Supernatural7x8 "Time For a Wedding" spoiler discussion thread

Dorian Thompson

New episode tonight, good people. :techman: Once again, I'm stuck in a hotel because I have to leave town on a moment's notice. They don't get the CW at the airport Mariott. :scream: I hate being last to the party. Tell me how it rates. :cool:
Pretty fun episode this week, with a few good chuckles in it, and lots of set-up for what's to come.

Nothing spectacular, but it made me laugh a few times and held my interest. Next week's, however, looks AWESOME.
Tonight's episode wasn't really that good though I did like the part of Crowley's reveal that he has been reining in demons to clear the way for Sam and Dean to kill the Leviathans, and the part at the end when Sam says that Dean is free to take care of himself and the somber look on Dean's face in reaction to that. Poor Dean doesn't know what to do with himself outside of being the overprotective big brother.
Another WTF beginning that you just knew something was involved, Although I was leaning towards a the "witching" angle and not a Crossroads Demon...
But all in all a very entertaining and enjoyable episode. Especially D.J. Qualls as Garth.
Loved Deans reaction to when Garth starting getting ideas about Garth "hooking" up with Becky....:lol:
...when Sam says that Dean is free to take care of himself and the somber look on Dean's face in reaction to that. Poor Dean doesn't know what to do with himself outside of being the overprotective big brother.

IMO Dean's somber look was because he still isn't sure of Sam's mental status...not knowing when and if he will have a total breakdown.
It's interesting how much Crowley has become the voice of order. It's not as if he's been afraid of using loopholes in the past. Of course, this is somebody else using loopholes, and I'm sure that makes all the difference. :lol:
Well, when you're the boss, you have to make sure your underlings don't use the loopholes that you once would have used to take your position away... ;)
Crowley is the main man. He has witnessed the Winchesters take down threats much bigger than them, and as was said last season, is probably the only being that doesn't underestimate them

So the threat of the Leviathan comes up, and his way of helping is ordering all demons to leave the Winchesters alone, so they can to their thing.

Talk about confidence.
I enjoyed this episode. Felt like it was from one of the older years. I haven't been interested this year so far. But I love the comedy episodes!