SW blu-rays have changes to the films again

Discussion in 'Science Fiction & Fantasy' started by Whofan, Aug 20, 2011.

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  1. Whofan

    Whofan Fleet Captain

    Sep 2, 2010
    Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    TFN has released some information on the deleted stuff on the bonus discs. Here's a run-through and some speculation on what they contain.

    BTW it looks like this will be all "new" deleted material, not simply a repackaging of the DVD deleted stuff. So you have to own the DVDs and the blu-rays in order to get all the deleted stuff it seems. Anyway:


    Trash-talking droids: When Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon first land on the ship, there was going to be a comic-relief scene with two droids talking about the Jedi.

    The Battle is over-Not sure what this one is..but I think it's an extended scene on the Royal starship where the Jedi notice most of the TF's blockade fleet has vanished leaving the droid control ship.

    Anakin's return: Anakin landing his starfighter in the hanger bay, to a suprised Bravo squadron. (I think)

    Battle on the boarding ramp-some more of the Qui-Gon/Maul fight on Tatooine. Maul follows Qui-Gon up on the ramp and the two briefly resume their duel before Qui-Gon kicks Maul off.

    Extended podrace wager-Probably just some extra dialogue.

    Bail Organa of Alderaan-Originally, Bail Organa was going to be played by actor Adrian Dunbar and make his appearence in the senate voting against Valorum. (Dunbar was later retconned into Bail Antilles) Of course he was recast with Jimmy Smits in the sequel. Not sure if this is the original Dunbar footage or something they've put together with Smits reprising his role. I would expect the latter from Lucas....


    Extended speeder chase-Some more of the speeder chase near the beginning.

    The lost twenty-We learn more about Dooku's Jedi background in this scene that was cut out of the library scene.

    Anakin's nightmare-Not sure about this scene, perhaps an Episode III like vision of Anakin's mother?

    Anakin and Ruwee-Anakin chatting with Padme's father (Who appears in Episode III at the end but was cut out of AOTC).

    Raid on the Droid control ship-Previously only available as an unfinished/animatic on Starwars.com's premium membership, maybe this will be a better version of the scene. Basically, a squad of Jedi try to take control of the spherical droid control ship, only to realize that the droids have built-in backup systems.

    Extended arena fight-Some of the Jedi vs. Droid action cut from the film.


    Elevator antics-Yes, more silly elevator stuff.

    Escape through the hanger-Anakin, Obi-Wan and Palpatine return to the hanger bay to discover that it's a total mess and their starfighters are unavailable.

    Changes to the constitution-I think this one might be the Jar-Jar scene that was cut. Not sure though.

    Utapau chase animatics-Nothing special here, I don't think.

    Mustafar duel animatics-Just more animatics.

    Kashyyk animatic-Yes, another animatic.

    Anakin kills Shaak Ti-This is an interesting one. In the original film two deaths were shot for Shaak Ti. The first is her getting killed by Greivous, and is included on the DVD while the next has her killed in the temple by Anakin and this will be the blu-ray one. The Force Unleashed game ignored both deaths, and used her in it.

    Jedi Imposters at the temple-Clone troopers clad in Jedi robes to fool any Jedi returning to the temple. Of course Obi-Wan and Yoda are wise to this and take out the clones.

    Senate Duel animatic-Another animatic, obviously :)

    Yoda communes with Qui-Gon: The missing scene where Qui-Gon explains the Jedi secret of immortality. Presumabely they got Liam Neeson to record the lines while he was doing work on Clone Wars.


    Tosche station-Scene with Luke trying to get his friends to watch the battle overhead.

    Old Woman on Tatooine-An old lady yells at Luke as he pulls into Anchorhead.

    Aunt Beru's blue milk-Aunt Beru pouring blue milk. Really.

    The search for R2-D2-Possibly an alternate shot of the scene where Luke and C-3PO are in the landspeeder, with a quick look at a Tatooine temple similar to Jabba's. This scene used projection but didn't sit well with Lucas.

    Cantina roughcut-The rough cut of the scene, with Han and some girl, a British, non-articulated-mouth Greedo, and other differences from the finished film.

    Stormtrooper search-Not sure about this one, perhaps old Dewback footage?

    Darth Vader widens the search-A version of this scene was dubbed over for the holiday special. Basically Vader consults with Chief Bast about the Tatooine search, and Vader calls Tarkin foolish.

    Alternate Biggs and Luke reunion-Possibly includes the scene where Red Leader said he flew with Luke's father.


    Extended Echo Base argument-Some more dialogue from their argument at the beginning of the film.

    Luke's recovery-Luke getting a bacta mask cut off by the droid. I think.

    Luke and Leia: Medical center-Scene where Luke and Leia almost kiss.....

    Deleted Wampa scenes-The scenes with the Wampa in Echo base, with rebels fighting it and also Stormtroopers getting mauled. The creature footage was apparentally not that great so they dropped most of this storyline out of the finished film.

    The Fate of General Veers-Hobbie loses control of his snowspeeder and crashes into the cockpit of General Veer's AT-AT, destroying it.

    Yoda's Test-Presumabely where Luke is asked by Yoda to cut a branch using his saber, and Yoda says if he were a Jedi the branch would have been in many more pieces.

    Hiding in the asteroid-Not sure about this.

    Alternate Han and Leia kiss-Presumabely another take of the scene.

    Lobot's capture-Not sure about this one...

    Leia tends to Luke-Probably more footage of the Falcon's medical bay.


    Vader's arrival and reaching out to Luke-Part of this scene we've seen on the blu-ray preview last year. Basically Vader reaches out to Luke while he's building his lightsaber.

    Tatooine Sandstorm-The fabled sandstorm scene with the full size Falcon prop and some exposition.

    Rebel raid on the bunker-Footage of Han and co. taking on stormtroopers in the bunker

    Jerjorodd's conflict-Possibly the scene where Jerjorodd is choked by Vader as he tries to enter the Emperor's tower.

    Battle of Endor: The Lost rebels-Possibly just cockpit footage, including the Mon Calamari seen in the teaser.
  2. Candlelight

    Candlelight Admiral Admiral

    Apr 12, 2000
    New Zealand
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    Cool. I expect they'll be on Youtube the day after release. :)

    Might have to upgrade to blu-ray now.
  3. 46379.1

    46379.1 Lieutenant Commander Red Shirt

    Apr 12, 2011
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    Money Money Money, Money, some people..
  4. Temis the Vorta

    Temis the Vorta Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Oct 30, 1999
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    Here are the ones I'd like to see:

    Tosche station-Scene with Luke trying to get his friends to watch the battle overhead.

    Luke and Leia: Medical center-Scene where Luke and Leia almost kiss.....

    Vader's arrival and reaching out to Luke-Part of this scene we've seen on the blu-ray preview last year. Basically Vader reaches out to Luke while he's building his lightsaber.

    Yeah it's not worth shelling out money for three scenes.
  5. DarthPipes

    DarthPipes Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 3, 2006
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    I saw a still of this somewhere. Pretty cool shot of Temuara Morrison in Jedi robes holding a blaster.

    They showed some pretty cool animatics from the Yoda/Palpatine duel years ago on the official site. One long scene of Palpatine throwing Senate pods and Yoda jumping through them.

    In the original TPM script, Bail Organa was supposed to second the vote of no confidence against the Supreme Chancellor. Dunbar was cast so I'm sure it'll be him we see in the scene.

    Looking forward to The Lost Twenty Scene.

    Originally in ESB, a lot more scenes were planned with Luke training on Tatooine. Due to the production being behind schedule (Thank you, Gary Kurtz) they weren't filmed. Only storyboarded. There was a picture in The Making of the Empire Strikes Back book with Luke swinging his lightsaber with Yoda on his back. Must be Yoda's test.

    I've also seen a still of General Madine and his horrible toupee on a command ship during the Battle of Endor. He's even supposed to say "May the Force be with you" before the battle.
  6. Hound of UIster

    Hound of UIster Vice Admiral Admiral

    May 26, 2002
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    This was in the novelization. I think Obi-Wan disguises himself as a beggar and present Yoda to them as a Jedi baby.

    It was a metal bar.
  7. Admiral Buzzkill

    Admiral Buzzkill Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Mar 8, 2001
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    Aunt Beru poured blue milk in the original release of Star Wars. Was it removed at some point, or is this an alternate or extended scene?

    And what a thing to remember and to ask about.
  8. DarthPipes

    DarthPipes Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 3, 2006
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    Heheh. I know, it gets pretty scary when you can recall these kinds of things.
  9. indianatrekker26

    indianatrekker26 Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Oct 8, 2006
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    sorry but i'll be passing on these. Money is tight this year. And i have all 6 movies on standard dvd. So long as i can pop in the movies every now and then, i'll live. I could care less about the extra crap.
  10. DarthPipes

    DarthPipes Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 3, 2006
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    The deleted scene "Changes to the Constitution" is a longer version of the scene where Palpatine informs Anakin he is appointing him to the Jedi Council. Basically we learn that the Jedi will now be under the Chancellor's authority instead of the Galactic Senate. That's why Palpatine could appoint Anakin to the Council.
  11. Uxi

    Uxi Commander Red Shirt

    Aug 17, 2011
    Southern California
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    Nope. It's worth if you have a decent home theater and want quality far better than the DVD's. Blu-ray excels over DVD on audio just as much as video, though it isn't always as obvious.
  12. Mr. Adventure

    Mr. Adventure Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jun 9, 2001
    Mr. Adventure
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    That should be deleted, Veers was like the only competent Imperial officer ever.
  13. Whofan

    Whofan Fleet Captain

    Sep 2, 2010
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    The blue milk scene is a scene of Beru in the kitchen with the blue milk. In the film we just see her at the table pouring it. Not exactly an exciting deleted scene, especially since we see her later in the kitchen making some vegetables.
  14. CorporalCaptain

    CorporalCaptain Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 12, 2011
    astral plane
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    So what about Luke watching the space battle through his binoculars in the first place when he's out alone in the desert, and what about the scene between Luke and Biggs when Biggs says he's going to jump ship?
  15. Whofan

    Whofan Fleet Captain

    Sep 2, 2010
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    Yeah, I'm wondering where that is too. Could be part of the Tosche station scene. There's also the scene at the Moisture vaporator where Luke first notices the battle which we've seen in the teaser, so perhaps all three scenes are edited together.
  16. Capt_Pickirk

    Capt_Pickirk Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jul 6, 2010
    Sunny ol' Blighty
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    They missed out a couple of deleted scenes. For example, the original approach to Mos Eisley that was deleted in the 1997 Special Edition, or the scene with Sebastian Shaw appearing as the ghost of Anakin Skywalker that was deleted in the 2004 DVD release.
  17. CorporalCaptain

    CorporalCaptain Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Feb 12, 2011
    astral plane
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    Then I guess you'd also have to count the original Palpatine footage in TESB.
  18. Capt_Pickirk

    Capt_Pickirk Fleet Captain Fleet Captain

    Jul 6, 2010
    Sunny ol' Blighty
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    ^ Yep that too. And the Lapi Nek musical number.
  19. DarthPipes

    DarthPipes Vice Admiral Admiral

    Mar 3, 2006
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    Years ago, the Star Wars Insider magazine did a great article about the original rough cut of Star Wars. The stormtrooper search might be a reference to a gag scene that was shot and later used in the SW Holiday Special. As a matter of fact, he's the reference I found online...

    "Another deleted gag appears in Mos Eisley, while the stormtroopers are searching the city. In a back alley, a little person listed in the logs as "Flash Gordon" is pursued by an alien so tall that only its stilt-like legs show on camera. "Flash" ends up running toward camera, escaping between the legs of the alien, which totters around in confusion. This weird shot later found its true destiny—it was re-used by the legendary "Star Wars Holiday Special" in the featurette called "Life on Tatooine."
    That surreal clip, simultaneously familiar yet foreign, was typical of the treasures I found in the Lost Cut." ―David West Reynolds

    Chief Bast was the guy who told Tarkin that their was a danger to the Rebel attack and that he could have his ship standing by. In the scene with Vader, he's the one who says that Tarkin's plan to try and break Leia is foolish. So there you have it...another intelligent Imperial officier.
  20. Mr. Adventure

    Mr. Adventure Fleet Admiral Admiral

    Jun 9, 2001
    Mr. Adventure
    Re: Full list of Star Wars blu-ray deleted scenes

    Will her collar be CG in this one?
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