Star Trek Fan Film Help...

Discussion in 'General Trek Discussion' started by spatrick256, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. spatrick256

    spatrick256 Ensign Newbie

    Mar 8, 2008
    Hello fellow Trekkies, I’m at a dilemma. I’m going to make a Star Trek Lego Fan Film (yes I already know what you’re going to say) but before you judge please watch my Batman fan film Batman: Faces of evil.
    Now, first here is my crew Voyager Crew DS9 Crew
    Ok now that you know I’m serious, I need to know if using the figures with non-Lego ships would be acceptable. For instance these mini ships. Ships
    Just building the sets is going to be a big process as you can see in my batman fan film the sets will be big. Or should I use legos to build ships? (Little ships) Would it mater. Another matter is I’m thinking of using sound bites from voyager and DS9 episodes for voices because voices are really hard to do. One more question dose it matter if I use different crews with different ships. I would appreciate any feedback or comment it would really help my efforts in making an enjoyable Star Trek Fan Film, Thanks and live long and prosper. Patrick
  2. Michael

    Michael Good Bad Influence Moderator

    Jul 10, 2007
    Aloha Quadrant
    :lol: I love LEGO-Sisko.


    LEGO-Worf is a bit scary, though.

    I think you should post in the Fan Productions forum of this board. Good luck with your project! :bolian: