STAR WARS EPISODE VII - Alternate Versions, Takes and Stories

Admiral Archer

So the purpose of this post is to provide a space for those who have an idea of what they think STAR WARS EPISODE VII could have been. Would have been, Should have been. You decide, and feel free to post your plot synopses below. While the sequel trilogy, much like the prequels before it, have received mixed reviews, I had a dream last night of a version of Episode VII which could have been more interesting, for better or worse. Hey, it was at least more imaginative.

First, let's get out of the way the similarities to the existing Episode VII:
-both have a girl on a desert planet (not Tatooine) who has mysterious ties to the original trilogy
-the girl is only one of at least two protagonists, and isn't that important until later on
-in both versions, she has Anakin's lightsaber given to her at some point in the film

Other than those two plot points, the plots of these two film concepts is starkly different. In my version, the girl is raised by a tribe of alien people on an isolationist desert world in the far reaches of space. She is very much a female Luke Skywalker; she complains often, and secretly dreams of a more exciting life for herself. She's younger than Luke, probably around 16 or 17, but she has the trademark Sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, and no hint of a british accent, unlike Rey. We'll call her Kay for now, possible rename later. The first scenes of the film is Kay getting her friends in and out of trouble; for example, while watching the (unknown number of) suns setting on the planet, Kay catches one of them, a young alien boy (we'll call him Vin for now) trying to join her and wondering curiously why she watches the sunset, getting himself wounded in a fall along the way and ending up needing to be assisted back to the settlement before nightfall. By the way, the natives on THIS desert planet (not Tatooine or Jakku, it's never named in the script) have a unique culture and appearance - they are green and bald, but have normal looking eyes unlike Greedo - and a strict hierarchy of social status; there is a primitive ruling council, and the leader is a woman who looks after Vin and Kay. Later, when a gang of marauders appear, led by a man wielding a red lightsaber, it is revealed these natives have armor and weapons of their own which, like Beskar, are strong enough to withstand lightsaber strikes. Still, it seems all hope is lost until an old Jedi appears, a kind of Old Ben Kenobi type only younger and with solid black hair (picture a young Christopher Lee) wielding a green lightsaber, and he wards off the attacks of the apparent 'Sith gang'. The Jedi (we'll call him Pau Vengu for now, gosh I'm running out of names LOL) demands that the Matriarch of the Native Council give Kay her "due and proper heirloom", upon which it is revealed that the Matriarch is in possession of Anakin's lightsaber, and knows the truth about Kay's parentage. The Matriarch reluctantly hands over the lightsaber, but warns Kay of it's "bloody history" and insists that Kay must discover her true parentage on her own. With Vin in tow (and also R2-D2 and C-3PO - it won't be explained until later what they are doing there) Kay departs for the nearest spaceport, but is warned it will be dangerous and a long journey. Indeed, in a scene reminiscent of the "journey to the planet core" scene from Episode I, Kay and the others encounter numerous giant insect like beasts in the desert, all of which try to kill them and chase them around until Pau Vengu reappears, and escorts them safely to the landing platform, where we meet one of the most interesting characters of the plot; the pilot, who remains nameless cause I can't think of a good enough name for him. This guy is a trip; he resembles Brent Spiner's character from "Independence Day" with the crazy white hair, wearing a trenchcoat and goggles. His ship is SUPER cool, and unlike anything we've seen in Star Wars - it's got the same chrome finish as the Naboo royal starship, only painted candy apple red. It's clearly a hotrod ship, and the pilot, while eccentric, takes pride in it. He reveals he took the job specifically because he knows who Kay is; "I'd know that face anywhere," he exclaims. "You're Luke Skywalker's kid, aren't you?" Upon this revelation, Kay is informed by Pau Vengu that she is being taken to Coruscant to test to become a Jedi Knight under the tutelage of her father. Problem is, Kay has no idea who Luke Skywalker is; all she has ever known is the desert planet, though Pau Vengu claims that there were reasons why she was kept here. Initially resentful and hesitant, Kay agrees to go to Coruscant, if only to meet her father and discover her destiny. Sadly, my dream ended just after the best part; the jump to hyperspace. The pilot actually is crazy enough and skilled enough to go from initial takeoff, straight into hyperspace, while still in the atmosphere, sending everyone not strapped down flying backwards in the cockpit, while the pilot just whoops and hollers excitedly. It's hard to describe how iconic this scene could have been if it had been visually realized, but I get the feeling it would have been amazing. The rest of the film is sadly a mystery, but I like to think Luke at least appeared and had more screen time in the latter half or at least third of the film. In my mind, he does indeed meet Kay, and would explain that he left Kay in the care of the Matriarch to protect her from Luke's enemies, and left his former apprentice, Pau Vengu, and the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO there to make sure nothing went wrong; they would report on her to him every day for the first several years of her life. Kay, in return, would be the first Star Wars character to NOT want to be a Jedi, and who would have strong force abilities which she would be told she would have to learn to control herself if she turned down the offer to join the Jedi Ranks. Ultimately, the leader of that 'Sith Gang' from earlier would still be alive, and no doubt just an apprentice to some greater, unknown threat.

So that's my take on a possible alternate STAR WARS: Episode VII. What would you guys have liked to have seen or done differently? Feel free to reply and share your ideas!!!
There was a great post on reddit which summarized some of the earlier versions of Episode 7 taking info from the Ep7 art book, but it seems the user deleted their stuff now.

But the lead character being a woman, a masked Jedi killer (later became Kylo), and Luke being a hermit on an island all came from George Lucas.

Rey (also known as Kira at one point) apparently found a map to Luke on her (unnamed at the time) planet. Her finding Luke was originally going to be the mid-point of Episode 7, not the end of it like we got.

Luke refusing to train the Rey character came from the early Episode 7 drafts, it was not Rian Johnson's idea.
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I would start Episode 7 with Ben Solo returning to Coruscant and giving an update on a scouting mission around a new threat being detected. Luke, Han and Leia are all there, and Han says he'll call in some favors from Outer Rim smugglers to try and verify the disturbing reports.

Poe is one intelligence agent and we see him on a forest planet (not a desert) and scouting with a local tribe, who provided additional details and an artifact the group appears to be hunting. Their presentation makes them suspect its an Imperial Remnant force looking for something. Poe is captured (similar to Episode 7) and his droid escapes to report to the New Republic. The tribals are slaughtered.

Han receives word that Poe has disappeared, while Luke senses there is more to this from a Force standpoint. They agree to start investigating further, with Luke and Ben, one of his students, going to find the artifacts, and Han and Chewie go to meet up with some Outer Rim contacts.

That's my first part.
The biggest changes I would make is that Luke's New Jedi Order was a success, so by the time we get to the movie there are at least a couple hundred Jedi out and about in the galaxy.
Our POV characters would be Luke's daughter and Han and Leia's son, who are both students who have just been promoted to Jedi Knight. They are sent out together on their first mission, which is to find another knight who had been investigating some kind of a strange event out on the edges of the Outer Rim. When they get to the planet the missing Jedi had been sent to, they all they can find is their ship with no other sign of what happened to them. While investigating the planet they stumble across some Sith ruins, and are attacked by a masked red lightsaber wielding opponent. They barely survive the fight, and report back to Luke what happened. When they tell him about the ruins and the fight he tells them he says he's going to come and see for himself.
He shows up with Hand and Leia and a group of New Republic soldiers and other Jedi. The return of the Sith has been a big fear for the Jedi and the Republic so it's getting top priority from everybody.
Once they get into the ruins they realize it was an old training facility that housed an ancient Sith holocron. Just as they are checking out the holocron the masked person who attacked the kids returns, but Luke is able to defeat them and it turns out they are the Jedi who went missing. It turns out he's was turned to by another Sith and has been spying on the Jedi and the Republic for them, and he's not the only one.
That's all I've got so far, but the it would eventually turn out that the Sith Master is an ex-student of Luke's who fell to the dark side and started learning the Sith philosophy and training from holocron made by Palpatine during OT when he started to suspect that him and Empire were not going to last. The eventual endgame of the trilogy will be an attempt by the Sith to revive Palpatine.
I would start Episode 7 with Ben Solo returning to Coruscant and giving an update on a scouting mission around a new threat being detected. Luke, Han and Leia are all there, and Han says he'll call in some favors from Outer Rim smugglers to try and verify the disturbing reports.

Poe is one intelligence agent and we see him on a forest planet (not a desert) and scouting with a local tribe, who provided additional details and an artifact the group appears to be hunting. Their presentation makes them suspect its an Imperial Remnant force looking for something. Poe is captured (similar to Episode 7) and his droid escapes to report to the New Republic. The tribals are slaughtered.

Han receives word that Poe has disappeared, while Luke senses there is more to this from a Force standpoint. They agree to start investigating further, with Luke and Ben, one of his students, going to find the artifacts, and Han and Chewie go to meet up with some Outer Rim contacts.

That's my first part.
Part 2:
Luke and Ben follow a Force instinct towards the Outer Rim, discovering a crashed in freighter that had been hauling a variety of artifacts and creatures. While they are there, they are set upon by a local criminal organization that had been harvesting parts and scavenging, while looking like they are hunting for something specific. Luke and Ben try to explore the ruins, but are separated as the scavengers release creatures to keep them away. Ben is captured, while Luke is helped by a mysterious figure. He discovers a Force relic and quickly tries to retrieve Ben.

Poe awakens on a ship and is surprised to discover a masked figure questioning one of the locals before during to him and demanding to know where Poe's droid is. Poe is tortured and passes out. He wakes up again, and tries to wing but is rescued by a trooper who helps him escape. They fly on two man fighter, and crash after being attacked. The trooper lives, but Poe dies. The trooper heads out to find the droid, and complete Poe's mission.

Han and Chewie end up at space station port trying to get information about the attacks occurring around the Outer Rim. They encounter increasing resistance, which Han attributes to fear around one of the local Imperial warlords throwing around his power. He finally meets up with Maz, a bartender who trades in information. She reports that there is a new power rising, with no known planetary location. They land, wipe out locals and capture whatever they need and move on, never staying in the same place twice for very long.
I don't have any ideas for a full plot for the rest of my sequel trilogy, but I do have a few random ideas.
We would eventually got to Couruscant where we'd get to see how it's changed under the New Republic. While there we'd see Leia working as a Senator and meet a rival of hers who she's running against in the up coming election for the Chancellor.
We'd also got the Jedi Academy Luke established on Tattooine, which was built around the old Lars moisture farm. While there we'd meet Luke's wife and his son's mother, and learn her backstory and how her and Luke got together. Shortly after the fall of the Empire, Luke was contacted by a representative from the Hidden Path, a Force sensitive woman who had been trained in secret by a surviving Jedi, which would be an opportunity to name drop a PT era Jedi or maybe another familar name like Kal Kestis from the Jedi games.

The kids would eventually be paired up with a New Republic pilot, who would finish up this trilogy's trio of main characters.
By the end the new Sith would manage to bring together all of the small rival factions of surviving Imperial loyalists and we would learn they are part of the Sith Eternal. We'd hear numerous references to the SE's mysterious leader, and it would eventually turn out that he's Leia's rival in the Senate and also Palpatine's son, who had been raised in secret by the SE.
There is a youtube video in this post in thread 'Hoping for George to redo 7-9?' The basic idea:

Ep 7 - 9 would be about Anakin's grandchildren (sorts like what we actually had). Darth Maul would be the main villian teaming up with another Sith named Darth Talon. The story about the Empire would parallel the fall of Iraq and the rise of insurgents - former stormtroopers would resist the New Republic and form their own rebellion. Luke would begin rebuilding the Jedi order by searching the galaxy for Force sensitive younglings. Leia is busy forming the New Republic and a Skywalker granddaughter (similar to Rey) is the new focal character.

I also had this idea in this thread :

Ben Skywalker and Rey Solo were the first Jedi Knights trained by Master Luke Skywalker and they now serve as guardians of peace in the New Republic. The two cousins discover the ruins of an ancient Sith temple. The secrets they find inside will test the foundations of the fragile New Republic and threaten to plunge the galaxy into it's darkest hour. One is seduced in joining the Sith by episode 8 and the other brings them back to the light by episode 9.
I hate the idea of Rey as a Skywalker or Solo by birth.

Perhaps that's because you like what we have.

I like Rey. I don't have a problem with her being unrelated to Anakin except for the fact that the saga is really about the Skywalker saga. Thematically the Skywalker saga works better if each 3 part act is about the Skywalker family. Episodes 1-3 Anakin, 4-6 Luke/Leia (primarily Luke), then 7-9 would be Anakin's grandchildren. It sort of does follow this except Rey (not a Skywalker) is the focus. While Ben is obsessed with his grandfather's legacy, he's about as prominent as Leia.

You know, it's like poetry. It rhymes. There are couplets.
Perhaps that's because you like what we have.
One has nothing to do with the other. I hate her being a Palpatine too. It's stupid. It's "Butlerian Jihad" levels of stupid to me.

I like Rey. I don't have a problem with her being unrelated to Anakin except for the fact that the saga is really about the Skywalker saga. Thematically the Skywalker saga works better if each 3 part act is about the Skywalker family. Episodes 1-3 Anakin, 4-6 Luke/Leia (primarily Luke), then 7-9 would be Anakin's grandchildren. It sort of does follow this except Rey (not a Skywalker) is the focus. While Ben is obsessed with his grandfather's legacy, he's about as prominent as Leia.
I don't mind the emphasis on Skywalkers. I just would not have had Ben turn to the Dark Side.
Since Rey takes on the Skywalker name at the end, the argument could be made that we are still following a Skywalker, she just isn't once by blood.
Episode VII should have been a follow up to whatever happened in the original EU thirty years after ROTJ.