Star Trek Beyond Uniforms


Lieutenant Commander
Red Shirt
Hiya everyone, long time no see! I don't think I've visited here much since the site redesign and have been pretty busy with school and stuff, but seeing Beyond over the weekend gave me a bit of a trekky nostalgia hit and inspired me to blow off the cobwebs and fire up illustrator for a bit ;) I always really loved the old school technical info and uniform diagrams that came in the star trek fact files magazines and the like, so here's my attempt to add to that long tradition with the uniforms from the new film in the same style ;) So far I have men's and women's duty uniforms, and the service uniforms worn on the Yorktown, but hopefully will be adding more in the coming days :)

Question for those who have seen the new film, from a guy who likes the skirt/boots variation:

Are the boots suede leather or the same regular leather we've seen in previous films? It seems like with the tweaking of the top uniforms in Beyond, the boot addition changed as well.
Hey guys, thanks for the positive feedback! :) I'm not sure about the boots to be honest, I've just been working off prop photos and publicity screenshots on trekcore. To me they look a little more 'suede-y' but its hard to know as the photos I've seen are all a little dark and or blurry.

Just finished up the 'excursion uniform' that Kirk and Chekov wear after crashing on Altamid, not sure about the other division colours as I don't think they're seen in the film, but I've provisionally put them in there anyway ;) for that matter I'm not sure exactly when Kirk has time to get changed as he ejects from the ship wearing the standard duty uniform, so there'll be a few things to keep an eye on on the rewatch ;)

These are utterly fantastic!! Have you done this style for the two previous films (I Know there's a ton of variants) thanks
Truly awesome work!!!!! Those a very detailed and well thought out. Thank you for paying such attention to detail. Awesome work!!!!! :) :)
Really glad everyone is enjoying these :) I know I loved going through the details in the old star trek mags and I hope everyone has the same fun experience poring over costume details as I had while making these new illustrations ;)

For the sake of completeness I did up what appears to be a female variant of the Yorktown Service Uniform. This is mostly the same as the male version I posted before, but while looking through reference photos I noticed numerous small variations including a slightly different cut to the coloured shoulder regions (they meet under the armpit rather than midway up the shoulder) more 'pleats' on the shoulder area with the patch, different shading on the pants and taller boots.

Also while looking through references I discovered kalara wears the excursion (or survival) uniform in science division colours, confirming my guess that the uniform is indeed blue on blue and meaning that its only the engineering version that we don't see onscreen. After that I believe I've completed the uniforms from Beyond! so I might look at doing some of the uniforms from the two previous films next :)
Great pictures, love the way you've done them! I really hope that you will indeed look at doing some of the uniforms from the previous two films :bolian: :)
Yes, they're great. I loved those technical informations in ST fact files as well. Nice job! Hope to see more of these soon....