Surely something good happened to you today


Vice Admiral
To balance the "things that frustrate us" thread I'd like to revive a topic that used to be very popular at a different board (KHCMB, in case you wondered)
It's not good to always look at the gloomy side of life but one ought to look on the bright side at least once a day.

What really made my day today is a youtube clip that I just discovered 5 mins ago: a centennarian and former chorus girl sees herself on film for the very first time. It's absolutely heartwarming to see how an apathic husk of a person suddenly becomes alert and lively, takes an interest and goes with the music.
The people who dug up those old music videos deserve a medal!

So - what made your day today? Share with us!

(Note to mods: I deliberately inserted the link both as video and as a hyperlink. Dunno about the other users but with my OSs and browsers both at my office and at home embedded videos are invisible to me whereas hyperlinks are always shown in a post)
Another forum I belong to has had a Rants thread and a Raves thread (bad stuff and good stuff) for years now, so it's nice to see them here as well.
I had an appointment to the ophtalmologist to get a prescription for new glasses (since they were stolen). The doctor looked at my eye, the one which went through laser to fix its cornea, and said it was healing perfectly :3
I also found new glasses that fit my expectations and tastes ! I'm going to a second shop tomorrow to have other options, and I'll take my decision by the afternoon. So I would have new glasses by next week \o/
Well...I absolutely love positive threads. Thanks for starting this @rhubarbodendron !

Unfortunately today kind of stunk. Of course I have a bad day the day this thread was started :lol:

My doggy was here cuddling with me though. That was nice.

I got about 15 hours of sleep last night. Of course, I'd been up for about 34 hours or so previous to that.

On top of that, I've accomplished a LOT in this house today. Much-needed cleaning and organizing.

Depending on how long I'm up after my housemate goes to bed, I hope to get a bunch of CG work done and perhaps even have something tomorrow to show someone I'm working with.
I encountered this very pleasing YouTube clip today. It’s from a 2014 event featuring Billy Joel and guests:
