Starfleet in which time period do you like the best?

Starfleet has operated for a millennia by the 32nd century. However, Starfleet in which time period do you like the best as a space faring exploration and defense organization? Which time period you like the least? Why?

(Yes, Section 31 has always been a part of Starfleet, feel free to talk about that as well)

1) Pre-Federation Starfleet - 22nd Century (ENT)
2) Pre-TOS Starfleet - mid 23rd Century (DIS Season 1&2, SNW)
3) TOS Starfleet - late 23rd Century (TOS, TOS films)
4) Mid to late 24th Century Starfleet (TNG, DS9, VOY, TNG films)
5) Late 24th to early 25th Century Starfleet (PIC)
6) 32nd Century Starfleet (DIS Season 3+)

3. The TOS/TAS/TOS-M era. Its the only period to truly mix the inherent mystery of / living up to the idea of a "Final Frontier", which made the dangers and discoveries seem important--grand and unique, even to the technologically advanced members of Starfleet's vessels. Being intentionally regimented in the militaristic sense (despite Roddenberry's 70's convention & TNG era revisionist spin jobs), there was an edge to proceedings, yet the most soulful characters (good, bad and all emotions in-between) and reactions at its center, making their exploration far more appealing than other periods.
Right now, 25th century/PIC era, despite my frustrations with the show itself. There have been enough shake-ups between Nemesis and PIC that there's potentially a whole new political map to be drawn and a lot of world-building to be done, and I hope we get to see more of it.
I really don't know. I like ENT, TOS and DS9 eras. But if I had to choose, I'd probably choose the Enterprise era: designs are far more utilitarian and even kinda steampunky, compared to later sleek and kinda bland designs.
TNG to Lower Decks era by far. The fact that it contains about 580 out of Star Trek's 880 stories might be making me a bit biased, but I do have a lot of fondness for the 'places people might actually want to live in for years at a time' look.

I think right now I like the Picard era the least, because it's sad to see Starfleet so miserable and corrupted. Every time it looks like they're pulling out of it they just fall in further. Discovery's Starfleet is a close second just because of that colour grading that makes Starfleet HQ seem like a horribly sterile and unpleasant place to be.
I really want to say TNG era because I feel so comfortable with it but, I would like ENT era when everything was new and uncertain and dangerous. (But, ENT era as exemplified by Hoshi and Phlox, not necessarily Archer, who was desperately of a study abroad period or lessons in cultural relativity).
late DS9 era because those uniforms look comfortable. The late 23rd Century uniforms, I would dread doing anything besides sitting in an extreme climate controlled environment. They look unforgiving in warm temperatures.
Anything but the 32nd century of DSC.

Honestly, I'm getting kind of tired of all the magic tech they have then. The magic insta-transporter, the magic bridges (inside Federation Headquarters) that magically build themselves right when somebody wants to walk over them, the magic Programmable Matter (holy hell, I *really* hate that), the magic non-attached warp nacelles, the magic starships that look like mutant sea creatures....need I go on? :lol:

Hell, I doubt there are even DOCTORS that far in the future. They probably have magic medical technology that magically gives everyone immortality. :rolleyes:

There is one thing, though. in that one episode where the ninja assassin steals dilithium, they showed the inside of a 32nd century starship, but it still has corridors that people can walk around in. I understand this was probably just a redressed set from Discovery but at least the interior of a starship is still recognizable, with people walking around and probably even a bridge to use. They don't have everyone wired up to the computer piloting the ship with their brains. So there's SOME hope...
Right at this particular moment, the era that intrigues me the most is the post-Nemesis era seen in Lower Decks, Prodigy and Picard.
Of all the recent Trek shows, I’m liking the look of Strange New Worlds the most. It’s sleek and futuristic, bright and colourful, but with enough little retro touches to remind you it’s essentially a visual reboot of the TOS era.
It's the late TNG-DS9-VOY era for me. The first Trek I saw was TOS, but I came of age with 90s Trek, and I was immersed in it. I wasn't just watching the shows, I was playing Elite Force and Away Team and Armada, saturated by this shared universe with common aesthetics and overlapping characters. To me, the Defiant-Voyager aesthetic is just 'right'.
Mid to late 24th Century Starfleet (TNG, DS9, VOY, TNG films)

It's the era I grew up with. True, I did watch the occasional episode of TOS, but I didn't really get into Star Trek until TNG. Though I often prefer the ship based shows (TNG, VOY), I often watched DS9 as well and have some favorites on that series as well (Quark and Odo being the main two), even if it isn't my favorite. I might have enjoyed TOS more if it was my generation (I was born in the early 70's), and I always thought that Kirk was too much of a ladies man (though Picard can be to, but he's a little more sophisticated about it) for my tastes.

P.S. I love it when Data says: "YES!" in Generations when the Klingon Bird of Prey is destroyed (since the Duras sisters are technically responsible for destroying the Enterprise-D, even though the saucer section crash landed on Veridian III).