Star Trek: Axanar

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“They called me queen bi*** wh*** of the Federation”

And the film lost me.

“They called me queen bi*** wh*** of the Federation”

And the film lost me.
Word. That was so colloquial (where any strong woman you don't like is labeled a bi*** as the go-to pejorative) that it felt ""today" and knocked me out of the story.

And don't get me started on their using early 21st century English all the time.
“They called me queen bi*** wh*** of the Federation”

And the film lost me.

“They called me queen bi*** wh*** of the Federation”

And the film lost me.
Word. That was so colloquial (where any strong woman you don't like is labeled a bi*** as the go-to pejorative) that it felt ""today" and knocked me out of the story.

And don't get me started on their using early 21st century English all the time.

Nicely done, impressive effects, looking forward to seeing what the full Axanar film brings. My only critism is the shots showing D6's(?) at nearly ground level! Seems strange as it's not till Voyager that atmospheric handling is supposed to be designed into Federation starships. Not saying the D6's are landing, just the concept of starships well in atmosphere is not in my ST worldview! :)
I suggest you go rewatch the opening of the TOS episode "Tomorrow Is Yesterday" (either the original or remastered version); as it clearly shows that Federation Starships can maneuver in habitable planetary atmospheres. ;)

As for my thoughts on "Prelude to Axanar":

- The opening credits stated it was 'Part III'...what happened to Parts I and II?:p (Yeah, I would have loved to see those ;))

VERY well done on every level. It's the best Fan-made production I've seen and the writing and execution were marvelous. I love all the Easter Eggs and nods to prime TOS continuity, as well as the nod the the era depicted in the Abrams films. It was fun to see that era in the 'Prime' universe.

I've seen people giving some of the acting a hard time, but honestly, this was right up there with the 100% Paramount made episodes/films. Personally, I thought everyone did a good job with what they were given; and I liked what they were given.

Hell, even the Klingons (including the Klingon Empire's overall motivation and actions) were well explained and plausible. It made the Klingon Empire appear as a scary and formidable threat (something that honestly wasn't done well throughout most of the original 'Star Trek', the TOS films, OR in many of TNG Klingon episodes. TNG especially portrayed the Klingon Empire as NOT interested in new tech (or maintaining their ships at all); and here we have an Empire pursuing new tech to further its goals - and a Klingon Fleet Commander who knows the value of a well engineered weapon. IMO - the 'Kharn' character as written and portrayed sits right up there with the other great Klingon characters introduced in TOS, such as John Colicos' 'Kor' and Michael Ansara's 'Kang'.

I REALLY enjoyed Prelude and honestly do like that it just set up the main story of the 'Axanar' feature film, and just gave more background about the entire conflict and set up the 'Axanar' story without really giving any spoilers away (aside from the few main characters we know survive - but hell, when watching 'Star Trek', you knew none of the main recurring characters would die - the interest was watching how they solved the problems/issues present in the episode of the week.)

IMO - Again, great job. I really hope the various Kickstarters are successful (and CBS doesn't decide it goes to far/comes to close to a 'professional' project that they decide to issue a C&D order, or worse), and we get to see the 'Axanar' feature film.

From what I've seen so far, I wish CBS could/would find a way to recognize and include this in Star Trek's 'official' prime continuity officially (without harming their rights to the IP; or having to bring any sort of legal action against the makers of this project.) This whole thing has got me as excited as I would be for any 'official' Star Trek film/TV project from CBS/Paramount.
Hell, even the Klingons (including the Klingon Empire's overall motivation and actions) were well explained and plausible. It made the Klingon Empire appear as a scary and formidable threat (something that honestly wasn't done well throughout most of the original 'Star Trek', the TOS films, OR in many of TNG Klingon episodes. TNG especially portrayed the Klingon Empire as NOT interested in new tech (or maintaining their ships at all); and here we have an Empire pursuing new tech to further its goals - and a Klingon Fleet Commander who knows the value of a well engineered weapon. IMO - the 'Kharn' character as written and portrayed sits right up there with the other great Klingon characters introduced in TOS, such as John Colicos' 'Kor' and Michael Ansara's 'Kang'.

Which is why I perfer the John M. Ford Klingons to what we got on the shows.
Considering Star Trek is primarily a TV franchise and considered family entertainment, I'm not surprised. Though "bitch" has been used to describe a Klingon female, in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

It was the wrong thing for Scotty to say and I'm glad that his reasoning for that kind of name calling was debunked on the spot. I don't think that was ever meant to be depicted as a high point for the character.

There is nothing in Axanar that I would consider even mildly offensive. YMMV.
And I'm trying to say you should be offended by it. I'm just looking at this in a much broader scope than just this one film. I recognize that the intent is to show how much the Klingons despise Sonya and seeing her reflect on that shows she's convinced she's doing something right in this war. I get that. What I don't like is that it's pretty much all she'll be remembered for, because she's not the subject of this film. Garth is. And if she's not talking about what names the Klingons have been calling her, she's talking about how awesome Garth is as a character.

We still have a long way to go.
And I'm trying to say you should be offended by it. I'm just looking at this in a much broader scope than just this one film. I recognize that the intent is to show how much the Klingons despise Sonya and seeing her reflect on that shows she's convinced she's doing something right in this war. I get that. What I don't like is that it's pretty much all she'll be remembered for, because she's not the subject of this film. Garth is. And if she's not talking about what names the Klingons have been calling her, she's talking about how awesome Garth is as a character.

No, I shouldn't be offended. It is a fan film about Captain Garth. If you have an ax to grind, it would be with the writers and casting directors from forty-six years ago who made Garth a man. For me, "Queen Bitch Whore" works perfectly as a sloppy insult from a race that obviously doesn't have a grasp of the English language. Not only is it an insult, but a grudging respect for her skills as a starship captain. She's a big enough pain in their ass that they know who she is.

People claim that they want Trek to be smart and risky, many claim they want an HBO Trek series. Yet, when the slightest hint of "HBO" sneaks into a fan-film people start bitching and moaning.

It's just incredible.
And I'm trying to say you should be offended by it.

How about you let others decide for themselves what they should and should not be offended by?

I'm not going to get into this entire debat, because things like this always turn ugly, very fast. I'm not going to say what I feel and what I think about this matter, because there are clearly two sides to this, and it is something I'm not looking forward to get drawn into.


Telling someone what they need to think and feel, is a far cry from freedom, last I heard. If you have a problem with what people think and believe, fine. That's you're right. As it is theirs to feel otherwise. But do NOT go around telling other what they should think and believe.
IMO - Again, great job. I really hope the various Kickstarters are successful (and CBS doesn't decide it goes to far/comes to close to a 'professional' project that they decide to issue a C&D order, or worse), and we get to see the 'Axanar' feature film.

From what I've seen so far, I wish CBS could/would find a way to recognize and include this in Star Trek's 'official' prime continuity officially (without harming their rights to the IP; or having to bring any sort of legal action against the makers of this project.) This whole thing has got me as excited as I would be for any 'official' Star Trek film/TV project from CBS/Paramount.

them we better be ready with letter writing and petitions to cbs

how do you get what someone else says (quote) into the boxes doesn't seem to work for me?
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And I know this is a radical thought... But maybe we should wait until we have the completed project before deciding how the roles and the film as a whole play out?
how do you get what someone else says (quote) into the boxes doesn't seem to work for me?

Just click on 'QUOTE' on the box of the post you want to reply to. This should take you to the 'Reply to Thread' screen with the quoted material already in the reply window. :techman:
Do you have a composer yet? I didn't click on every page in the thread, just a big number, to see pictures, sketches, and the trailer.
About 7 days in and already their Kickstarter has reached over 160 000$. That's really amazing and I really hope they beat their final goal.

What I'm really curious is, with all the great casting this film already displays, who will they get to fill out all the other roles in this story. They can't back off now and get amateurs, something tells me they may go the STC route and get little-seen but solid actors, like Matthew Ewald and Young Boba Fett...
Whatever you may say about Vic Mignona, he shrewdly made good use of his contact book and his many convention-going buddies...

So who will Alec Peters bring in? More NuBSB folks?
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About 7 days in and already their Kickstarter has reached over 160 000$. That's really amazing and I really hope they beat their final goal.

What I'm really curious is, with all the great casting this film already displays, who will they get to fill out all the other roles in this story. They can't back off now and get amateurs, something tells me they may go the STC route and get little-seen but solid actors, like Matthew Ewald and Young Boba Fett...
Whatever you may say about Vic Mignona, he shrewdly made good use of his contact book and his many convention-going buddies...

So who will Alec Peters bring in? More NuBSB folks?

Their final goal is $650,000. I consider it unlikely they will meet that. IF they did.. it would be lovely.
What I find most offensive here is people telling other people that they should or should not feel offended by the aforementioned term aimed an Sonya. We should all feel free to state how we feel on the subject without being told that our reactions are invalid. That's just plain bad manners.
Oh give it a rest already! This is a great thread about a great fan film project. Please don't get it shut down by continuously attempting to derail it and trolling up manufactured drama and angst. Christ, people are so fucking sensitive these days! Grow up and maybe put some steel reenforcement in that Cylon helmet of yours.
^^^Post not poster. Is following the board guidelines really so difficult? Furthermore, why do you zero in on my comment, which was simply that we should all be able to express our opinions without being told they're invalid?
^^^ because you are constantly trying to hijack and sink this thread by pulling us back into your offended little world. Nobody else here is doing that. I find THAT offensive.
^^^ because you are constantly trying to hijack and sink this thread by pulling us back into your offended little world. Nobody else here is doing that. I find THAT offensive.

Maurice is right: don't go ad hominem, please. If you have a problem with someone's content, please follow proper board steps. Otherwise you run the risk of exacerbating the problem instead of diminishing it.

"I'll just try to get this whole thread to be more civil by throwing some gasoline on it."
What I find most offensive here is people telling other people that they should or should not feel offended by the aforementioned term aimed an Sonya. We should all feel free to state how we feel on the subject without being told that our reactions are invalid. That's just plain bad manners.

Sometimes I agree with your evaluation of a situation/material, Maurice. Other times, not so much. But it's all good and I wasn't intentionally trying to get anyone's dander up. :techman:
That wasn't aimed at any particular person but at several comments which seemed to be telling people if their gut reactions were appropriate. Each of us knows the truth of our own experience and just because others don't have the same experience doesn't make said experience less valid to the person who had it. :)
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