Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x03 - "Seventeen Seconds"


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Nope. Just going out and being...
I thought the implication from Insurrection was that it was kept away from the frontlines to rally support from potential new members and show that despite everything, Starfleet will always continue its primary mission. I mean we know that the Dominion was trying to recruit further allies in the AQ and expand the resources available to them and who better than Picard and the legendary flagship of the Federation to lead that effort? I'm sure they saw some fighting though.
If you were the father of the galaxy's biggest disappointment would YOU go out of your way to mention it?
Michael Dorn himself said Worf is a terrible father. And it's more likely that the showrunners don't know what to do with Alexander yet so are minimizing mentions of him, the way Zhaban conveniently left out Crusher in his TNG namedrop in Season 1.
Michael Dorn himself said Worf is a terrible father. And it's more likely that the showrunners don't know what to do with Alexander yet so are minimizing mentions of him, the way Zhaban conveniently left out Crusher in his TNG namedrop in Season 1.

That might get a little awkward later in the season as the parenthood theme continues and Worf enters the inner circle.
I really enjoyed this episode. I watch for characterization and character connections far more than ships and space battles. I understand Beverly. She knew her on-again, off-again lover Jean-Luc pretty well by the fifth time she broke it off with him. He kept getting kidnapped or threatened or called away and how many times had Wesley been placed in danger before he vanished with the Traveler? She had lost all her family by that point, knew the costs and wasn’t willing to pay them anymore. She decided to keep this last son safe by obscuring his identity, maybe by deliberately naming him after her dead husband, and cutting off all her Star Fleet connections. Jack is very close to his mother, very loyal and protective of her, obviously used to helping with the patients she tends to and doing anything it takes to get her what she needs for her practice. He’s also sensitive, clearly feels bad that people are being injured because Picard wanted to save him. He also knows where to go to get around any road blocks put in his way and will just bulldoze his way past them if needed. As Seven says, “Well, you’re insane.” He chose on his own to have no contact with Picard. What’s interesting here is how much all of that makes him like Picard.

I like Worf’s evolution and his chamomile tea. The Changelings have never appealed to me. i’m sorry they’re the main villain.
The actor who played the Changeling Worf killed, Thomas Dekker, he played Thomas Picard in the Nexus illusion in Generations
That Nexus Illusion in Generations will hit a lot harder now, knowing in the future that Beverly Crusher, who Picard loved and trusted, knowingly and willingly deprived him of that.
are we sure Alexander is even still alive? The last time we saw him the two had reconciled then he disappeared.

It doesn’t mean Worf still isn’t a shitty dad. But it might be something interesting to explore.
are we sure Alexander is even still alive? The last time we saw him the two had reconciled then he disappeared.

It doesn’t mean Worf still isn’t a shitty dad. But it might be something interesting to explore.
He was killed off in Star Trek Online and this show has been taking a lot of inspiration from that game. However, even the game incident in which Alexander dies does not occur until 10 years after Picard Season 3. As it is, the game is going to have to do a LOT of rewriting of Worf's storyline to have it fit with the show now.
That Nexus Illusion in Generations will hit a lot harder now, knowing in the future that Beverly Crusher, who Picard loved and trusted, knowingly and willingly deprived him of that.
I think finding out about Jack is a devastating punch and maybe not one you ever exactly come back from.

But Picard had other opportunities to have children, and he never actively pursued them. Beverly denied him the opportunity to choose how to react to her accidental pregnancy and the existence of a son he never planned or imagined. She didn't deny him the opportunity to have a family at all - at any point he could have pursued that path if he wanted to.

The fact that he didn't makes the whole drama all the more compelling to me, tbh.
Worf was using the hand phaser from Nemesis


As it is, the game is going to have to do a LOT of rewriting of Worf's storyline to have it fit with the show now.
Cryptic have said they'll ignore any plot points from the new shows that contradict big parts of their story.

He was killed off in Star Trek Online
Dorn apparently was not a big fan of that or where they took Worf as a character. Allegedly that's why he never came back to the game.

and this show has been taking a lot of inspiration from that game.
Only the ships, nothing else.
- Beverly's explanation why she didn't tell Picard about Jack's existence felt selfish. I know that she had already lost a husband and son to the universe. But that was not a good enough reason why she left everything and everyone behind. Maybe it will make more sense in the coming episodes.

Maybe not a good enough reason, but I kind of think she laid out her reasoning pretty well. AS A MOTHER. And she explained how she knew she should've said something but every time Picard's dangerous existence got in the way. And she lost a lot to Star Fleet. As a mom I can definitely give her a pass on her decisions. As a dad, your mileage may vary.
But Picard had other opportunities to have children, and he never actively pursued them.
Unless I'm missing something, I'm not sure this is the case. For all we know Anij dumped him and Laris only became avaialable last season.

I say this as someone who struggled for years and years and years to get a date into my thirties. I sometimes forget that other people don't realize how difficult it can be and assume that everyone has the same opportunities that they have if they didn't have these difficulties.

Cryptic have said they'll ignore any plot points from the new shows that contradict big parts of their story.

Dorn apparently was not a big fan of that or where they took Worf as a character. Allegedly that's why he never came back to the game.
Very interesting. Not that I don't believe you, but if you've got links to either of these please post them, I'd love to see that (last I heard Cryptic said they were going to roll with the punches so to speak, thus the removal of Icheb and Hugh from the game).

I'd be curious if Worf's game storyline were scrapped in favor of one in line with Picard's version if Dorn would come back.
Really enjoyed this one. A solid 9.
Plot moved forward. Villains revealed. Parentage confirmed. Reasons given. Cool battle with new weapons. Good Cop/Bad interrogation. Odo name drop (sort of) Riker kicks Picard off the bridge.
I guess the doctor is a Trill. Man, those spots disappear in the darkness.