Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

If these two ships can be the same ship

Than these two can

How dare you offer a completely valid and reasonable comparison
If these two ships can be the same ship [...]
Than these two can
I have to be honest, that Star Destroyer was in the back of my mind the whole time I was writing that comment and I decided it was probably fine. I probably didn't need to check it again...

You're right, that Star Destroyer is a bit too exaggerated, especially the way they've done the sides. I can let it pass by saying that no one ever claimed it was the exact same type of ship that we saw in A New Hope (which are definitely different to the ones that show up in Empire Strikes Back), but it does still bother me a bit

Well, not really. Because by that logic, the TOS Enterprise went from looking like it did in "The Cage" to looking like it did in SNW to looking like it did in TOS. It is not remotely the producers' intentions to 'refit' the ship to make it look like the '60's version inside and out by the time WNMHGB comes along in five years.
I can let The Cage flashback slide. I'm not unreasonable!
If you can accept the Enterprise in TMP is the same ship as the one in TOS, then surely you can accept the Enterprise in SNW is the same ship :shrug: :rolleyes:
I should clarify.
Each version is a Constitution class.
But the configuration from 2265 to 2270 is THE Constitution class.

I love the various designs - I play with the Eaglemoss Discoprise and I got the Mirror Warship ISS Defiant from DSC, too.

Like the Volkswagen Beetle series. They all great Beetles. But there’s only one original Herbie style.
If these two ships can be the same ship

Than these two can
What the top Star Destroyer from ?

If it's the cartoons it's probably why people either don't know about it or accept it as different.

I love the updated Enterprise. About as good as anyone will ever get while also making it fit in a 21st century show.
Well, not really. Because by that logic, the TOS Enterprise went from looking like it did in "The Cage" to looking like it did in SNW to looking like it did in TOS. It is not remotely the producers' intentions to 'refit' the ship to make it look like the '60's version inside and out by the time WNMHGB comes along in five years.

As someone else said, the TOS Connie was used for the museum scene because fans have nostalgia for that design. They don't have nostalgia for the Discoprise version. Just like how fans have nostalgia for seeing Worf again, but like how he looked in TNG, not bald and covered in mounds of latex so thick he can barely speak. Not to mention having only one penis.

WTF is that thing in the top pic?

Its possible the SNW enterprise connie gets a refit like the new jersey. Buy maybe SNW will end up being a alternate reality. Who knows.
U.S.S. Virginia.

Always hogging the spotlight from Kirk's Refit Enterprise. And with better barbecue served on board. :)
The New jersey shows the design is not dated.
It was a 2 second long easter egg showing an ultra low detail model that stuck out like a sore thumb.
Who wants to see stories about the USS New Jersey?
I highly doubt CBS is going to run yet another series set on a Constitution class in the 23rd century. That slot is already taken. Unless you're talking about novels, comics, etc.
Its possible the SNW enterprise connie gets a refit like the new jersey
Highly unlikely. We already saw shots from the cage showing that the "retro look" and the SNW look are one and the same.
Buy maybe SNW will end up being a alternate reality.
Don't bet on it. Again, they literally pulled shots from "The Cage". They're about to cross over with "Lower Decks", and Picard flat out showed the "Discoprise".
Still looks dated to me.
Indeed. It stands out.
Agreed. Especially when you put it between the NX-01 Refit and the Enterprise-A
The New jersey shows the design is not dated. It is perhaps a latter build than the 1701 , hence the changes?

dated…yeah. Just like the design of the NX-01 (either version) is dated, the Nebula Class is dated, the 1701-A, etc… are all dated compared to something like the Titan A, the new Intrepid or those Eschelon Class ships.

But out of place, no. It fits in with the other ships just fine and the design holds up in HD just like it does in TOS-R and Enterprise S4.
Indeed. It stands out.


It was a 2 second long easter egg showing an ultra low detail model that stuck out like a sore thumb.

I highly doubt CBS is going to run yet another series set on a Constitution class in the 23rd century. That slot is already taken. Unless you're talking about novels, comics, etc.

Highly unlikely. We already saw shots from the cage showing that the "retro look" and the SNW look are one and the same.

Don't bet on it. Again, they literally pulled shots from "The Cage". They're about to cross over with "Lower Decks", and Picard flat out showed the "Discoprise".

Agreed. Especially when you put it between the NX-01 Refit and the Enterprise-A

It's supposed to stand out. It's 114 years after STE and 135 years before TNG. So yeah it stands out as different which it should.