Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 3x01 - "The Next Generation"


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Shaw is denying her Borg Designation.

We are talking about Shaw taking her name away, not the Borg.

I think he should have or at least let her know that shes a fucking dolt to keep her Borg name while surrounded by Borg victims.
Yup. It's a terrible reminder of what she did as a borg. Why give herself and others that memory constantly?
if that is Shaw’s view he is utterly failing to grasp that every xB is as much of not more a victim of the Collective than anyone merely being killed by them.

We don't know Shaw's Reason.

This is just the least assholey version of a reason I could think of.

Every other Ex-Borg has taken a name or returned to their original given name, because they hate the Borg, they hate what the Borg did did to them, and what the Borg made them do.

Seven kept her Borg designation, her Borg features, Borg mannerisms, Borg Identity and threatened (Neelix) people with Assimilation, even after she realized that the collective sucks, she loved being Borg, and enjoyed letting people know that she is Borg and that is why she is better then they are.
I hope that doesn't mean Changelings are involved...
It's certainly possible, given we know it ties in to the Dominion War and the thing about them having different faces each time Bev and her kid saw them.

It also seems to tie in to the Borg somehow - wasn't the "quantum tunneling" originally a Borg thing from VOY?

Also, hints about decisions Starfleet - or Picard himself - made back in the day. Especially with the attack on the Starfleet recruitment center - very pointed.

Changelings, Maquis, and Borg... I can't help thinking they're all tied together somehow in this. But something relatively recent triggered it. Between the android planet in S1 and Jurati's "new" Borg in S2, could someone be thinking they're stopping a threat to the galaxy?

“I don’t want to set the world on fire. I just want to start a flame in your heart.” My mother loved it when I told her about this opening up the ep.
I *adore* the fact the Jean-Luc made Beverly a MIXTAPE! I couldn't help but laugh. But in an "I remember doing that" kind of way. :luvlove:
Yup. It's a terrible reminder of what she did as a borg. Why give herself and others that memory constantly?
Because it's her name. How would you like if people refused to call you your preferred name?


What is the level you get to forget someone saved the universe?
It's his ship, his rules. It doesn't matter how many universes they saved. They tried to get him to change course by lying to him.
What is Geordi's chosen name? He's also from Africa and not, as far as I know, descended from slaves.

His Birth Certificate might say George.

But you are old enough to know that Levar Burton played Kunta Kinta in Roots, and Geordi in Star Trek, and I was just using short hand, but conflating the two characters.
Because it's her name. How would you like if people refused to call you your preferred name?

It's his ship, his rules. It doesn't matter how many universes they saved. They tried to get him to change course by lying to him.

Ok. What if someone decided to change their name to Adolph Hitler? Would that be ok if he worked at a Jewish center? I doubt many would like that. She had a human name and as you said it's his ship and his rules.
I just don’t understand how people are complaining about this show. This season seems to be what everyone wanted from the start. I’m really loving it so far…
"If he's for it, we're against it" applies to more than just one arena. All I'll say about that.

I love Seasons 1 and 3 for different reasons.
His Birth Certificate might say George.

But you are old enough to know that Levar Burton played Kunta Kinta in Roots, and Geordi in Star Trek, and I was just using short hand, but conflating the two characters.
Why wouldn't it say "Geordi?"? So "George" is his non-slave name????
What were you short handing? Geordi and Kunta aren't the same characters with the same background. They just share an actor.
I watched again and it sat better this time than it did the other night. I just still find it ugly took at with the darkness and desaturated colors. But there is a "spark" here. But from what I understand this isn't going to get any better took at which is a problem...

Because it's on TV.

HD/UHD TV and my brightness settings can't go any higher (everything else I watch looks fine so clearly the problem isn't me or the TV settings.)

There's also a spark missing and element to this NuTrek that doesn't sit right, only one NuTrek series clicks with me (SNW which, oddly, uses COLOR and LIGHT!!!) This doesn't feel like a road to a TNG "reunion" or TUC-style send off to me because nothing yet looks or feels like TNG or "they old gang back together." Early and still time for that, though. But...

  • Do the writers think accents are hereditary? (You all know that's where it's going.)
  • LIGHTS!!!
  • Still don't like Raffi.
  • It took something like 50 years for Garrett to get a statue in her honor? It's not like her death lead to an alliance between the Federation and Klingons.
  • LIGHTS!!!
  • The Enterprise Theme shouldn't be used for other ships.
  • COLOR!!!!
  • Picard and Riker were sleeping in their uniforms? Is this like a cartoon whete characters are always in their known clothes?
  • On behalf of the Enterprise-D I am insulted. She was a glorious lady.
  • LIGHTS!!!
  • COLOR!!!
  • Shaw better have a come around.
I dunno... Maybe. But the other seasons started off with "a" promise too.
Ok. What if someone decided to change their name to Adolph Hitler? Would that be ok if he worked at a Jewish center? I doubt many would like that. She had a human name and as you said it's his ship and his rules.
Not sure "Seven of Nine" is comparable to "Adolph Hitler".
I don't think "his rules" should extend to a person's name.