Game Star Trek Resurgence - new Star Trek videogame announced

Solano was your typical seasoned and reasonable Starfleet captain until the events of the RES prequel comic. By the time of the game I can only fremdschäm for him.
Its on sale in Steam right now. I'm tempted but what are people's experiences with this like?

OK bit the bullet and bought a copy. This is neat.

I'm amused as always by steam forums. For example the one for this game. Check out some of the thread titles.

View attachment 39895

The Steam forums, people trolling got way worse then you could award people badges like the clown badge. So now people do it on purpose.

There is always a topic or two complaining about woke or a black character. You could go onto the "sex with hitler" place and it'd be "WOKE??????"
The Steam forums, people trolling got way worse then you could award people badges like the clown badge. So now people do it on purpose.

There is always a topic or two complaining about woke or a black character. You could go onto the "sex with hitler" place and it'd be "WOKE??????"

I cannot for all the tea ib China believe that there is a game called "sex with Hitler" and that Steam allowed it to be sold
That is not the worst part, out of a 10 rating it got a

I'l get me coat.

Sadly I ended up refunding the game. I had a few moments when the game froze at random intervals and some of the QTE events I had issue with.

It would have been nice if they had more accessablity options for things like that, like other games do. I would have enjoyed it more then, because the story felt really good like a proper Star Trek episode.
^^You know i was making a joke about that Hitler game getting a rating of Nein out of ten........Nein........a play on the German language. ;)

I will of course get my coat and cancel my stand up comedy courses. Lol
It would have been nice if they had more accessablity options for things like that, like other games do. I would have enjoyed it more then, because the story felt really good like a proper Star Trek episode.

That game is basically a Star Trek movie, yeah. Unfortunately I believe the studio who made it is fairly small, and the game is essentially just a series of Quicktime events, so it may have been difficult for them to account for accessibility options for that. I'm sure things exist but honestly i'm not even sure what kinds of options would exist for those types of things.


I don't really see "woke" here. I myself can be critical of things when they clearly go "woke", it's sometimes obvious when a work prioritizes DEI over all else, but I really don't see that here at all.
It was pretty decent, although there were some difficulty spikes with the phaser fights. I had to complete one using the mouse and keyboard. No idea how console users would beat it.