Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 1x08 - "Broken Pieces"

Rate Episode 1x08 "Broken Pieces"

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Yep ... Mr. Chabon is just confirming with that answer that the
"Ancient, Star Moving People, the Tkon" were mentioned in TNG.
(He typed "Yes the WERE, not ARE)

Somebody needs to re-ask the question so it relates to PICARD specifically.
(and with the proper punctuation. he is a Professional Writer after all)
It was never mention in the TNG episode The Last Outpost the Tkon moved stars. It was mention they've moved planets. It is possible they did move stars.
The question should be: Is the Tkon empire that moved planets, that was mention in the TNG episode the last outpost are the same one that move the stars in Star Trek Picard episode Broken Pieces.
The problem with using Q in Picard is he kind of puts a halt to everything else going on, which is a problem in a serialized show.

Though I admit it would be a fun line:
"And why are you appearing so much older to me now?"
"I didn't want to make you feel bad."
Who needs him? I hear Kate loves a mystery.
But his Mrs. was lost for seven years and came back almost a whole new woman.
Then she spent seven years in jail which changed her outlook even more...


Not all of us have the time to read every post nor do we have the time or inclination to read every Star Trek novel. So forgive me for asking questions about something I don’t have as much knowledge as you do.

I was thinking "who the f*** is O" just when I scrolled to you asking. So, thanks.
certainly learned more about Rios; :hugegrin:
Got a Mermaid fetish.....
He's peronality is divided into 5
Love to read stuff like, "the concept of dread" and "The tragic sense of life"
Also have a thing for old vinyl records and Ella Fitzgerald.

"And he's sae fou as a piper
an' awfu aff the fang"

Billie Holliday. Not Ella.

FWIW, Ella tended to do more big band types of stuff, with Duke Ellington's orchestra backing her up.

Billie is more often tending more towards blues with less instrumental backing or piano jazz.

Though there are exceptions in both directions.
It was never mention in the TNG episode The Last Outpost the Tkon moved stars. It was mention they've moved planets. It is possible they did move stars.
Data says in the episode that they could move stars.

PICARD: Continue, Commander.
DATA: Intriguing. It describes the Empire as being highly advanced and powerful, and capable of actually moving stars.
RIKER: Stars whose planets are their defence system?
DATA: Correct, sir. Outposts. The planet below was possibly one of them.
That was Billie Holiday.
Billie Holliday. Not Ella.
FWIW, Ella tended to do more big band types of stuff, with Duke Ellington's orchestra backing her up.
Billie is more often tending more towards blues with less instrumental backing or piano jazz.
Though there are exceptions in both directions.

AH.... thank you both, so that was Billie... cool!
Data says in the episode that they could move stars.
It would be cool if they built this on that small reference to the Tkon Empire from The Last Outpost. There is so much more built over the last fifty years that is unexplored. Why not use it and build on it?
Data says in the episode that they could move stars.
I went and look at the script. My mistake, you are right, it was mention that they move stars. It also was mention that their star went nova 600,000 years ago. The war with the synths happen 200,000 years ago.
The writers either change the Tkon empire history or they not the same ones that move the stars in Picard. I'm assuming it will be mention in Picard of who moved the stars.
I doubt anyone was thinking of the Tkon Empire, since they were in one forgettable 1st season TNG episode and they had nothing to do with synthetic life.
Did Oh do to Vandermeer what she did to Jurati? To compel obedience?
I thought the order was given remotely so she wouldn't have got the chance - Rios said they were somewhere pretty remote and she couldn't have known in advance that the ibn Majid would pick up a pair of synths, so would have just had to respond to the report once she received it. Rios said she compelled obedience by threatening to have the entire ship destroyed, with all hands, if Vandermeer failed to comply. Maybe another captain might have sought another solution, but Vandermeer clearly felt he couldn't take the chance, not with the lives of his entire crew at stake, plus any families and other civilians also aboard.
Another Mass Effect similarity is the ban on synthetic life. Mass Effect's version makes more sense since it wasn't caused by a conspiracy, but by a war with a machine race. Let's hope Picard has enough Paragon points to get the good ending.
I’m going with Protheans unless I’m told otherwise.
Another Mass Effect similarity is the ban on synthetic life. Mass Effect's version makes more sense since it wasn't caused by a conspiracy, but by a war with a machine race. Let's hope Picard has enough Paragon points to get the good ending.

It's a really common trope stretches back decades in Science fiction and predates Mass Effect - which by the way when Charbon was asked about it said "never heard of it - should I know it?"
But that isn't what his answer indicates.
The question as worded, relates to what was reveled in The Next Generation show, not STAR TREK: PICARD.
It's unclear at best...it could be read either way. I'd think the intention of the question was clear enough.
The writers either change the Tkon empire history or they not the same ones that move the stars in Picard. I'm assuming it will be mention in Picard of who moved the stars.

It's possible they confused the dates with the Iconians which were 200k years ago.
The DS9 writers did the same thing, though they caught it before filming started.