Spoilers Starship Design in Star Trek: Picard

Dave Blass posts historical ship display images that we didn't see in the episode. The Enterprise is her DSC and SNW configuration while the Constellation is exactly how we saw her in TOS.


Look at the StarDate "Launched on Star Date 245.101"
That's a different StarDate Numbering System than what we're used to.
###.### vs ## ###.#

2155 = Founding of the Coalition of Planets
2161 = Founding of the United Federation of Planets
2245 = Launching of the original USS Enterprise NCC-1701
Captaincy Lineage:
  1. Robert April
  2. Christopher Pike
  3. James T. Kirk
  4. Williard Decker
  5. James T. Kirk
  6. Spock
  7. Admiral James T. Kirk
It seems like they're going to change the StarDate system to be a simpler system.
They're going to lop off the Thousands digit for 2245 -> 245.###
And for the 101, they seem to be using a Metric Day system where a year is divided into 1000 days.
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All eight of those blue plaques were seen in the episode. Unfortunately Blass didn’t add the ship information under each plaque. And some of those choices don’t make a lot of sense. The Reliant was that important?

Is there any reason it couldn't have been?

And the Leondegrance? Really? And they still used that Eaves Enterprise-E era design for a ship from 2327 with a registry of NCC-2176?

I mean, like it or not, DIS S1-2 makes it clear that certain design aesthetics that were previously associated with the mid-to-late 2370s are now elements that were present in another form in the 2250s. So it's not at all implausible that Picard had his first warp flight aboard a ship from the 2250s when he was a cadet in the 2320s.

He also posted the plaques underneath, one of which maps out Uhura's entire post-Enterprise career.

Oh, I missed that! In the novels she went on to become Chief of Starfleet Intelligence. I wonder if they followed that.
That means she would have served in Starfleet until roughly the age of 94. Good show, Miss Uhura. All those years sitting at the Communications console behind Pike and Kirk paid off. :cool:
All eight of those blue plaques were seen in the episode. Unfortunately Blass didn’t add the ship information under each plaque. And some of those choices don’t make a lot of sense. The Reliant was that important? And the Leondegrance? Really? And they still used that Eaves Enterprise-E era design for a ship from 2327 with a registry of NCC-2176?

I thought the Ĺeondegrance was a DSC Walker class at first. Funny thing is, 2327 seems just about right were the DSC ships seem to fit design wise. Retcon 'em right into that lost Era time frame I say. Would fill in the available lineage hole nicely. No reason the Ambassador class and such couldn't exist concurrently. It's a big, happy fleet after all.....
Damn, never thought of just picking up favs off Amazon. I could try to find ships I cannot find in kits anymore.

How big of scalp tax, (price increase) is added for that ability... I mean, club prices verses Amazon, just a couple bucks or....yikes!? lol
I did the DISCOVERY series from EM, but never started the Original one.
I've been picking and choosing the ship I want from that set for several years now.
I only get the regular size cause the XL are too expensive.
Hell, their new line that started with the Picard ships is waaaay to expensive, so I haven't obtained any of those.
If you check their site, you'll often find that the older ships are on sale and if you sign up they will send you emails when they do go on sale.
Memory Alpha says that one of the ships in "The Star Gazer" is the USS Rustazh. A nod to The Final Reflection, maybe. If so, I wonder how Starfleet wound up naming a ship after a Klingon Great House... :klingon:

KRENN! That was such an epic novel... Wonder if there might be a IKS or USS Khemara around somewhere. :)
Per those plaques it looks like Voyager was decommissioned after her return to the Alpha Quadrant.
Per those plaques it looks like Voyager was decommissioned after her return to the Alpha Quadrant.
I wouldn't be surprised that it becomes a museum piece after StarFleet inspects the crap out of it and removes all the alien technologies to study it for Fleet Wide improvements.
She returned with ablative armor and transphasic torpedoes that originated from an alternate timeline that no longer exists. They weren't about to let her remain in service under those conditions. ;)
Yeah, I always kinda assumed Voyager would be decommissioned right away and then restored to original condition for the fleet museum.

it’s also hilarious to me that they show a classic Constitution Class but leave the Enterprise as the Discoprise.