Supernatural Prequel with John and Mary in the works

Hm demon in this episode isn’t talking with reverb. I think they only use that sound FX when their eyes are black. Or they can turn in off, which makes sense, kind of hard to pretend to be human with a voice like that
Bridget Regan plays Roxy. I didn’t recognize her with that hair and makeup.
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I'm really enjoying the show. It has a Scooby-Doo / stranger things vibe (quite enjoy period pieces) and John Winchester might as well be frank (or young Fenton) Hardy. I'm not even trying to figure out how it fits in and I'm just looking at it as another part of the supernatural multiverse or as a loose reboot. There are already at least half a dozen major concerns to complain about in terms of the original supernaturals original Canon.
How many episodes a season will this show be? If it's like 10 I might check it out. If it's 22, after 300+ episodes of Supernatural, I really can't be bothered with it.
I still wish the show had ended after maybe season 11 I think? When they reunited God and his sister and were anointed Earth protectors and got their mother resurrected.... Just resurrect John with Mary in that scene and let them have their ride into the sunset ending. I would have been completely happy with that, with CW importing Constantine to start an entire vertigo verse the next year as a replacement show.
It’s a okay show. It just feel like the stories would be better if it was Sam and Dean.
I’m curious if Chuck and Gabriel will show up at some point. They’re the only two I can think who can show up in this.
Well if the timeline was altered by John getting the letter leading him to the men of letters then any character should be open game..

He said the person that gave him the letter literally disappeared into thin Air.....
Hm I missed that.

"\When I got back from 'Nam, a man I'd never met gave me this. And then he just disappeared, like vanished. This is a letter from my dad."

Maybe I assumed too much, it is vague, but it is implied that it was not a normal disappearance, IMO.
I'm enjoying the show so far. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that Jensen and the show runners said that continuity will be explained in the 13th episode.

It looks like they're really pushing the point that Mary wants to get out of hunting and have a normal life. They've also focused on John's PTSD a lot. I found that episode to be my favorite. Also John being reckless and running into things with little regard for himself. It's like he has a death wish. I'm really thinking the memory wipe is the way to go. Maybe Mary has something to do with it fearing for John's life as a hunter.

Just want to say Carlos is a fun character! His interactions with the group are some of my favorite scenes.
If they're doing '1 season = 1 year', then the events of the Supernatural episode where Dean travels back in time would be in Season 2, plus John buying the Impala.
It's back next week

Hang onto Your Life
Mary and John stay close to home to watch over a newly returned Samuel Campbell; when Latika and Carlos split off to investigate the death of a musician, Carlos is forced to face a part of his past he has been avoiding.

I look forward to it, although I've found it a bit of a disappointment so far. But I love Supernatural so much, I'll stick with it. No full season order yet, so it may not last much longer.
That was good episode. Richard Speight is always a treat.

Dean gave John the letter???
Dean is fuxing with history.

I can't, I can't. What is going on

Also Today (the 24th) is Dean's birthday in-universe.
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Man, I wish they'd given "Loki" more to do--Richard is too good to waste on such a short appearance. But that are they going to mesh this with the original timeline?