Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x09 - "Võx"


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I think this sort of highlights the problem with modern serialized Trek, in that the real strength of Trek as a concept is that it could be a little bit of everything: Junky space opera, deep character study, comedic farce, high-concept SF. But once you commit to a serialized plot for a single season (and given modern short seasons), you're pretty much locked into one mode the whole way through. You can't just say "fuck it, we're going to have a lighthearted casino heist on the holodeck" in the middle of deep heavy shit.

I think part of what has made SNW so popular is its ability to make those tonal shifts between episodes. It is part of what Star Trek is, I suppose. I and happy we have all flavours though.
I think its just foreshadowing.

Indications these plans were in place for a long time, a long game.

the events of prodigy have nothing to do with Starfleet plans. The plans in LD were a disaster so why would they do it again.
He did, and Levar wore one of Colm's uniforms.

The only two actors who got properly fitted jumpsuit style uniforms were SPS and Brent.

That is not true. The costumes were desgined for First Contact first and were then re-used for DS9.
I never claimed DS9 was any good. Hated it. Hate every TNG movie. Like I said, it's been crap for far longer than it was ever good.

And eschaton is right--the 10 hour movie thing just doesn't work. What you end up with is a TNG movie quality turd with tons of filler.

It doesn't work when they keep going the mystery box route. And there's a difference between finding out who the true villain 1.5 hours into a 2 hour movie vs 9 hours into a 10 hour story if you were going to do the movie comparison.
I don't like being made to feel dead inside by one of my favorite series. But if nostalgia is all people want then I guess they got what they wanted. I'm one of the few who loved S1 because it did new things with old characters.

I really enjoyed the earlier episodes of S3 but when it got to "let's all stand around reminiscing about the good old days while the universe is on the verge of destruction (yet again), I think I may not bother with next week. I'll just read spoilers and wait for SNW.

As with Star Wars, I liked the new characters, but somehow the people making it let the performers and characters down. Particularly Soji/Dahj/whatever the third one was called.
I do wish they had reduced 7/8 and kept Soji, because Data awakening to a new Lal in essence could have been interesting and very on theme. Especially if she had then taken on the Lal memories in order to assist with Data’s recovery. But that could have been complicated.
Maybe the red eyes are a reference to Borg lasers?
I think part of what has made SNW so popular is its ability to make those tonal shifts between episodes. It is part of what Star Trek is, I suppose. I and happy we have all flavours though.

I'd also note that the TOS movies also captured this. Tone varied widely between them, along with stakes (from personal to epic) and the use of antagonists (several didn't have a personified villain per se).

But then we got to the TNG films (and then the Kelvin reboot) and they essentially just made the same movie over and over - a big bombastic action movie with a singular villain, with Earth threatened with destruction like half of the time.
He did, and Levar wore one of Colm's uniforms.

I'm actually shocked that Levar could wear it without looking like he was a kid wearing his parents clothes. I might be misrembering, but I had thought that Colm had already started to put on weight by the time of DS9, while Burton stayed pretty svelte until recently.
What an odd feeling ... I'm not really angry at any decisions made in this episode, more confounded.

Lots of discussion about the series as a whole and comparatively (which I honestly find boring, I don't too much enjoy meta-commentary, but this is kinda begging for it...).

Anyway, here are minor specific, random thoughts:
  • Borg: Sure, makes sense. Fine!
  • Jack's escape: Did the bridge crew just say "Captain, unauthorized shuttle launch!" and Shaw was just like "Okay!" I mean... Maybe! Were the 40-year-old-20-year olds on the bridge just letting it happen, because Borg? Maybe!!
  • I like the logic of the transporter infection, I even like it tying to false-irumodic syndrome.
  • I am ... EXTREMELY WARY of the under-25 thing ... how long has this been working? Perhaps some people were infected years ago?
  • I'm willing to believe that "networked ships being taken advantage of" is a recurring problem for Starfleet, I guess ... would be easier to believe if Starfleet brass (over age 25) had also been infected, and therefore all went with this plan that is obviously stupid to even a 20th-century person.
  • Even if they had mentioned the Texas-class from the last season of LD and the networked battle from the last season of Prodigy, OR Control from Season 2 of Discovery (I guess that's a secret) it would seem wildly unimaginative.
  • This is the fourth time in as many years and on as many shows that the climax hinged on evil networked Starfleet vessels. This does not help the case against arguments that Trek show writers don't talk to each other.
  • I thought the episode was well-directed.
  • Try not to nitpick but I hated the crew arriving at the Museum immediately, then spending five minutes picking memberberries while "the entire fleet" lines up to nuke Spacedock. Regular TV annoyances, but here, at the conclusion, it felt deflating. Just wished this wasn't the scene RIGHT AFTER "They're gonna blow up Earth for the 4000th time!"
  • I DO hope we get a "...and now, the conclusion" next week!