Strange Star Trek dreams

The way those duels were fought, I expect that a lot of them ended in mutual destruction. Two guys, ten paces apart, firing pistols at each other... and the way wounds went septic back then, even if you were the one standing, you still might die later.
I had a Trek BBS dream, does that count? I dreamed I got into a 1700's style pistol duel with another member (never knew the name). Nobody died, but I remember being upset because they got suspended and I got perma-banned. It was real enough that when I got up this morning, I was half expecting to get the "you do not have permission to post" screen.
Dreams are frickin' weird.

Shows you how irrational dreams are. I just rechecked the forum rules and there doesn't seem to be a 'no duels' rule (there is a 'no duals' rule, though) . So apparently dueling another forum member isn't going to get you permabanned :)

(Slightly more seriously though, I'm wondering now: suppose it became publicly known some forum member had done something truly appalling in real life, but nothing to do with TrekBbs, would that be consider sufficient reason to ban him?)
I recently had not one, but TWO "Strange New Worlds" related dreams. The first one was a week or so ago, I dreamt I was working at a big live event, a screening of the pilot episode on the Paramount lot with a lot of Star Trek alumni present, and there was a ton of merchandise being sold there. In the second one, which I dreamt last night, I was out and about with my mom and brother doing some shopping when I saw that the pilot had been uploaded on Paramount+. I excitedly pulled it up on my phone and tried to show it to my mom and brother, but they couldn't hear because of the crowd at the mall we were shopping at and because my phone speakers were so low, even turned all the way up. All I remember of the pilot was Captain Pike, Number One and Spock on a diplomatic mission to a humanoid society living on a tropical planet, when suddenly the Enterprise hails Pike and says that the system's star is going supernova for some unknown reason. Pike opens his communicator and says, "Pike to Enterprise, beam these people up now!!!" Then it cut to the intro, and I was shocked to find that the theme from Star Trek Generations by Dennis McCarthy was the new theme for Strange New Worlds, only Jeff Russo had orchestrated it with the original Alexander Courage fanfare over the opening. The visuals were super weird and complex, as it seemed like comic book boxes depicting still images and video of the characters took up the center of the screen with their respective titles inside the box as well, while outside the box you could see the Enterprise flying around space and past planets, moons, asteroids and stars. I'll try to edit together a still image of what it looked sort of like here in a few. I also remember the titles sequence had a "skip intro" button at the beginning, because the title sequence was nearly four minutes long.
I'm not sure what to do here, is this thread too old to post in or is it just on the verge?
But is there really any sense making a new one for this?


Last night.
I might not remember everything exactly correctly but something like this happened:

Riker hits a console on a wall, Data arrives and says: ”Hitting the console will not make it function any faster.” For some reason I thought that Data seems to be in every scene even if that was the first one I remember seeing last night.
Later Data and Beverly were in a Jefferies tube. Someone turns one of the (poorly constructed) walls in the Jefferies tube and it turns out it's just a wall that when removed the tube opens into a corridor. Someone, Data (or was it me?) tries to turn it the correct way not to spoil the scene but the wall just doesn't seem to aling correctly. The turned wall looked something like grey paper mache tried to make look like a bulkhead.
The other night I dreamt I was working with Uhura on the set of SNW. I think I was getting advice from her. I don't think I was an actor. She wasn't played by Celia Rose Gooding though, instead she was Teyonah Parris who is Monica Rambeau in the MCU. I was talking to her through both of our 15 minute morning tea break and then I had two minutes left and went to get eat a sausage. As I was walking away I remember thinking "Oh crap, I just wasted her break time talking about nonsense to her."
When I was a kid, I had a dream that I was part of the Enterprise crew, but when Scotty beamed everyone up, my brain wouldn't allow me to beam up no matter how many times I tried, and I just woke up frustrated and tired.
When I was a kid, I had a dream that I was part of the Enterprise crew, but when Scotty beamed everyone up, my brain wouldn't allow me to beam up no matter how many times I tried, and I just woke up frustrated and tired.

I hate those "trying to do something and can't" dreams!

Strange dreams?

Well, it was a decade ago. It just me, T'Pol, and a bed...

I doubt you were the only one...

Of course with Captain Archer, it was him, T'Pol, and a decontamination chamber!