Spoilers Strange New Worlds Episode 7 - Those Old Scientists

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I take it the Enterprise A wouldn't have any part of the Enterprise since the ship blew up, and then the planet it crashed on also blew up.
That was a very moving moment:


Paramount did release a similar poster to Boimler's for Episode 2.

Would've been funnier with different 1701s :D
I'm still kinda miffed that in Season 2, LDS didn't do an Enterprise episode. They had a great excuse since Boimler was initially on the Titan, and we know, for some reason, Riker loves to go into NX-01 holodeck sessions.
Haha, although for some reason I seem to remember them making that reference. Maybe that's just in my head. lol
Well OK then. I'll post my thoughts before I read all 14 pages.

I didn't think this would work out well as they are two different worlds; one "normal" and one, well, "silly" (but often fun). I couldn't see how LD would be able to integrate onto SNW without well - lowering SNW.

Well that was wrong. Somehow, they pulled it off, to my amazement. Not only did they pull it off, they hit it out of the park.

10/10 from me, my first.
I take it the Enterprise A wouldn't have any part of the Enterprise since the ship blew up, and then the planet it crashed on also blew up.
If the Enterprise-A was a new built ship, they could've taken something leftover from the refit of the 1701. God knows they'd certainly have lots of parts they replaced to choose from.
I really like LD and I was very much looking forward to this episode, but unfortunately it didn't win me over.

The LD style was said to be toned down, but the whole thing felt like a live action LD episode. It was a bit too much for me as an SNW one.

Mariner and Boimler told almost all SNW characters way too much about their futures. I would have preferred if they acted a bit more normally around the SNW characters and were only goofing around full LD style when they were alone. Like in the brig for instance. :hugegrin: They should've been thrown in. :hugegrin:

It was really funny though.

But it keeps bugging me that Mariner and Boimler's futurespoilery yapping may have influenced multiple characters' career paths way too much. Could've worked as a hilarious episode without this.

Better to not think about it, too many grandfather paradoxes.

**Compartmentalize** ... **compartmentalize**