Spoilers Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 1x09 - "All Those Who Wander"

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Well, it was good while it lasted...

La'an was pointless as a Noonien Singh, which made making her one problematic. Kirk & Co. look bad.

Whoever owns the Xenomorphs needs to sue the fuck out them. Newt, too. That ain't homage. It's theft.

I made allowances for the series given how impressed I was with the premier especially, but seeing where they took it, they shouldn't have used the Gorn. These beings bear little resemblance to the originals, who Kirk, again, seems a fool to have never heard of. They could have made them Tzenkethi or Jaradans or even Kzinti, or something else.

The point of the TOS Gorn were that they looked menacing and they'd acted viciously, but they were intelligent spacefaring beings who had been wronged. These things were straight-up monsters from an 80's horror movie. It's like we learned nothing about not judging a book by its cover, people by how they look.

And they grew at an impossible rate.

Ortegas would call him a "blue meanie"...he's literally white.

Some nice tension and thrills, gorgeous food and heart-warming opening scene (lulling us into a false sense of homey good vibes), cool animatronic new alien, Spock "logically" using his rather sexy rage, a GoT episode 9 shocker thing going, and all the Uhura stuff was great, including the last bit on the bridge (also gorgeously shot), but...but.... It get's a 3 from me. It could have been an 8 or 9...but the cons hit hard.

The Gorn remember.
Well, it was good while it lasted...

La'an was pointless as a Noonien Singh, which made making her one problematic. Kirk & Co. look bad.

Whoever owns the Xenomorphs needs to sue the fuck out them. Newt, too. That ain't homage. It's theft.

I made allowances for the series given how impressed I was with the premier especially, but seeing where they took it, they shouldn't have used the Gorn. These beings bear little resemblance to the originals, who Kirk, again, seems a fool to have never heard of. They could have made them Tzenkethi or Jaradans or even Kzinti, or something else.

The point of the TOS Gorn were that they looked menacing and they'd acted viciously, but they were intelligent spacefaring beings who had been wronged. These things were straight-up monsters from an 80's horror movie. It's like we learned nothing about not judging a book by its cover, people by how they look.

And they grew at an impossible rate.

Ortegas would call him a "blue meanie"...he's literally white.

Some nice tension and thrills, gorgeous food and heart-warming opening scene (lulling us into a false sense of homey good vibes), cool animatronic new alien, Spock "logically" using his rather sexy rage, a GoT episode 9 shocker thing going, and all the Uhura stuff was great, including the last bit on the bridge (also gorgeously shot), but...but.... It get's a 3 from me. It could have been an 8 or 9...but the cons hit hard.

The Gorn remember.

He couls be very, very, pale blue. Further he's an albino variant of a species commonly seen as "blue." So, yeah. A blue meanie. Going from an 8/9 to a 3 is quite a stab. Do the negatives really hit it that hard?
lmao why are you so mad?
Because I like the show and am dumbfounded they did something so hackneyed? The Gorn are changed moving forward now into idiotic monsters like something out of a video game. It's repugnant.

He couls be very, very, pale blue. Further he's an albino variant of a species commonly seen as "blue." So, yeah. A blue meanie.
Whatever you have to tell yourself. She should have called him the "white devil" he was. :p Literally white, with "horns."

Going from an 8/9 to a 3 is quite a stab. Do the negatives really hit it that hard?
See above. Alas. The episode had a lot going for it. The series too. But I've been troubled for weeks now by a certain meh-ness to it lately. Here's to seeing what they come up with for next week's finale.
Overall a very intense episode.

Definitely felt like a season finale with La’an leaving the ship (even though we know she’ll be back for season two) and with Hemmer’s unfortunate but noble and honestly kinda predictable demise. I mean almost everyone had plot armor in this one. So it was only Hemmer or La’an who would bite it in the end and based on the Previously on segment, I figured pretty early on, it was going to be Hemmer. Guess we’ll be seeing Scotty in season 2. The opening was great but man, I really wish they’d be showing more Ortegas. Seeing Spock’s emotions throughout and Chapel calming him in the end really does make me wonder if they’re not going to have these two sleep together next week.

Can’t wait to see what they do for the finale. Can’t believe we’re already here.
That venom attack is very OP. It’s almost like the ability the new aliens in Smallville have.
They’ll probably have counter for it soon enough.
Theory on the Gorn. Maybe like xenomorphs.. they take characteristics of their "Host" So the original Gorn Captain that Kirk fought may have been gestated in a "Slug-onian" and thus slow. While the Gorn that Alt-Archer encountered on the Defiant may have gestated in a "Sprint-onian"
I love the fact that Captain Pike was nice enough to save a plate for La'an.
Spock not getting Pike's reference to piling the kids into a Station Wagon & splitting up the crew onto two different missions.

The Sombra Class seems to be a Constitution Class Variant using the same parts.

This generation of Shuttle Craft seem to have quality Head Lights to illuminate their flight path.
What nice Station Wagons.
What made the Sombra a different class than the Connie? Usually class differences are physical appearance and not internal components which vary between classes. (The -D was said to have the most elite technology despite being 2nd or 3rd in the list of Galaxies produced.)
Wow ... didn't see any of that coming beforehand.
(well at least not until the party announcements, then it was very obvious the newbies were doomed)

Losing Hemmer is really disappointing though, would have liked to have seen the character developed a lot more.

Still, it was an excellent episode.
I gave it a 10.
Havne't watched it yet, but if Hemer eats it, do we get new Chief Engineer in season 2 ? Perhaps a young Scotsman ?
Well, it was good while it lasted...

La'an was pointless as a Noonien Singh, which made making her one problematic. Kirk & Co. look bad.

Whoever owns the Xenomorphs needs to sue the fuck out them. Newt, too. That ain't homage. It's theft.

I made allowances for the series given how impressed I was with the premier especially, but seeing where they took it, they shouldn't have used the Gorn. These beings bear little resemblance to the originals, who Kirk, again, seems a fool to have never heard of. They could have made them Tzenkethi or Jaradans or even Kzinti, or something else.

The point of the TOS Gorn were that they looked menacing and they'd acted viciously, but they were intelligent spacefaring beings who had been wronged. These things were straight-up monsters from an 80's horror movie. It's like we learned nothing about not judging a book by its cover, people by how they look.

And they grew at an impossible rate.

Ortegas would call him a "blue meanie"...he's literally white.

Some nice tension and thrills, gorgeous food and heart-warming opening scene (lulling us into a false sense of homey good vibes), cool animatronic new alien, Spock "logically" using his rather sexy rage, a GoT episode 9 shocker thing going, and all the Uhura stuff was great, including the last bit on the bridge (also gorgeously shot), but...but.... It get's a 3 from me. It could have been an 8 or 9...but the cons hit hard.

The Gorn remember.
Should i tell him the Xenos aren't actually that original either?
I'm forced to wonder if there was some real world reason Bruce Horak was written out? (Hatred of sitting in the makeup chair? Personal reasons?)
Whatever the case, it's a frakking shame. Far and away, my favorite new character. While it added gravitas to what was essentially a homage to Predator and Alien, I'm disappointed by his departure. So much wasted potential.
I'm an easy pinch. I don't get hung up on canon, and I'm willing to take the ride, but it would take little effort to retool the Gorn into another species. I really love this show, but see no need to shoehorn things so that old farts like me can say "I 'MEMBER!" I love this show, but I am getting more than a sense that they are steering this into TOS territory.
I love that they did a series about Pike... How could they not? Anson Mount killed it on Discovery. It's a no brainer. They have roughly ten years of stories to tell, that don't have to be connected entirely to TOS. This show has enough connective tissue already. I hope I'm wrong, but I feel they are about to time jump us, and I think that's a mistake.
It feels like the 2009 movie, making a lot of effort to Tabula Rasa the heck out of things, only to do a wishy washy remake of TWOK.
I'm behind on Strange New Worlds but jumped ahead to see this Gorn episode. I liked the episode. I like what they are doing with Cadet Uhura. Wasn't expecting Hemmer's story to go that way, but sort of got a feeling that La'an's would as the episode progressed. I think this opens the door to change up the cast more and I like that.

Like others, I also saw the Alien/Predator influence, though I didn't care much for the redesign, and it's getting a little tough to stick to the Gorn first contact happening in TOS with them literally encountering them in SNW. Granted, they were feral children and not official representatives of the Hegemony, but still. The Gorn redesign sort of reminded me of Xindi insectoids, with a bit of the Vs from the V remake series.

I like the upthread theory of the Gorn taking on different characteristics of their hosts because that might help me grasp how such a feral species could create an interstellar power. That there are different subspecies of Gorn out there. That also could get SNW to get around the pesky first contact issue by allowing them to encounter different varieties of Gorn than the ones that Kirk did.