Spoilers ST Lower Decks - Starships & Technology Season 4 Discussion

True, but they didn't want to, they had a objective, show lesser known "Non-Hero" ships. The Defiant class is considered a "Hero Ship", it's a MC Ship of a entire series. So it got excluded because it didn't fit the episode objective.

The Defiant hasn't been a hero ship since DS9 ended in 1999. And regardless, that didn't stop the producers of PRO from using a ton of them for the Federation fleet.

Ships get famous in more ways than what's seen on screen, there's the entire extended universe and outside of what's normal Alpha Canon media.

Of which about 1% of the entire Star Trek fanbase knows or cares about.

Go tweet Mike McMahon and ask him why he didn't use a new ship design instead of the shrunken down SteamRunner?

I would never waste McMahon's time talking to him about something as mundane as this.
The Defiant hasn't been a hero ship since DS9 ended in 1999. And regardless, that didn't stop the producers of PRO from using a ton of them for the Federation fleet.
As they should have. The Defiant Class should become a standard edition to the fleet.

Of which about 1% of the entire Star Trek fanbase knows or cares about.
That 1% is still pretty huge in numbers, enough to keep a Star Trek MMO running that is all about StarShip Combat.

I would never waste McMahon's time talking to him about something as mundane as this.
Your loss.
As they should have. The Defiant Class should become a standard edition to the fleet.

So then why all the 'can't use the Defiant because it's a hero ship' mumbo jumbo?

That 1% is still pretty huge in numbers, enough to keep a Star Trek MMO running that is all about StarShip Combat.

I'm still waiting for proof that the Saber class is 'famous.'

Your loss.

I accept it and move on.
So then why all the 'can't use the Defiant because it's a hero ship' mumbo jumbo?
Because according to the posts from LD Production staff, they wanted to focus on lesser known ships, ships that haven't been "Hero Ships".

'Defiant Class' is a "Hero Ship" just like the 'Excelsior Class', 'Galaxy Class', etc.

I'm still waiting for proof that the Saber class is 'famous.'
You only need to see the fan art of what ships gets drawn more talked about more.
I'm sure the LD Production Staff did their research.
Because according to the posts from LD Production staff, they wanted to focus on lesser known ships, ships that haven't been "Hero Ships".

'Defiant Class' is a "Hero Ship" just like the 'Excelsior Class', 'Galaxy Class', etc.


You only need to see the fan art of what ships gets drawn more talked about more.
I'm sure the LD Production Staff did their research.

Go read previous episode threads, that's where I got the tweet from.
Can't remember exactly which one it was, but it was in one of this seasons threads.

Go searching for the popularity of the background First Contact Ships and how much extra material there is on them on Google, you'll see which ones gets more love and even discussion.
Well, you're the one saying all this stuff, so the burden of proof is on you. Telling me to just go find them for myself doesn't endear me to take you at your word.
Do you really expect me to go find every tweet I've read throughout the LD forum and regurgitate it on command for you, just because you asked?

You can do the searching yourself if you care to find the info, it sits there in the various weekly episode threads.
Do you really expect me to go find every tweet I've read throughout the LD forum and regurgitate it on command for you, just because you asked?

No, just some proof that the LS producers specifically wanted to use a ship that wasn’t the Saber or the Defiant, and proof that the Saber is famous. Since you have been repeating this for some time, I figured it was easy for you to show me something to back up what you’re saying.
Because according to the posts from LD Production staff, they wanted to focus on lesser known ships, ships that haven't been "Hero Ships".

That would explain all those times the Ambassador, Freedom, New Orleans, Niagara, Challenger, and Cheyenne classes showed up... :rolleyes:

'Defiant Class' is a "Hero Ship" just like the 'Excelsior Class', 'Galaxy Class', etc.

When has the Excelsior ever been a hero ship? It's practically a minor villain in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Must have missed that Star Trek: Excelsior series...
That would explain all those times the Ambassador, Freedom, New Orleans, Niagara, Challenger, and Cheyenne classes showed up...
Non of those are "Hero Ships". They weren't the main StarShip of a (TV Show/Movie).

When has the Excelsior ever been a hero ship? It's practically a minor villain in Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. Must have missed that Star Trek: Excelsior series...
It's a temporary antagonist in a earlier movie, it becomes Sulu's Ship later on, and it gets plenty of screen time when they help out Kirk take out the Cloaked Bird of Prey that can fire torpedoes while cloaked.
Non of those are "Hero Ships". They weren't the main StarShip of a (TV Show/Movie).

That was his point. Because you said "they wanted to focus on lesser known ships, ships that haven't been 'Hero ships.'" Yet LDS has never focused on any of those ships @Macintosh listed.

It's a temporary antagonist in a earlier movie, it becomes Sulu's Ship later on, and it gets plenty of screen time when they help out Kirk take out the Cloaked Bird of Prey that can fire torpedoes while cloaked.

That doesn't make it a hero ship. A hero ship is the ship that a specific show/movie focuses on.

TOS: Enterprise NCC-1701
TOS films: refit Enterprise NCC-1701, HMS Bounty, Enterprise-A
TNG: Enterprise NCC-1701-D
DS9: Deep Space Nine station, Defiant
VOY: Voyager
ENT: Enterprise NX-01
DSC: Discovery
PIC: La Sirena, Stargazer-A, Titan-A
LDS: Cerritos
PRO: Protostar
TNG films: Enterprise-D, Enterprise-E

Those are all the hero ships. Everything else is just secondary/support/background ships.
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In terms of Saber vs Norway vs Steamrunner popularity, the only things I can think of:
- In FC, a Saber was given the prestigious name Yeager (a 20th century US-American pilot).
- Steamrunner was in the epochal Star Trek: Armada game.
- Saber was added in Armada II. Norway wasn’t.
- Saber is a hero ship in the Star Trek: Corps of Engineers series, as USS da Vinci (USS Da Vinci?). In STO, the 25th century Saber is even called da Vinci/Da Vinci class.
- In STO, Saber was in from launch. Steamrunner was added in an odd pack years later, Norway class only in 2023.
- Saber has appeared as focus ship in 2 Ships of the Line calendars.

I could be wrong, but I’d say Saber became more prominent sometime after FC came out, and Norway is kind of the red-headed stepchild. Steamrunner may be the forgotten middle child.
- In FC, a Saber was given the prestigious name Yeager (a 20th century US-American pilot).

So was the DS9 kitbash USS Yeager ;)

- Steamrunner was in the epochal Star Trek: Armada game.

I know nothing about this game. Was the Steamrunner the hero ship of the game? Do video games even have hero ships?

- Saber was added in Armada II. Norway wasn’t.

See above.

- Saber is a hero ship in the Star Trek: Corps of Engineers series, as USS da Vinci (USS Da Vinci?). In STO, the 25th century Saber is even called da Vinci/Da Vinci class.

This I knew, because I was one of the 1% of Trek fans who actually read the novels. IIRC, the writers chose the Saber class specifically because it was a small ship.

- In STO, Saber was in from launch. Steamrunner was added in an odd pack years later, Norway class only in 2023.
- Saber has appeared as focus ship in 2 Ships of the Line calendars.

I'll take your word for this, as I don't play video games.

I could be wrong, but I’d say Saber became more prominent sometime after FC came out, and Norway is kind of the red-headed stepchild. Steamrunner may be the forgotten middle child.

I personally think that all the FC ships were only meant to be far background vessels whose only requirement was that they NOT resemble the new Enterprise-E, so the audience would not be confused as to which one was the hero ship. Three of the designs (which were already low poly for the film) would have faded into obscurity had DS9 not asked ILM to surrender the assets to them to pad out their CGI Dominion war fleet scenes, and even then, the Norway was so corrupted it couldn't be used, and the Steamrunner was partially corrupted but they used it anyway because it was just going to be in the far background. Really, the standout FC ship was the Akira, not the Saber, because everyone thought it was such a 'kewl' design.
That doesn't make it a hero ship. A hero ship is the ship that a specific show/movie focuses on.
Then it's a Recurring Guest Ship with prominence.

It gets alot more screen time than your typical background ship, but it's not quite a hero ship either then.

It's like the Nebula class, you see it so dang often.

I love that ship. It's so ugly, it's beautiful! :D
Yep! The Boba Fett of Starfleet (at the time, anyway).
Boba Fett went on to get his own Disney TV show.

Saber Class gets used more often Beta Cannon Content.
Then it's a Recurring Guest Ship with prominence.

It gets alot more screen time than your typical background ship, but it's not quite a hero ship either then.

It's like the Nebula class, you see it so dang often.

Well, what you actually see is stock footage of the same Excelsior ad nauseum because they were too cheap to spring for a new model.

I love that ship. It's so ugly, it's beautiful! :D

One of these days I'll get around to building a replica of it...still working on my Centaur replica.