Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

The USS New Jersey is a real Constitution Class starship because the people working on PIC Season 3 knew they couldn't use the DSC stuff in their nostalgia museum, because absolutely no one has any nostalgia for the Discoprise.

I wouldn't have cared all that much if they showed some DSC ships, but I agree that it would have been pointless to show a Discoprise.
I really didn't expect that they will use TOS Connie, but when they did it that could look more like TOS Connie this fas has made. Better lightning, more details. To look more realistic in 4k and 1080p. This guy did it perfectly.

Now, I do honestly think that some people working on Picard season 3 actually care and probably even prefer the original designs anyway, but if this Fleet Museum wasn't in the show to give them a reason to use the real designs they would probably never have been allowed to contradict SNW.
This is such a strange take.

They obviously care, arguably to an excessive extent. The museum didn't just happen to be there, they wrote it in. They picked the ships to put it it.

If they weren't "allowed" to use the original Connie, it wouldn't be there. Therefore, whichever elusive authority you are talking about is very comfortable with both the old and new designs coexisting.
I really didn't expect that they will use TOS Connie, but when they did it that could look more like TOS Connie this fas has made. Better lightning, more details. To look more realistic in 4k and 1080p. This guy did it perfectly.

Sorry, I love the TOS Enterprise in every possible way, but she sticks out like a sore thumb in that clip. No matter how you light it, no matter what resolution you show it in, it looks like something designed in the 60's.

Great for a nostalgia moment, but that nostalgia will eventually wear itself out.
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I dunno, maybe I'm just biased these days because of how much I loved the NX-01 and how well the "Discoprise" fits in with the lineage.

*Guess I should update this with the NX-01 Refit.
Do we actually know it's a refit of the NX-01? It's certainly an NX class, but could it be the Columbia or some other NX we haven't previously seen before?
I really didn't expect that they will use TOS Connie, but when they did it that could look more like TOS Connie this fas has made. Better lightning, more details. To look more realistic in 4k and 1080p. This guy did it perfectly.

It's not that good, sorry. And the "let's blow up Discovery " is a moronic old joke. Lamers were using it in 2009 against Church's design.

That IS the Constitution class.
She’s back.

The Enterprise in SNW is Constitution class, too.

She did in the season 1 finale of DSC and remains AWOL in SNW.


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I dunno, maybe I'm just biased these days because of how much I loved the NX-01 and how well the "Discoprise" fits in with the lineage.

*Guess I should update this with the NX-01 Refit.

There was a design by Doug Schramm from ~2009 showing an "NX-ified" version of the original Constitution-class. I have to say the SNW version has some remarkable similarities.
