Star Trek: First Frontier on Kickstarter

I really liked this movie featuring Robert and Sara h April I really thought it was a good story. I like the new Enterprise crewmembers alot too.
4 consecutive posts...from a moderator? The sky is falling... ;)
To be fair...........I think I may have been the only one to watch it the first few hours.

I had been tracking this film and the Captain Pike project for years (and Pac 201).......I was pulling for them. I tried to stay positive even though the sound mix is horrid and apparently has been since the first trailer as it was commented on then.

They really lost me with the childish credits and the "give praise to the Lord for all our blessings" at the end. You can't bitch about NuTrek with one breath then slide in some good "ol' time religion" into Gene's vision with the next..........
I'm looking forward to watching this!
I had to try several times to watch the thing. I think the sound mixing is poor. I'd love to redo the effects. My contribution was three models, and they may have used one or none. Hard to tell.
Only had time to skip through it but what I've seen so far is really nice. :mallory:
Yeah, I know what you mean. It took me a while to be able to get through it. I'd LOVE to do this kind of work. Man oh man.
That was flipping great! The sound mix could have been better, that's for sure. One part too quite, so you turn your speakers up, and then you get blasted in the next scene. Music louder than the dialog too often. The story plot was excellent, and the acting was well above average.

P.S> This should be in Fan Productions, not Fan Art.
That was flipping great! The sound mix could have been better, that's for sure. One part too quite, so you turn your speakers up, and then you get blasted in the next scene. Music louder than the dialog too often. The story plot was excellent, and the acting was well above average.

P.S> This should be in Fan Productions, not Fan Art.
Rats. I *knew* something was bothering me about where I put this. Sorry.
They needed to use a little less music and tweak the sound a bit. Some effects shots were a bit wonky but overall pretty good
Yeah, with all the time they waited (5 years from filming to effects!) I would have expected something different. But, such is life.
And while I certainly understand using preexisting music, wouldn't it have made more sense to use music that the film's audience doesn't know by heart?
Honestly, the one part that really made me wince was with the music and the Enterprise tour. It was too TMP.
All that aside, as fanfilms go, it’s solid enough. Sam Cockings’ CG certainly stands out, and I thought the acting was pretty decent. I found it entertaining enough, though I did skip over some bits. The whole fandom menace thing just doesn’t sit well with me though, and for me that does cast a shadow over it.
This sums up a lot of my feelings. As a fan film it is a solid A for me. The acting is done well enough that it isn't distracting. The uniforms work well enough, and the CGI is good.

That all said, yes the fandom menace casts a long shadow. Reading "This is Gene's Vision" in the comments is frustrating because it confirms what I have long suspected-there is no room in the "Gene's Vision" box for change.
I do laugh whenever I see one of these fan films that incorporates “the true spirt of Trek”, whatever that means, they always seem to devolve into a massive space battle at the end. Isn’t that what the complaint about NuTrek always is? That is just action and space battles? If we are gonna get that, I’d rather see ILM or Double Negative handling it.

I scrubbed around, and I will agree with the comments about how the acting, especially the leads is much better then the average fan film. Even most of the live action shooting is competent enough, but I’d really like to see what one of these films would look like with even an average industry professional doing the post for the VFX, sound, and conform. There are decent bones here, but a lot of the post work lets it down.
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