Spoilers Star Trek: Lower Decks 1x02 - "Envoys"

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  • 1 - I dream of better Trek.

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Barnes the Trill didn’t bother me. Names seem to spread as cultures open up. I remember in Enterprise: The First Adventure there was a Vulcan named Stephen.

Again, it's not gonna be something that's gonna ruin my enjoyment, but a detail I'd prefer to be different.
Mariner is just an unorthodox officer, trying to fit into an extremely orthodox organization.

For an organisation that purports to preach respect for individuality and uniqueness, Starfleet sure does expect its officers to be as homogenous and generic as possible.
Mariner is just an unorthodox officer, trying to fit into an extremely orthodox organization.

She's just Ms. Perfect and Awesome and Right About Everything! Never wrong! Never makes a mistake! I mean, she's just the bestest!

That's thin and grating.

So you think Boimler would’ve been fine on that mission, handling a Klingon on his own?

Someone thought he was able to his. His job was to fly him to embassy/conference/whatever and they come back. Mariner barges herself in, gets herself put over PH on the mission then goes and gets the Klingon drunk which spirals into the string of problems which do come from PH's inexperience.

Which, yeah, I'm sure that was her plan the entire time, to get the Klingon drunk, have him steal the shuttle, then have her and PH walk through this area, where he'll make a series of mistakes she (The Bestest!) gets to correct and constantly show him how wrong and inexperienced he is while along the way showing and saying how cool, awesome, and best she is!

I don't find that to be a good, or interesting, story or character.

Jadzia has subtly and was wrong on occasion and didn't constantly shout her lines and act like she was the center and focus of the entire room, and her knowledge and experiences came from having lived through several lifetimes. Here in this episode PH says he and Mariner are "like the same age" but, yet, she's got all of this vast and awesome experience that makes her cool and great and knowledgeable at everything. She's flawless and the best! Just love her because there's nothing about her to not love!

She's the best!
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I don’t think Bashir took it down. I imagine the organisation is bigger than that.
Tell that to Sloan.

Federation News probably had a field day when it was found out that Section 31 infected The Founders and Odo is the one who put a stop to it.

For all we know, one of the conditions of the Peace Treaty might've been that it be made known what Section 31 did in the spirit of transparency.

Like COINTELPRO, they were exposed. I don't doubt that something else probably replaced Section 31 afterwards, that no one knows anything about.

Section 31 in 2380 likely falls under "declassified". Although several of their actual activities probably aren't declassified. I don't know. I can't confirm or deny.
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I don’t think Bashir took it down. I imagine the organisation is bigger than that.

That's why I used the quotes. I do think it's pretty reasonable that, after the Dominion War, Bashir went public with what he knew about the organization and their part in attempting to commit genocide of the Founders.
Tell that to Sloan.

Federation News probably had a field day when it was found out that Section 31 infected The Founders and Odo is the one who put a stop to it.

For all we know, one of the conditions of the Peace Treaty might've been that it be made known what Section 31 did in the spirit of transparency.
I don’t think the news got hold of the story. Sloan was only one of the higher ups. There would be more.
Bashir wouldn’t have gone public as that could be more harmful to the Federation I feel
She did manage to get the Klingon drunk and lost the shuttle, no?

But, see, she did that on purpose because it was her long-game plan to make PH more confident and sure of himself while also teaching he doesn't know everything. Mariner knows everything. They should just JJ Kirk her now and make her Admiral or something.

But you also knew Jadzia for six seasons' worth of episodes. You have two episodes of Mariner.

Two episodes of her taking my head and beating it into a concrete wall with her yelling "LIKE ME! LIKE ME! I'M THE BEST! I'M AWESOME! I'M FUNNY! LIKE ME!!"
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she did that on purpose because it was her long-game plan to make PH more confident and sure of himself while also teaching he doesn't know everything.

Mariner wanted to provoke a situation where improvisation was required, but I don't think she knew what form it would take. There was no way for her to know the General would wake up exactly when they stepped out of the shuttle.
Section 31 is the Freemasons. Any two-bit cabal will be jumping at the chance to use the cool name for their own sorry antics, and any bunch of hardened intel professionals will see immense entertainment value in calling themselves that, too. Might be a "Section 31" once did exist, back in Archer's days. It worked up a reputation, then collapsed. In Pike's time, the threat assessment department of Starfleet Intel decided to call themselves Section 31 just for the shits and giggles. And in Sisko's, when threat assessment was actually Department 47, a lone madman with connections to SFI appropriated the S31 designation in his quest to either save the universe or to discredit the hard-working spooks, whichever was the more delusional pursuit...

Rutherford being aware of S31 in the 2380s would basically be the same as us being aware of James Bond today, then.

Timo Saloniemi
I don’t think she’s as bad as Burnham. I imagine something bad will happen to Beckett which will require Brad to rescue her from it.
So what DID you like? The negative stuff is so common, I'd like to hear what people actually liked even if they don't like the series or episode or whatever. Personally I'm just tired of negativity in this world right now. I get there will be people that don't like the show, but please let us know what good things you CAN find in it all.

I would gladly talk about things I liked. Even in movies or shows that I dislike, there can often be something, a scene a performance or even just one joke that I liked.

I despised "The Rise of Skywalker", for instance, but even I will admit that the idea of a lightsaber fight via the force where the combatants aren't in the same place was actually cool.

Back to Lower Decks 1.02 - I'm not exaggerating to say there was nothing in this episode that I liked. Nothing. The opening teaser with the glowing being at least had a funny idea at its core, but the execution was completely tone deaf.

Everything else was worse. I guess I liked the vocal performance of the Ferengi in his "evil" mode, but anyone could see that "twist" coming a mile away.

The rest of the episode was a total slog, consistently unfunny and, not just that, loud and irritating (though, in fairness, that was dialed down a bit from the first episode.)

It's astonishing to me how the jokes in this show are just so, so, so off the mark.
We should start putting these through that app that makes Trump's tweets look like he wrote them in crayon.

Congratulations on a funnier joke than anything the "lower decks" people have come up with in two episodes.

And I'm not being sarcastic.
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I don’t think she’s as bad as Burnham. I imagine something bad will happen to Beckett which will require Brad to rescue her from it.
Didn't Burnham need to be rescued by the Discovery in the very 2nd episode of DIS when her prison shuttle malfunctioned and DIS tractor beamed them in, or else they would have eventually been asphyxiated?

Didn't Pike need to save her in Season 2 Ep 1 (Brother) when she became disabled on that asteroid?
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