Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x07 - "Dominion"


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Was just thinking that this storyline over a 15-20 episode season would have worked wonders. This mad rush of 10 episodes in Trek land doesn't cut it
end of 24th century Starfleet is not looking good, being infiltrated by the Romulans, Changelings and Vau’Nakat at the same time!
I'd love to see an episode where the changelings replace a high-ranking officer who turns out to have been a Romulan infiltrator, and they didn't even have the chance to settle in before the Vau'Nakat agent comes in to replace the same officer.

Reminds me of a strip from a fantasy webcomic I'd rather not name as it's NSFW, where a bunch of changeling infiltrators murder a king... only to realize he was already replaced by another changeling earlier, with his assassin even sheepishly admitting he just recognized the dead shapeshifter as someone he knew.
Well in a similar way to the dominion war arc, a chance to pace and tell some backstories or single standing episodes that don't necessarily have to carry the overarching plot of the season

In a more traditional narrative, sure. But this is mystery box storytelling. The longer you drag out the mystery, the less your audience cares and the less likely that ANY resolution will be satisfying.

I'm already reaching the point where I'm losing interest in whatever is going on with Jack. I never cared about Vadic, and I'm fully expecting the reveal of her boss to be underwhelming in the extreme, either as a complete left field ass-pull or just a total and unnecessary anticlimax.

Writers really need to knock it off with this structure. It's terrible in films and there it only has to drag out 2-3 hours. On television it just works against the strengths of the format.
Ok, I am calling it NOW. I think the Kirk dead body in Daystrom Station and the dead body of Picard also found there were used to somehow create Jack. I DON'T think Beverly has been 100% forthcoming with Picard. Her look in this episode when genetics and splicing were talked about, and how Vadic hinted that Beverly was NOT the mother of Jack leads me to some clues from previous episodes.

I think Jack is a special project of section 31 that went out of control. I think he IS "Project Phoenix."

1: The images of fire and a ruined planet surface. The Phoenix is associated with fire.
2: Jack's favorite ship is the Enterprise-A. Kirk's ship. Very clever use of foreshadowing.
3: Jack's latent ability to know how to fight, as he directed Sidney to fight the "Big" changeling thug when trapped behind the force field. Kirk has used very similar moves and combos on enemies over his lifetime. The moves were very "TOS" fight scene like.
4: Jack hitting hard on Sidney, asking her to come back to his secret "found" quarters for apparent sexual encounter. Kirk's libido is well known and legendary. He is a lady killer.
5: Jack likes to drink a lot, so did Kirk.
6: The events with Data and Lore "fighting for control" is similar to Jack not knowing who he is and fighting his unknown part, the visions. Data and Lore are fighting for the body, and I feel eventually Data nor Lore will win. They will somehow combine into a new being. So will Jack when he realizes he is part Kirk and Picard, with Beverly's upbringing.
7: Jack himself said he shares some qualities with Picard, and thanked him for those parts. He has no clue where the rest came from really. They are very Kirk like.
8: It solves the problem of how to bring Kirk back without spending big money for Shatner. Having Kirk's memories, skills, and history. It also avoids the fact that Shatner is rather insane on Twitter and leans heavily right wing, and the show runners are liberal. The fans would never allow Shatner to come back and be butchered like Icheb ( Cause the actor who played Icheb on Voyager is also radical right so he was brought back to be punished and written off in a hidious way)
9: Vadic is also fighting a battle for control of herself. The woman who was Vadic, the sadistic section 31 scientist is still in there. So is the tortured changeling, and also apparently some kind of parasitic hand that is a 3rd being that's in control of her. I feel the tear we saw Vadic shed after she was violated by the floating evil head was the human being scientist, not the changeling. Both are being tortured now by the demonic head boss.
10: The theme of this season seems to be to me "fighting for identity." Jack, Vadic, Data, etc.
In a more traditional narrative, sure. But this is mystery box storytelling. The longer you drag out the mystery, the less your audience cares and the less likely that ANY resolution will be satisfying.

I'm already reaching the point where I'm losing interest in whatever is going on with Jack. I never cared about Vadic, and I'm fully expecting the reveal of her boss to be underwhelming in the extreme, either as a complete left field ass-pull or just a total and unnecessary anticlimax.

Writers really need to knock it off with this structure. It's terrible in films and there it only has to drag out 2-3 hours. On television it just works against the strengths of the format.

I think this has been the Achilles heel for a lot of nu trek. Big big build up with anti climatic/meh reveal spat out in final episode. Picard season 2, discovery season 3,4...noone has cracked the code yet and yes I reallllyyyy want jack's reveal to be a wow moment (of which there has been many this season) but I genuinely can't see it...wouldn't even be surprised to see Burnham behind that hallucinatory red door at this point lol
I could tell Tuvok was a Changeling. His ears were all wrong.
So Jack can read thoughts. He’s isn’t Picard’s son. He’s Xavier’s.
he can project them as well. He was effectively in control of Sydney during the fight/dodge sequence. The movements were too in synch to be anything else (IMO).

Only read to page 7 on this thread as I post this, but wow some people ore harsh IMO. This was a great episode with some excelent acting across the board. I love the POW changelings motivation, and it's pretty apparent that the other 'normal' Changelings in the Great Link either didn't want them back (because they were fearful of what their rejoining might do to the Great Link and the rest of the Changelings) OR once some of the Changelings found out what the solids of the Federation had done, they didn't want peace with the Federation, and were going to make the Federation pay in some way for what it did to their brethren.

And again, I LOVE that the writers are NOT making it blatantly obvious who is/isn't a changeling and we watch as 7 of 9 begins to believe that she's speaking to the actual Tuvok; but keeps her guard up continuing with what she knows are validation questions and as soon as she knows for sure...probes for any info she can get from the Changeling as they work to cut the link trace.

My only complaints are the usual plot armor around the main protagonists and antagonists. There was PLENTY of time/opportunity to vaporize Vladic (as they have many other changelings before; as well as a few opportunities to grab Jack during a couple of the HTH combats (Jack IS what they're after). And sorry, but is Vladic supposed to be the only Changeling with a brain in that - If they all know the 'Big Bad' Changeling WANTS Jack - getting Jack and leaving Vladic behind IS a valid option for them.

And yeah, very tired of a Bridge the Bridge crew being seemingly unprepared for Changelings when said Changeling appear of the Bride so EVERYONE can get captured and the ship commandeered...

And I know many dislike that they resurrected Data here; but I like it. We get to see Geordi's reaction and Spiner does a marvelous job with the various personalities.

I like it a lot because unlike the majority of Berman era Trek, they're doing more than just 'connecting the dots' and don't have a plot that so transparent you can reliably guess what will happen before it does.

Three to go, and looking forward to seeing how well/if they do manage to 'stick the landing' here.
The way they keep name-dropping Janeway, there's no way she doesn't show up eventually.

I don't watch Prodigy, but I read somewhere that Janeaway is in Delta Quadrant. Is it true? If it's true, then that's the explanation why Janeaway is nowhere to be seen.
Ok, I am calling it NOW. I think the Kirk dead body in Daystrom Station and the dead body of Picard also found there were used to somehow create Jack. I DON'T think Beverly has been 100% forthcoming with Picard. Her look in this episode when genetics and splicing were talked about, and how Vadic hinted that Beverly was NOT the mother of Jack leads me to some clues from previous episodes.

I think Jack is a special project of section 31 that went out of control. I think he IS "Project Phoenix."

1: The images of fire and a ruined planet surface. The Phoenix is associated with fire.
2: Jack's favorite ship is the Enterprise-A. Kirk's ship. Very clever use of foreshadowing.
3: Jack's latent ability to know how to fight, as he directed Sidney to fight the "Big" changeling thug when trapped behind the force field. Kirk has used very similar moves and combos on enemies over his lifetime. The moves were very "TOS" fight scene like.
4: Jack hitting hard on Sidney, asking her to come back to his secret "found" quarters for apparent sexual encounter. Kirk's libido is well known and legendary. He is a lady killer.
5: Jack likes to drink a lot, so did Kirk.
6: The events with Data and Lore "fighting for control" is similar to Jack not knowing who he is and fighting his unknown part, the visions. Data and Lore are fighting for the body, and I feel eventually Data nor Lore will win. They will somehow combine into a new being. So will Jack when he realizes he is part Kirk and Picard, with Beverly's upbringing.
7: Jack himself said he shares some qualities with Picard, and thanked him for those parts. He has no clue where the rest came from really. They are very Kirk like.
8: It solves the problem of how to bring Kirk back without spending big money for Shatner. Having Kirk's memories, skills, and history. It also avoids the fact that Shatner is rather insane on Twitter and leans heavily right wing, and the show runners are liberal. The fans would never allow Shatner to come back and be butchered like Icheb ( Cause the actor who played Icheb on Voyager is also radical right so he was brought back to be punished and written off in a hidious way)
9: Vadic is also fighting a battle for control of herself. The woman who was Vadic, the sadistic section 31 scientist is still in there. So is the tortured changeling, and also apparently some kind of parasitic hand that is a 3rd being that's in control of her. I feel the tear we saw Vadic shed after she was violated by the floating evil head was the human being scientist, not the changeling. Both are being tortured now by the demonic head boss.
10: The theme of this season seems to be to me "fighting for identity." Jack, Vadic, Data, etc.

This is quite a theory, not entirely convinced as this would really be the craziest plotline ever in star trek.