Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 1x08 - "Broken Pieces"

Rate Episode 1x08 "Broken Pieces"

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what law are you kidding?

murder, in france having live firearms unsecured is a crime, using them and not reporting killings and fleeing earth....yeah thats a few crimes.
24th century United Earth France isn't exactly the same thing as 20th century real life France. United Earth would need to have a unified law system, for no other reason than the ease and speed of travel. It's likely that weapon ownership isn't heavily restricted on Earth at this time, especially since TNG era phasers are multi-purpose survival tools in addition to weapons. (And it's probable that America would insist its second amendment be integrated into the United Earth Consitution before signing on.)

Do remember that this is a civilization that lets schoolchildren play with antimatter for their science projects. In a setting where any teenager could easily make a multi-megaton bomb just from school supplies, I don't think they're worried too much about weapons control.

I am aware the romulans are to blame but the police have dead bodies and on

but you are all overlooking he left earth right after killings, the police have a pile of dead romulan bodies on a farm worked by romulan servants,

starfleet is likely to be bad it always is, and tje federation has a history of throwing people under the bus to protect a treaty

reporting something to starfleet is pointless, they are not the police and Admiral clancy is very likely to be bad very few starfleet admirals are good after all.

who said it was a home invasion? the police never watched the scene on tv.

they arrived, a pile of dead unregistered romulans are sat there presented to them by two romulan servants on a farm whontold them boss man had to defend himself.

where is house owner? bossman left earth right after the event, but it was self defence.

Now tell me if a pile of dead mexicans turning up on a us farm that used mexican workers wouldn't raise police eyebrows, now add to that the owner who had helped kill them had mysteriously left the usa right afterward without waiting for the police what would the police reaction be?

I say a murder enquiry would be launched and a warrant for the persons arrest would be issued.

When was the last time there was a murder on Earth of all places? TNG-era Earth is a crime-free utopia. The police aren't equipped to handle murders any more than modern police are equipped to handle dinosaurs. They're a thing of the distant past, and generally a waste of resources training people for.

Laris and Zhaban probably disposed of the bodies, as well. Phasers have a vaporize setting, so it's pretty trivial to do. A murder investigation would require establishing that those Romulans actually existed in the first place.
Another Mass Effect similarity is the ban on synthetic life. Mass Effect's version makes more sense since it wasn't caused by a conspiracy, but by a war with a machine race. Let's hope Picard has enough Paragon points to get the good ending.
Ironically star wars has no such ban despite their entire galaxy being decimated by evil droids during the clone wars
It's a really common trope stretches back decades in Science fiction and predates Mass Effect - which by the way when Charbon was asked about it said "never heard of it - should I know it?"
He may not know about ME, but I’ll bet you dollars to donuts he knows about NuBSG. :lol:
Im starting to get the impression that Chabon is just pandering to the fans now.
He isn't. He's just answering questions.

If it was pandering we would have had more call backs. The specifically ignored the Dominion War because that was too much baggage.
I am aware the romulans are to blame but the police have dead bodies and on

but you are all overlooking he left earth right after killings, the police have a pile of dead romulan bodies on a farm worked by romulan servants,

starfleet is likely to be bad it always is, and tje federation has a history of throwing people under the bus to protect a treaty

reporting something to starfleet is pointless, they are not the police and Admiral clancy is very likely to be bad very few starfleet admirals are good after all.

who said it was a home invasion? the police never watched the scene on tv.

they arrived, a pile of dead unregistered romulans are sat there presented to them by two romulan servants on a farm whontold them boss man had to defend himself.

where is house owner? bossman left earth right after the event, but it was self defence.

Now tell me if a pile of dead mexicans turning up on a us farm that used mexican workers wouldn't raise police eyebrows, now add to that the owner who had helped kill them had mysteriously left the usa right afterward without waiting for the police what would the police reaction be?

I say a murder enquiry would be launched and a warrant for the persons arrest would be issued.
The amount of assumptions in this reply are astronomical. The conflating the situation with modern law is also inaccurate, at best.
It's a big universe. Does everything have to be connected to something? Can't they ever discovery something new?

On the other hand, why bother inventing a brand-new extinct civilization when the Trek universe is already littered with them? Half the fun of playing in a shared universe is using all the toys in the sandbox and making these kinda connections.

Indeed, one can argue that it's kinda a waste to come up with some tantalizing new alien civilization (like the Tkon Empire) and then throw them away after only a single one-off episode. Why not explore all these intriguing loose ends if you have the opportunity to do so? Lord knows that's what the novels and comics have been doing for generations now.

(Says the guy who got a lot of mileage out of the Tkon Empire in my Q Trilogy decades ago.)
It's a really common trope stretches back decades in Science fiction and predates Mass Effect - which by the way when Charbon was asked about it said "never heard of it - should I know it?"
He's never heard of Mass Effect?! The swine! I'll have to boycott Picard now. ;)
It's a nice call back to a one off reference. Not seeing the problem.

I have trouble understanding this point.

It's not like that there are dozens of episodes about the Tkon and their empire like it was with the Klingons, Cardassians and Borg ;)

On the other hand, why bother inventing a brand-new extinct civilization when the Trek universe is already littered with them? Half the fun of playing in a shared universe is using all the toys in the sandbox and making these kinda connections.

Indeed, one can argue that it's kinda a waste to come up with some tantalizing new alien civilization (like the Tkon Empire) and then throw them away after only a single one-off episode. Why not explore all these intriguing loose ends if you have the opportunity to do so? Lord knows that's what the novels and comics have been doing for generations now.

(Says the guy who got a lot of mileage out of the Tkon Empire in my Q Trilogy decades ago.)

I'm gonna stick with Bob Justman on not having a smaller, more insular Trek universe. ;)

On the other hand, why bother inventing a brand-new extinct civilization when the Trek universe is already littered with them? Half the fun of playing in a shared universe is using all the toys in the sandbox and making these kinda connections.

Indeed, one can argue that it's kinda a waste to come up with some tantalizing new alien civilization (like the Tkon Empire) and then throw them away after only a single one-off episode. Why not explore all these intriguing loose ends if you have the opportunity to do so? Lord knows that's what the novels and comics have been doing for generations now.

(Says the guy who got a lot of mileage out of the Tkon Empire in my Q Trilogy decades ago.)

Heck, you got mileage out of one-time characters like Dr. Nichols and Roberta Lincoln and in the same series of books. That's one reason I love them so much. Tying tiny, separate threads of the Trek universe together into a coherent whole is part of the fun of Trek. :)