Star Trek: Of Gods and Men


Lieutenant Junior Grade
Red Shirt
It’s such an amazing movie and honestly the last project that brought together so many Star Trek veterans which sadly many have passed on since the project. It was the closest thing we had to official ST for many years, and I’m still glad that it was made.

I’ve had a dvd of it for years and was reminded of such when I saw another post about it. It sits on the shelf with my other Star Trek movies right after Generations.
This is my all-time favourite fan film. It's a SyFy-style mockbuster but with real Trek actors. It's a $150 million epic made for $15.95. Lots of cheese, lots of cringe, but if you can watch it without smiling, I'd like to see your Trek fan credentials.
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I dunno, Nichelle Nichols' acting in this film carries plenty of cringe...and sometimes they jump too willfully into bad fanservice...
What usually makes me cringe about Trek fan films is some combination of bad acting and weak script. I'm rating OGAM against other fan films. That I've seen. In that august company, it's perhaps not a high bar to clear. :shrug:
It's amazing how fan productions gave Walter, Nichelle and George chance to develop their characters in the way official productions never gave them a chance. Completely unofficial, not on DVD, blu ray or Paramount+, but feels legit because of the casting.

Plus Chekov and Uhura are finally seen as Captain and Admiral. One thing that struck me about the pending Picard season is how, at the end of Star Trek VI, the TOS cast expect Sulu had been sat at the same station doing the same job for 25 years, give or take temporary deadness or a brief spell as Admiral Kirk never really wanted

Walter in New Voyages and Renegades (Nichelle cameos in the sequel)
Walter and Nichelle in Of Gods and Men and the 'Excelsior' audio series 50th anniversary episode (Uhura is Captain and absolutely in the lead!)
George in New Voyages (also cameos in Yorktown)
It's amazing how fan productions gave Walter, Nichelle and George chance to develop their characters in the way official productions never gave them a chance. Completely unofficial, not on DVD, blu ray or Paramount+, but feels legit because of the casting.

Plus Chekov and Uhura are finally seen as Captain and Admiral. One thing that struck me about the pending Picard season is how, at the end of Star Trek VI, the TOS cast expect Sulu had been sat at the same station doing the same job for 25 years, give or take temporary deadness or a brief spell as Admiral Kirk never really wanted

Walter in New Voyages and Renegades (Nichelle cameos in the sequel)
Walter and Nichelle in Of Gods and Men and the 'Excelsior' audio series 50th anniversary episode (Uhura is Captain and absolutely in the lead!)
George in New Voyages (also cameos in Yorktown)
A dvd does exist, it was a free gift to anyone that bought anything from the website back between 2014-2017.
One thing that struck me about the pending Picard season is how, at the end of Star Trek VI, the TOS cast expect Sulu had been sat at the same station doing the same job for 25 years...

Huh? In ST VI, Captain Sulu and USS Excelsior was returning from a three-year mission mapping gaseous anomalies.
Huh? In ST VI, Captain Sulu and USS Excelsior was returning from a three-year mission mapping gaseous anomalies.
Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Chekov andUhura we’re all still on the Enterprise. The TNG cast are all doing other things, which is a major difference
Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty, Chekov andUhura we’re all still on the Enterprise. The TNG cast are all doing other things, which is a major difference

Ah! Okay, the poster said "expect Sulu" and I misunderstood the point. "Except Sulu".

Mind you, the gap between end of TOS/TAS (2270) and ST VI (2293) = 23 years versus the gap between end of TNG (2370) and Season 3 PIC (approx 2402) = 32 years.
Mind you, the gap between end of TOS/TAS (2270) and ST VI (2293) = 23 years versus the gap between end of TNG (2370) and Season 3 PIC (approx 2402) = 32 years.
Wouldn't Nemesis (2379) be a better time point since most of the cast was still in the same positions in that movie?