Star Trek: Phase II's "The Holiest Thing" - Delayed

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We threw the switch.

"The Holiest Thing" is now available on YouTube. Feedback and comments are welcome.


Cool. Looking forward to watching it. Although, it's not (yet?) available to view on the YouTube app on Apple TV. Guess, I'll have to go old school.

Also, will a high-res version be available?
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Looking forward to watching this. Unfortunately this will be a test case for how CBS will treat fan films moving forward. Hopefully there are no blanket consequences from that Axanar mess.
This is great! I really needed something like this right now...Thank you to James Cawley, Greg and the whole team...
(after watching it: what a great effort! )
Just finished it up...

The Good...
The Phase II Enterprise looks amazing.
Carl Sheldon looked great as Captain Scott...
Overall a good story. It was paced well, and pretty much kept me engaged

The Neutral
While it was nice to see post Relics Scotty, I don't see how his presence really furthers the story, on the front or backend

The Opportunities....
The lighting, ESPECIALLY in Kirks Quarters was harsh, and washed out the actors a couple times.
The Sound, Some of the dialogue sounded hollow, and as though the mic gains were maxed out
The Music, A couple of the musical queues didn't really match the tone of the scene.
No Chemistry, There wasn't any chemistry between Brian Gross and Jacy King. The romance scenes between them seemed forced.

Overall a decent episode. I don't "FEEL" like i am watching an Episode of TOS like I do when I watch ST:C, but that isn't the end all/be all of fan films.
I just finished watching it, and kudos to the whole team for finally getting it out. I thoroughly enjoyed the story; it was a good episode and did a great job of filling in some of the blanks that we already knew about.

Production-wise, it had some issues, primarily to do with sound and color. The sound issues have already been mentioned, but they seemed to fade away as the episode progressed. Color definitely looked washed out in some scenes, and I found both Jim and Carol looked aged and washed out in that final scene in Kirk's quarters.

NV doesn't get the 60s look down the way STC does, but I don't think it's a goal for them the same way it is for STC.

At the same time, I loved the interplay between the big three, and that's twice in a row I've thought the story was better than STCs recent offerings. It was a really fun Star Trek film to watch.
Just watched it and enjoyed it very much. That said, the post-"Relics" framing story was bafflingly superfluous, and I was distracted by the thought that David Marcus is a severe victim of SORAS; must be the protomatter... I know that kind of continuity is not the be-all-and-end-all of a good story, but the fact that the dates don't come close to working - David was not 12 years old in The Wrath of Khan - kicked me out of the story several times.

FWIW, it may perhaps have worked just as well to have Kirk and Carol be old lovers who reunite in this episode, and for Kirk to discover that he and Carol already have a young son from their previous relationship, whom Carol never told him about. You could then have Carol asking him to stay away.
I thoroughly enjoyed this. This is the only Phase 2 episode where I thought the story was on par with the TV show. The acting was great, the FX were fantastic, especially the phase 2 Enterprise. I never noticed any sound issues as per above, I did notice the lighting issues. But the story was good enough to ignore this and keep me engrossed. Seems a waste of a good Montgomery Scott based story with him reminiscing, the actor who played him as older Scotty looked and acted rather well. I had to look closely to see if you had used a clip from Relics at first. Very well done guys, thanks for a great episode
NV doesn't get the 60s look down the way STC does, but I don't think it's a goal for them the same way it is for STC.

NEW VOYAGES has always felt as something that Berman would've produced had he been told to do a show set in the original series. It has that 90s-00s Trek feel.
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