The "I'm Not Paying" Confessional Thread

I was agreeing with it too, but I don't consider New BSG a hopeful series, by any stretch.
I dunno. In tone, sure, it's dark and can be downright harrowing - it is after all, about the apocalypse. If anything, they underplayed that. However, we have a human race who has conquered the final frontier just like the humans of Star Trek did, and hold it together when faced with the worst crisis the species has ever had, to ultimately bring it home and seed a new world for a fresh future. I see a lot of hope in the story, actually.
Hmm, I would say that maybe 2005-06 to now is the current golden age.
Since the end of nuBSG in 2009 and the death throws off the Stargate franchise, there's been a real lack of the space opera style sci-fi TV that dominated the nineties and the 00s. That's what the video's calling a golden age. It's picking up again now with new streaming shows (like Discovery) but for a while there, sci-fi on TV did something pretty different. Spaceships were out, by and large. Contemporary procedurals with a sci-fi twist were in. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but it was an end to the golden age of space opera on TV.
I dunno. In tone, sure, it's dark and can be downright harrowing - it is after all, about the apocalypse. If anything, they underplayed that. However, we have a human race who has conquered the final frontier just like the humans of Star Trek did, and hold it together when faced with the worst crisis the species has ever had, to ultimately bring it home and seed a new world for a fresh future. I see a lot of hope in the story, actually.

Maybe a hopeful ending, sure. I just don't think these characters were likeable enough to convey a hopeful optimism. Again, part of that was written in the plot of being survivors of the apocalypse, and I agree they did underplay that aspect, except maybe the New Caprica arc but that was under occupation.
Unusually I'm finding myself in agreement with a fanboy YouTube video.

First time for everything :lol:

Honestly I still think that era of TV is the best we have had, and I don't (just) say that because of nostalgia. I think there are things to be said for the ambition and scale of the stories that were told, as well as the way they were told - with gusto.

He did a couple of more focused videos for whoever is interested:

Maybe what we need is a full reboot of Babylon 5 that tells the same story, with the same attitudes, but using all the modern means that TV drama now has - big actors, big budget, modern effects, five seasons - I think that would do extremely well. Now that Sense8 has ended, I wonder if JMS is considering it?
The expression "shut up and take my money" applies.

I already have Netflix in the UK. Will be getting up at 6am to watch it........ (reading around, Netflix uk content is added 6hrs after Netflix US programmes...... anyone know different?)

"Excited" doesn't even cover how I'm feeling about this moment.
I already have Netflix in the UK. Will be getting up at 6am to watch it........ (reading around, Netflix uk content is added 6hrs after Netflix US programmes...... anyone know different?)

Not on Netflix here. So there's no way to know.

Honestly I still think that era of TV is the best we have had, and I don't (just) say that because of nostalgia. I think there are things to be said for the ambition and scale of the stories that were told, as well as the way they were told - with gusto.

He did a couple of more focused videos for whoever is interested:

Maybe what we need is a full reboot of Babylon 5 that tells the same story, with the same attitudes, but using all the modern means that TV drama now has - big actors, big budget, modern effects, five seasons - I think that would do extremely well. Now that Sense8 has ended, I wonder if JMS is considering it?

I'm all in for a re-do or a reboot or re-whatever for another run of Babylon 5. I loved that show.
I would love to see a Babylon 5 movie.

Farscape was pretty awful to me. Never a fan. Better than Orville though.


Honestly I still think that era of TV is the best we have had, and I don't (just) say that because of nostalgia. I think there are things to be said for the ambition and scale of the stories that were told, as well as the way they were told - with gusto.

He did a couple of more focused videos for whoever is interested:

Maybe what we need is a full reboot of Babylon 5 that tells the same story, with the same attitudes, but using all the modern means that TV drama now has - big actors, big budget, modern effects, five seasons - I think that would do extremely well. Now that Sense8 has ended, I wonder if JMS is considering it?
I don't want to subscribe to All Access if I can help it; DSC is the only thing on there that I want to see and I prefer Blu-Ray/DVD over streaming anyways (better picture for one, and bonus features). So, I'm happy to wait for a home video release. If they don't make one (in which case it would be time for a colorful metaphor), I'd rather wait until DSC is completely finished and on All Access, and then binge-watch the complete series through the free trial.
What do you mean they don't make one? Is there even a slight chance they won't release DIS in Blu-Ray/DVD? And soon? If they don't, CBS can :censored: in the :censored: .

Typo. I meant "if they make one." Now, since the show is streaming, I could see them leaving the show as an exclusive to the stream to drum up service in the future. It's not a given it will get a home video release.

If not, I have only one thing to say:

There's no way that CBS won't eventually release DIS on home video. As much as they've repackaged every Trek series over and over again, if they can still squeeze a dime out of it, they'll do it.
I hope they'll include all those cool featurettes they are putting out right now when they eventually get around to releasing this on home video.
I signed up for CBS All Access last night. I was never in doubt that I was going to (barring some unforeseen downturn in my finances). It's an opportunity for NEW STAR TREK, and while I have :ahem: other avenues through which I could see it, I don't just want to see it - I want to count as support for it.

During the last week, my excitement for the new show has really ramped up, and that plus signing up got me wondering: How many of you that said you wouldn't pay / would never pay / etc, have now signed up and are eagerly awaiting September 24th?

Confess your sins, my children. ;) It's okay - this is TrekBBS. I think we'll all understand that the draw of new Trek was too much to stand on principle.

I will probably wait until next week to sign up. I too am excited about new Star Trek, and with at least a week free it'll give me a chance to watch some episodes and decide if I want to keep the channel or not.