Spoilers The clip from Envoys shows what is wrong with Lower Decks

We haven't been given many other options. The fan base has started to strike me as very black and white. See "Not real Star Trek" type arguments.
The fan base is so from day one.
"Roddenberry is just trying to cash in..." Well their not wrong.

Also, that article has so many things wrong with character name and ranks for TNG. It's amazing.
What an amusing little article They misspelled Riker, gave Tasha Yar the wrong rank, and called Gates McFadden the wrong name. I'm also amused the picture of Patrick Stewart they used is from Dune.

That's technically Gates McFadden's first name. Whether or not that was her stage name at some point, I'm not sure.

See, they want to make spin on the "malevolent energy creature", but in the practice they do very little with the parody potential. Also, they make Mariner wish for... Totally generic thing, where they could make either something funny in general or some more clever ST reference. Banana - hot was amusing. This one isn´t.

Just so I'm clear, because you think it wasn't as funny as you think it should've been, it means there's something wrong with the show?
Just so I'm clear, because you think it wasn't as funny as you think it should've been, it means there's something wrong with the show?
No, I meant this illustrates what is wrong with the show... But I must say that despite I still don´t like this specific scene, I changed my mind since.

See, they want to make spin on the "malevolent energy creature", but in the practice they do very little with the parody potential. Also, they make Mariner wish for... Totally generic thing, where they could make either something funny in general or some more clever ST reference. Banana - hot was amusing. This one isn´t.

So what would you do with the malevolent energy creature for 25 minutes? It's a fly-by scene and how much more parody can really be eked out of that scene? If the whole LD series can do scene after scene, and given the whole of Trek has how many iconic tropes in which to parody in a new fashion? (the klingon with the eyepatch she referred to may not be General Chang but the Klingon that's in next week's episode. That's a nice twist, interweaving bits and pieces indirectly like this...)
"Hey, who's the black guy with the 'porn- stache'?" #notmytrek #they;re destrying GR's vision™ ;)

The difference is, Gene hand-picked him. Teehee, "hand-picked" *snort*. :guffaw:

But the article makes a great point, which was as true for TNG as it is for LD: "The charm and success of the show were based on the perfect mix of the characters." It's why TNG ultimately made it to season 2 despite a bumpy start.
We never saw it again. It's possible that it disappearing the way it did into the Captain's torso is a setup for a development the next time we see her?

That we see a glowing blue dot exit her chest in one of the next two episodes and mutter: "Not doing THAT again!!"