Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

Looks fine. It's the same basic design used in the Cage, TOS, the TOS movies, DISCO and SNW.
So even if the SNW-Enterprise looks like the TOS-Enterprise at the end of the show how does that solve anything? Are we supposed to believe then that Starfleet shrunk it down from 442 to 289 m? There comes a point when a prequel crosses too many lines and becomes a reboot. SNW has done that by retconning too many things IMO.
So even if the SNW-Enterprise looks like the TOS-Enterprise at the end of the show how does that solve anything? Are we supposed to believe then that Starfleet shrunk it down from 442 to 289 m? There comes a point when a prequel crosses too many lines and becomes a reboot. SNW has done that by retconning too many things IMO.

I like SNW but it does serve way better as a reboot for a alternate reality.
If the SNW Enterprise becomes the TOS enterprise I won't hate it. I'll question the decision, but what's done is done. It's still my 3rd favourite Enterprise design.

Ultimately, the enjoyment of the series for me is not predicated on a simple ship design. It doesn't dictate to me whether or not the story is enjoyable, or the characters are engaging. I can't even think of an analogy to explain my point of view because it's such a nonissue to me. This is Mick Jagger "he doesn't smoke the same cigarettes as me" type thing I can't care about.
So even if the SNW-Enterprise looks like the TOS-Enterprise at the end of the show how does that solve anything?

Not just the Enterprise but all Constitution class starships and it's hard to think of a convincing or justifiable in-universe explanation for changing its appearance in such a way for a refit. It would just look like a clumsy attempt at appeasing fans and trying to make it fit with TOS visual continuity for the sake of it.
A question! Why do the starfleet museum ships on display have their warp and impulse engines running? Shouldn't the museum spacedock be powering the internal life support and interior lighting systems. Just something I noticed.