stargate series and Firefly have disappeared from Netflix without explanation.

Stuff I definitely want to have to hand to watch whenever, still gets a DVD purchase.

I'm the opposite - I barely touch my DVD's these days and find a lot of content on Netflix I wouldn't have watched otherwise. There's the original content (OITNB, The OA or affiliated stuff like Expanse and Saul etc) but a lot of stuff I've watched just because I was bored and it was readily available.

The latest was 12 Monkeys. Didn't have the sightest interest in it, but I've binged the two seasons available and actually enjoyed it. There's been the odd movie thats had the same treatment that I otherwise would never have even heard of.

As for the topic: Netflix has become my primary source of viewing. Not only for the above reasons, but.... I can get a good archive as well as surprises. Now I get all of Star Trek AND a new series! So I'm pretty happywith that.
Anyone else ever wonder what's going to happen once humans start throwing away their entertainment media en masse?

That stuff takes a long time to decompose.
We'll launch it all into the sun like Superman might have done in a certain movie that never happened.

If I do watch it, it will be through alternative means. And by "alternative" I simply mean any method that does not involve me personally subscribing to CBS All Access.

I have a 4K TV and disc player, and one 4K disc... Star Trek Beyond.

Looks like some of us are already living in a Post-Apocalyptic society. Let me get you some REAL Star trek.