Spoilers Star Trek: Picard 1x08 - "Broken Pieces"

Rate Episode 1x08 "Broken Pieces"

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Tkon and 0 would make sense as post-Abrams Trek has been keen to canonize a lot of novel elements and the Q are such an important part of Picard as a character, I can't see this series avoiding them forever.
Loved this episode, and generally very happy with Season 1 up to this point. There's a few things I wish were a little different but this is so much more than anything I ever thought we'd ever get with our old friends. Love it...

Also, I'm hoping the ancient civilization is the Iconians.
So I guess Chabon confirmed on his Instagram that the ancient civilization who created the Eightfold Stars was the Tkon.

I dont mind the profanity used on the show but it comes across as so contrived that it just makes me cringe.
I am aware the romulans are to blame but the police have dead bodies and on

Dead bodies lying in the wake of Trek horoes has been a thing for a long time.

but you are all overlooking he left earth right after killings, the police have a pile of dead romulan bodies on a farm worked by romulan servants,
Tal Shiar operatives and a bunch of bodies to cover up? Spy 101 anyone?

starfleet is likely to be bad it always is, and tje federation has a history of throwing people under the bus to protect a treaty
Yeah, that's how the show framed this mess. About time someone noticed for story purposes.

reporting something to starfleet is pointless, they are not the police and Admiral clancy is very likely to be bad very few starfleet admirals are good after all.
They're all good. It's the definition of good that's tricky.

who said it was a home invasion? the police never watched the scene on tv.
Can we all get one of these 'Know-a-Vision' TV sets you watch the show with?

they arrived, a pile of dead unregistered romulans are sat there presented to them by two romulan servants on a farm whontold them boss man had to defend himself.
Raffi's conspiracy? Or the bog standard Trek security incompetence?

where is house owner? bossman left earth right after the event, but it was self defence.
Hardly the first paper thin excuse bought in this show.

Now tell me if a pile of dead mexicans turning up on a us farm that used mexican workers wouldn't raise police eyebrows, now add to that the owner who had helped kill them had mysteriously left the usa right afterward without waiting for the police what would the police reaction be?
Have you seen Joe Arpaio?

I say a murder enquiry would be launched and a warrant for the persons arrest would be issued.
You don't watch enough TV.
edit: posted it in the wrong thread lol
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So I guess Chabon confirmed on his Instagram that the ancient civilization who created the Eightfold Stars was the Tkon.


That is worded so weirdly that he could be referring to them being the builders or he could be saying they were referenced in TNG lol
Yep ... Mr. Chabon is just confirming with that answer that the
"Ancient, Star Moving People, the Tkon" were mentioned in TNG.

He typed "Yes they WERE, not ARE.

Somebody needs to re-ask the question so it relates to PICARD specifically.
(and with the proper punctuation. he is a Professional Writer after all)

Plus, I really doubt he would be so blythe as to give away a major plot point like that before the last two shows air.
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In the Q continuum novels the Tkon Empire needed generations to only move one sun and they didn't even do it in the end as 0 was an asshole and destroyed their old sun before they could exchange it with a new sun and it was the end of their civilization. So in the novel verse the Tkon couldn't have been the race which set up those 8 suns. If they are in PIC they are deviating from the novels which also makes it less probable that 0 or Q will be in any way involved in PIC.
If he is saying that the people who built the octonary system were the Tkon, then the identity of the builders must not be that big of a reveal in itself.
If he is saying that the people who built the octonary system were the Tkon, then the identity of the builders must not be that big of a reveal in itself.
But that isn't what his answer indicates.
The question as worded, relates to what was reveled in The Next Generation show, not STAR TREK: PICARD.

As I said, he is a Professional Writer, he's going to answer the question as worded, not as the person asking intended.