Star Trek: Starships Model/Magazine Subscription

not sure what that previous promo image was trying to convey, but this actually looks pretty cool, they even modified the magazine:
:sigh: Another CC exclusive that will doubtless shoot up into the mid-$200's for those of us not able to make it out there. I still haven't found a reasonably-priced Glenn, and the Disco Work Bee is still MIA.
It’s been reported that there’s 2.000 cloaked Defiants (as opposed to 200 Glenns). Even the G ended up on the web store, so it’s likely we see this one at NYCC, Birmingham DST, and then the webstore.
IIRC, the Glenn was only available on the store for a day and hasn't been seen there since. Believe me, I've looked. The folks that got them when they were online at reasonable prices don't know how lucky they are that they got them. Can't touch them on eBay for under $250. :(
It’s been reported that there’s 2.000 cloaked Defiants (as opposed to 200 Glenns). Even the G ended up on the web store, so it’s likely we see this one at NYCC, Birmingham DST, and then the webstore.

The image above says 2.500.
Welp, I fell victim to the Eaglemoss curse after all...

I finally received an email for them for Issue # 18 - except that it is issue # 19 - the disco shuttle.

I fired off an email to customer service very kindly asking what's up with the klingon raider. I can only imagine what their response shall be.
Got a nice haul yesterday 5 ships. The XL Akita, Excelsior, and Bird of Prey. And the specials Doomsday Machine and the Scimitar.

The Akira is one of the best XL’s to date. The original release was (in comparison to the rest of the First Contact ships) lacking the most actual detail. This makes up for it and now really feels like the best of those four (which it should always be as it was the most detailed and fully polished of the four).

The Excelsior is very nice even with some flaws, what really makes it pop so much is the detail on the saucer rim which has generally not featured detail on the Eaglemoss ships.

The Klingon bird of prey is the least impressive, but hopefully it’s larger size will prevent me from bending or breaking off its disrupters.

I wasn’t ever planning to get the Doomsday Machine, just a boring ass design. But using a little more of the look from the remastered trek it works.

Then we have one of my least liked designs in all of Trek, the Scimitar. When the movie came out I immediately hated it, I generally do not like ships that transform (at all). It’s just a feature that annoys me, with really only a handful of exceptions (bird of prey and various shuttle), and most of those are to make flight in atmosphere easier. But with the model looking at it in its standard configuration it looks pretty damn good. A Bird of Prey design on steroids, which is an apt description. It’s lacks color but I don’t recall much color in the ship, so that might be pretty accurate. It’s very solid, my only complaint are the wings aren’t sturdy at all and since I play around with all my ships I will have to be very very careful.
A month ago, on the Eaglemoss online store, I ordered a Wonder Woman figure for my wife, and 2 Starships binders (the expensive ones they CLAIM to have in stock in the store, not the cheap ones they never do).

Got the Wonder Woman a week later.

Two days ago I got a shipping notice from Eaglemoss. “Yay,” I thought, “my binders!”

Nope. The SAME Wonder Woman, shipped again.

Still no binders. Cust. Rep. On the phone had zero clue as to when they’d be sent OR why I was sent a second WW.
Went back to the store yesterday and now my binders are listed as out of stock. Alien binders are still in. Wonder if they’d swap them, if I called.

Starting to think they don’t actually know anything is out of stock until somebody orders it and they walk to the storeroom and check. “Welp, better list this as out.”
I'd generally discourage posting spoilers from the Picard trailer in any ol' thread, but this isn't that big of one.
I wouldn't panic yet, the first exclusives from a con always go for stupid money, it's people who can afford to drop that much on something and don't want to have to worry about missing out. The prices will drop between now and when it's put up on the webstore, and then will start to climb again. I had a friend get me one, and he just walked up in the afternoon and had his pick.